What do You think about bulling? i get bullied myself and it's not fun Plz reply what you think about it because it cause suicide,people bring knives and guns to school, and it just hurts them. What do you think? Don't be scared to stand up, Speak Up!
often enough do 16 year old come befor a judge as a adult. why not the other way? a 16 year old sure knows that hitting someone is a bad thing. people learn that around 7-10 year old. they might try again when they are 12-14 and puberty starts to kick in. but by age 16 they sure know the results and if they dont, they need to learn the lesson. and what better lesson then reality? a hit back. there is nothing wrong whit hitting kids at the right time. and such time sounds like the right time to me.
You have no idea how screwed up our school systems are
yea, i'm so glad ive not been part of that system. no pun intended, but it just shows me how screwed that part of the world is, once again. here we use more common sense i would (almost) say.
here we use more common sense i would (almost) say.
Common sense ain't common 'round here. Remember what happened with the Trayvon Martin case, with the media showing pics from 5yrs ago as emotional appeals? Same thing would happen if I fought back. Who does a judge/jury side with? The aspiring, outgoing, smiling, innocent child? Or the introverted, muscular adult?
Common sense ain't common 'round here. Remember what happened with the Trayvon Martin case, with the media showing pics from 5yrs ago as emotional appeals? Same thing would happen if I fought back. Who does a judge/jury side with? The aspiring, outgoing, smiling, innocent child? Or the introverted, muscular adult?
Well, to be fair, they also showed Zimmerman when he was fat, while at the time of the murder, he was muscular, and Martin was rail-thin.
Uh, that's probably more likely than anything to get you bullied[quote].What do you mean ?
If you act like an idiot you'll be treated as one. People may not treat you particularly well not but I can speak from personal experience that acting a way you're not will not make things better for long. Maybe a couple of months or a few years but you'll become either bored or tired of not being who you are. I know bullying sucks but if you act like yourself you will eventually find people that like you.
i ha a guy in my class who was like a giant and he would bully me and i actually found out something that he is scared of my brother so whenever he would chase me i would go to my brother and my brother would beat him up or scare him i love you bro
Off the bat: I was bullied. I am a bit of a realist, I agree with feminism, the hippy movement, or bullying but people are bullied (in the traditional sense) mainly because they are really annoying. It sucks I know. That little kid that everyone hates, they sometimes hate him because he poked at them every day and annoying the crap out of them. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I AM AGREEING WITH IT, ESPESCIALLY NOT "CYBER-BULLYING" JUST THAT I HAVE SEEN THIS HAPPEN.
Grammar please. The Free-Love movement involved many drugs and STDs and didn't get anything done. Peace and freedom are great but the FL movement wasn't the way to achieve them. Feminists bring up things like equal rights. Women have exactly the same rights as men. I believe what they are trying to get across is that they want to get rid of the label of "women" which is understandable, seeing as how they want the gender and sexes to be exactly the same (which they are not).