
491 146668
58 posts

What do You think about bulling? i get bullied myself and it's not fun Plz reply what you think about it because it cause suicide,people bring knives and guns to school, and it just hurts them. What do you think? Don't be scared to stand up, Speak Up!

  • 491 Replies
3,675 posts

just get use to it. -_-
it's your life. just accept it

So you like spitting the same rhetoric the school system has been using for ages? "Boys will be boys." "It's part of growing up."

Bull. It is reasoning like that which leads to people killing themselves or having severe mental trauma for the rest of their life due to being bullied, and others becoming psychopaths that can only get through life by roughing someone else up as bullies.
30 posts

Bully's are not strong, but weak minded individuals. That is why they feel the need to pick on others. If your a strong minded individual, just intellectually shut them up. That is your greatest weapon, knowledge. It is literally your power. Also, if your bigger than a bully picking on a friend of yours, or just some poor kid you see getting picked on in school. Say something to the bully, that's what I did. They don't like it very well when they get put in their place.

30 posts

It wasn't that you were smarter. It was that you were bigger. He would have picked on you just as much if you were smaller than him.

Well turning a blind eye to the BS wont help either man.
5,552 posts

Bully's are not strong, but weak minded individuals. That is why they feel the need to pick on others.

This is another common misconception about bullying. Bullies may be bullies because they are trying to deal with their own issues and are taking it out on others, but that is far from the case every time. Many bullies are also victims of bullying, and many bullies don't realize that they are being a bully.

Ever heard the line, "I was just joking"? That's the truth for some of them, they didn't intend for things to go as far as they did or didn't realize it was hurting the other person.

Any time you try to shove one reason onto a broad issue, all you do is make yourself look foolish.

Well turning a blind eye to the BS wont help either man.

Making the bully look like an idiot or picking a fight with them won't help either.

If you want to stop bullying, there's a few good options.

1) Stop doing whatever it is that you're being bullied for. This is the most simple solution. If you can't stop then ignore this.

2) Confront the bully, but not in a violent or antagonistic way. They may not be aware that what they are doing is bothering you. If they don't stop after you do this, move on to the next point.

3) Ignore the bully. If you stop responding to their taunts, they'll lose interest. If after a few weeks they don't stop, move on.

4) Involve teachers/parents/friends and ask them for their support. At this point you have taken every reasonable action against the bully that will not get you in trouble. Teachers/parents have much more authority than your friends and will be able to help you far better.

Violence may stop a bully, but it may also make things worse. Not even counting that you can be punished for retaliating.
30 posts

Making the bully look like an idiot or picking a fight with them won't help either.

If you want to stop bullying, there's a few good options.

1) Stop doing whatever it is that you're being bullied for. This is the most simple solution. If you can't stop then ignore this.

2) Confront the bully, but not in a violent or antagonistic way. They may not be aware that what they are doing is bothering you. If they don't stop after you do this, move on to the next point.

3) Ignore the bully. If you stop responding to their taunts, they'll lose interest. If after a few weeks they don't stop, move on.

4) Involve teachers/parents/friends and ask them for their support. At this point you have taken every reasonable action against the bully that will not get you in trouble. Teachers/parents have much more authority than your friends and will be able to help you far better.

Violence may stop a bully, but it may also make things worse. Not even counting that you can be punished for retaliating.

Sad thing is, by the time some of the students that have been in the news got to step 4 they committed suicide. At some point we have to stop "thinking" about what the bully needs, and deal with the bully himself/herself. If someone says something to someone jokingly, and it hurts the other person's feelings on a consistent basis, I highly doubt they were ever joking in the first place. See my point? I bully doesn't do a once a time thing, its reoccurs.

What has happened in America where we tend to care more about the bully than the bullied? lol pussification at its best
5,552 posts

Sad thing is, by the time some of the students that have been in the news got to step 4 they committed suicide.

If it was that bad, involving teachers/parents should have been skipped to. It also would have been apparent that they were depressed/needing help. Likely there were other issues at play too.

At some point we have to stop "thinking" about what the bully needs, and deal with the bully himself/herself.


I bully doesn't do a once a time thing, its reoccurs.

Please refer back to my previous posts, I am well aware of this.

"There are three parts to what defines an action to be bullying: Imbalance of power is the most important. There is then actions or words which are intended to cause harm emotionally or physically. Lastly, it must be chronic."

What has happened in America where we tend to care more about the bully than the bullied? lol pussification at its best

What has happened where people are too self righteous and arrogant to consider that the bully is the source of the problem and that treating the source is the most effective way to the solution? What has happened to the fact that many bullies are victims themselves?

If you can fix the bully, all of their victims will be left in peace. If you fix the victims, you're patching up holes while your ship is under fire.

Things go far deeper than you realize.
30 posts

^ this is what I said a page ago and was blasted for it. Just intervene if you can, it doesn't have to be violent. He just has to know that someone larger than him, can do something about it if it continues.

5,552 posts

That's questionable. Usually whatever you're doing is harmless, i.e. using his favorite swing, or just standing around.

Hence the qualifier.

5.) Have someone superior to the bully reason with him. The bully is more inclined to leave you alone when he knows someone else is capable of doing the same to him. Violence can be avoided entirely, as well as potential complications that come with telling an adult, unless the adult in question wants to take the "Bigger than you" approach.

The problem with that is when that person is not around, they may still bully the victim.

Just intervene if you can, it doesn't have to be violent. He just has to know that someone larger than him, can do something about it if it continues.

I don't recall anyone saying you were wrong to suggest the victim seek help. I only said that doing that with violence wouldn't help.
883 posts

Just jumping in on the discussion here. Many times bullying is often mislabeled. In actuality, bullying is repeated abuse of multiple instances after being told to stop. Lots of people believe that just one instance of a rude comment or other harassment is bullying. My personal thoughts on bullying is that if it's cyber bullying or verbal abuse, just try to ignore that person until you can distance yourself from that person. However, if that person physically touches you, run away or get help. However, if none of the other options are available to you, punch them in the mouth. Bullies rarely expect resistance.

58 posts

Everyone I appreciate your support but some kids are completely messed up with these kinds of situations. Ex: thepunisher93 is completely messed up when it comes to this stuff. Fight fire with fire? Unbelievable. Please try to ignore these people and just talk about bullying.

421 posts

Excessive force is often s last resort but remember some poeple refuse to learn for example I know a guy who got the crap beat out of him twice and get this he can bench 110 he calls this 6'2 guy who can bench 200 a stupid n word guess how that went over but oh it gets even better he comes to school the next and running mouth his to a guy who is roughly twice his size (I'm not exagerating) and has beat the crap out of him twice before.

478 posts

Stop being wimps and fight back. Or just walk away! Only people that deserve it get it.

9,439 posts

Stop being wimps and fight back.

Oh yes. Violence solves everything.

If someone attacks you, you actually have every right to defend yourself, just don't use excessive force.

Last year, a 16 yr old punched me in the back of the head on the bus. I would've responded with force, but I was 18 at the time and it would be viewed as assaulting a child. I know how screwed up the legal system is and how sympathetic the media is to 'victims'. So no, you don't always have that right.
305 posts

If people try to bully me. I just ignore them. Walk away. Act like I didn't hear them. It will be hard at first but after a while it becomes second nature. happens all the time.

5,129 posts

it would be viewed as assaulting a child.

a child? a 16 year old?
shell we go to a random school and ask random 16 years old if they think they are a child or not?
a 16 year old aint no child anymore. they know very well what is and is not allowed. i say he deserved a smack in the face, (no punch ofcourse, only when he keeps going)
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