ForumsForum GamesThe Infinite Subchambers of the Ganticombs

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11,891 posts

You have no idea how you got here or where the way out is. SUDDENLY! Words appear out of nowhere.

Welcome to the Infinite Subchambers of the Ganticombs. You have been brought here against your will for the amusement of the Gantic. Each subchamber has two doors. One leading away from the main chamber and one leading toward it. The door leading toward the main chamber has an odd habit of locking itself, making it impossible to return to a previous chamber. The only way out is through. Maybe.

How to Play:
- Each player explores a subsequent chamber.
- Each subchamber is different.
- Post the subchamber number you are in.
- Describe the subchamber you are in.
- There are an infinite amount of subchambers and no way out.

Main Chamber
The main chamber is plain with walls of smooth oak boards. In the middle of the main chamber is a giant tear in spacetime that is oddly familiar. A forcefield prevents you from approaching it. In one wall is a door leading to another chamber.

And the next person describes subchamber 1.

()_() Gantic has taken over this thread.
(-ò_ó) Long live the Rabbit King!
o(")_(") Great is the White One!

  • 79 Replies
3,592 posts

Sub-chamber 1 is dark, there's blood everywhere, and you can probably trip on the skulls of those that were cast off into such a chamber for all eternity. But don't turn on any lights as the darkness will eat at your soul, and rip you apart. SAVE ME!!!

1,708 posts

Subchamber 2 is gray and damp. The walls are covered in moss. Voices are echoing all around you, blanketing you in mist. You go mad from hearing the voices chanting your name......

9,363 posts

Subchamber 3; You are suddenly blinded by wight light as you emerge from the gloom of the last two cambers, as your eyes adjust to the new level of brightness you look around through half-closed eyes. At first the room seems like something you would see in a tavern of some description, wooden panels on the walls, a bookcase here and there while a large dining table takes up the majority of the room. There are torches along the walls giving the room a warm comforting feeling. As you look around you see that the table is set for what seems a large meeting of sorts, plates, cutlery and jugs of ale are on the table. You notice that on one wall is a portrait of a man in a crown, it is an oil painting of some king, you see a golden strip of metal under the frame, "King Gus the Forth". You shake your head trying to see if the name rings a bell, it doesn't. You look around some more and notice that behind a wooden counter there is a trapdoor, out of shear curiosity you move toward it. Grabbing the old iron catch you pull open the door and find a stairway leading into some kind of cellar, it's dark and you decide to grab on of the torches nearby. As you descend into the gloom you notice that it's much cooler down here as compared to the comfy warmth above. You continue down, one step at a time, each producing a different groan and creak as the dry timber compresses slightly. You begin to sweat for some reason even though you are cold, looking back up the stairs you see the square of light far above you, merely a speck of light in the distance, how did you get so far down without noticing? Shaking your head you continue on, keeping your masters warning in mind, darkness plays tricks on the curious and imaginative minds. You finally reach the end of the stairs and your feet meet cobblestone, tendrils of cold race up your legs. You swing your torch looking for anything, you cannot even see the walls, you call out "Hello?" and are only greeted by your echo "Lo-lo-lo-lo." You move forward now, your pace faster then before, you constantly glance behind you to that square in the sky, using it as an anchor to reality and sanity. A moment later you hear a faint creaking and then a Phwoosh, you stand there for a moment and look back, the light is gone. The door has closed. You feel panic creeping into your thoughts, your heart beats faster and you can almost hear it. Then the light returns and you breathe a sigh of relief, you are safe. Turning to continue you on you notice something about the light, it's changed slightly, it's no longer steady in it's glow but it flickers and gutters moment to moment, you remember seeing a light like that recently and then you remember your torch. Looking into the fiery heart of the flames you watch it as it dances and flickers and gutters moment to moment and your heart begins to feel like lead, your armor chills against your skin and your breath begins to mist in front of you. The light begins to move and you are frozen with realization, If I can see it then it can see me.... You run throwing your torch to the ground and moving blindly through this cavern. You reach a door, a wooden thing built into the wall and you heave at the bolt to open it but it has rusted shut, your hands pain you as you pull and pull and pull, all to no avail. Glancing back the light is level with you now, no longer is it in the sky watching from above it is now with you on the floor, looking for the prey it saw before. You are taken over by terror and you continue to heave at the door until you hear laughter. Deep booming laughter, echoing from all around you looking back the light has gone. You can no longer see it in the sky nor on the ground. You pause, holding your breath as you continue to scan the darkness. The bolt at your hand slides free of its catch and the door swings open as you are pulled through into more darkness.

797 posts

SubChamber 4: A nice clean room with marble walls with a classy Lantern on the ceiling, Cracks start to form on the walls blood pours out of the cracks. The walls slowly tear down A familiar face pops right in the front of you and the lantern goes off. the chamber is filled with darkness and silence after a few seconds souls of the dead try to reach you but they cant reach you. you can hear the slight screaches of your loved ones and they start to get louder and louder the souls dissolve into some sort of goo. sudenly the face you saw earlier comes closer and closer making squishy sounds from the goo. You faint. when you wake up your in the nice marble room you were in before. the goo is dripping down the ceiling.....

3,171 posts

Question 1: Would these be going toward, or away from, the main room?

Question 2: Is this going to be played through like the old game?

11,891 posts

Question 1: Would these be going toward, or away from, the main room?

You are moving away from the main chamber.

Question 2: Is this going to be played through like the old game?

No. I'm not going to go through that again.* This is like those story threads where you just keep going.
2,419 posts

Subchamber 5: The walls and floor appear to be made of hardend blood, and a single dark mage stands in your way. He joins you in your quest to find the exit, but you are sucspicious of him.

2,825 posts

Subchamber 6: You enter what looks like a classy ****tail bar staffed by anthropomorphic rabbits in tuxedos. A carrot and lettuce martini doesn't sound very appetising however, so you decide to press on through to the next chamber.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 7: There is a winding path with various old machinery powering an unknown object. You reach the centre and find a strange dark brown semicircular object with multiple pipes entering from the top. There is a display with '1000' on it along with a small green button next to it. You press it, causing the numbers on the display to go down. After a while, the numbers hit 0000 and you see the object powering up. Before it finishes powering up, you suddenly hear an explosion far away before another explosion occurs. You realise the old machinery are creating a chain reaction of explosions so you run towards the exit before it can reach you.

2,825 posts

Subchamber 8: This chamber is in the shape of the interior of a car, made of polished granite. You have to climb in the driver's side door, and over the back seats into the boot to get out into the next chamber.

18,319 posts

Subchamber 9: The chamber is a place filled with cookies, in fact the whole room is inside a giant cookie. In order to get out you must eat a chocolate chip cookie, which there is only one to find. You eat the chocolate chip cookie, suddenly part of the cookie shows an exit in the shape of a bite mark.

2,825 posts

Subchamber 10: You start to wish you hadn't eaten that cookie, as it's making you feel sick. The fact that this chamber is a swirling, flashing vortex of colour that is sucking you along at high speed isn't helping. Eventually, the vortex spits you out at the other end.

1,035 posts

Subchamber 11: You find a big ogre. Then he punches to the other side.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 12: The room is full of magma on one side and freezing water on the other side. An old rope bridge hangs above them with a thick piece of rope hanging down from one end of the bridge. You also notice you are on a giant mechanical penguin which is flying above the water. Suddenly, the rope bridge breaks and falls towards you. It knocks you off and into the magma. Strangely, you don't get burnt and you can see perfectly fine in it. You notice an iron door which you open and head into the next room.

6,704 posts

Subchamber 13. As you enter the room, you hear a demonic giggling, and creepy old carnival music. The smell of blood reeks from the very stones surrounding you. Bloodstains are found throughout. You find a tray of very sharp medical instruments. You don't even try to ponder what they may be for. You see the walls are decorated with skulls and other things. As you start to panic, you run toward the door. Just before you reach it, you here a voice saying, "Cupcakes, anyone?" After that, you open the door, and go through.

Showing 1-15 of 79