ForumsForum GamesThe Infinite Subchambers of the Ganticombs

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11,891 posts

You have no idea how you got here or where the way out is. SUDDENLY! Words appear out of nowhere.

Welcome to the Infinite Subchambers of the Ganticombs. You have been brought here against your will for the amusement of the Gantic. Each subchamber has two doors. One leading away from the main chamber and one leading toward it. The door leading toward the main chamber has an odd habit of locking itself, making it impossible to return to a previous chamber. The only way out is through. Maybe.

How to Play:
- Each player explores a subsequent chamber.
- Each subchamber is different.
- Post the subchamber number you are in.
- Describe the subchamber you are in.
- There are an infinite amount of subchambers and no way out.

Main Chamber
The main chamber is plain with walls of smooth oak boards. In the middle of the main chamber is a giant tear in spacetime that is oddly familiar. A forcefield prevents you from approaching it. In one wall is a door leading to another chamber.

And the next person describes subchamber 1.

()_() Gantic has taken over this thread.
(-ò_ó) Long live the Rabbit King!
o(")_(") Great is the White One!

  • 79 Replies
11,891 posts

Subchamber 44: You fall for several minutes before your heart stop racing with the thought of impacting the ground. A blinking blue light appears in the darkness below you. It's an energy field of some sort. Your descent slows as you pass through the field. You land gently on a soft grassy surface. The entire floor is covered in grass from sky blue wall to sky blue wall. Overhead sits a simulated sun in the energy field you passed through. It's warmer in this chamber than the previous ones too, as if that was the real sun. Before you can find out for sure, the ground shifts and throws you into the next chamber.

8,231 posts

Subchamber 45: This chamber is illuminated softly, with an icy blue light from a hole in the ceiling. There's the sound of water falling somewhere, soft and insistent, and the stone is damp under your fingers. As you approach the light, the sound of water falling gets louder, though you don't see any water in the room aside from the moisture on the walls. Now you're directly under the light, and you squint up into it, trying to discern any form. The moment you move your head, you shoot upwards into the next chamber.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 46. You pop out of a giant carp statue's mouth and see yourself in a fancy Chinese garden. You suddenly realise that you're in a pond and swim out of it. You see a stone path on the grass and follow it until you find a fancy wooden door. You slide it open and enter through it before sliding it back and heading towards the next subchamber.

11,891 posts

Subchamber 47. A bed sits in the middle of this chamber amidst a carpeted floor. It looks soft and comfortable. You're tired, wet, dirty, hungry, and miserable. You change out of your wet and dirty clothes into pajamas that are laid out on the bed. They surprising fit really well, better than your own clothes even. As you get ready to climb into the bed, a trapdoor opens beneath you and you fall through to the next chamber

6,257 posts

Subchamber 49. You find yourself in a pitch black room, devoid of both reverberation and objects. You walk in a random direction for what feels like an hour before you walk face first into a wall. Liquid drops from your face onto your hands and the signal from the stinging pain emitted from your nose suggests it to be a nose bleed, but you ignore it in favor of moving along the wall until you find something else.

The wall is scaly and rough, and every few minutes you swear to yourself that you can feel it move, but you keep going, in hopes of finding an exit. You slowly walk with your hand gliding across the wall, hearing nothing but the faint tap of your shoes and your breathing, but you can't help shake the feeling that it's a bit louder than you imagine. Suddenly, you trip on something, letting out an ugly 'Oof!' as you fall to the ground. You hear a loud expulsion of air as if somebody or something was annoyed. A glowing orb appears in front of you in an instant, and in the middle is a large sliver of black, almost resembling a pupil. It blinks a few times vertically, similar to how reptiles blink, and suddenly the glowing orb raises higher and higher.

Fire is summoned from no where, illuminating the dragon that has awoken from its slumber. It roars, proud and arrogant. It spots you, and goes towards you while opening its gaping jaw filled with countless sword-like teeth. It gulps you whole, needing not to chew! Luckily for you, it seems its stomach is devoid of acid and instead, was a whole new entire subchamber.

6,737 posts

Subchamber 50: You walk into the room, it is dark and noiseless. You kick at the wall and suddenly lights turn on one by one down a row and across and such. You run into what looks like an endless passage and hit a wall, a mirror. It is organized like a maze, you have no idea how to get out and every place you look is confusing because everything is mirrors, walls, floors and the ceiling. You run and run and finally run straight into one of the mirrors and it breaks, opening a void into which you are sucked into the next Subchamber.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 51. You awaken to a drumming sound and find yourself in the dressing room. As time passes, you begin to hear the sound of trumpets, then some violins along with various other instruments. You navigate towards the source of the music and find yourself on a large stage. Various instruments are floating around in the positions of an orchestra and playing by themselves. The audience area is filled with rows upon roads of empty seats. Suddenly, the music stops and a trapdoor with a pair of stairs leading down opens up near you. You cautiously enter it and the trapdoor closes behind you. You hear the sound of music starting up and fading as you descend into the next chamber.

9,808 posts

SUbchaMBR 5two

HE StRES at you WIth the 1 i unBLINKiNG NeVR mOOOoovinG but ALwaYS alWAys watwatwatching MOVE MOVE move move MOVE and WATCHING STaring the AIR is so THIkc HEavy and perTTTy greEEn

1,148 posts

sUBchaMbeR fIftY2.fIVe

You pASs OuT .

you wake up in your bed saying to yourself: &quothew, it was just a dream" as you suddenly feel an REALLY strong earthquake destroying your house, a tunami to wash you out, and you are washed right next to a super volcano as it explodes, you imedeitly wake up BacK iN suBCHamBer 5tYTwo as YOu slOWLY mOvE UP, uP anD Up aS YOU sEE the Air gETtiNg piNkeR as YoU ExpLOde. you awake in subchamber 3829103028174653829 as it says on the wall, as it slowley faints and faints, as when it dissapeares, you
hear a "muhahahaha" in the air as you fall down, down, down, as you faint.
you awake in the next subchamber.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 56. You find yourself on a construction site for a skyscraper. As you navigate the place, you discover Subchamber 53, 54 and 55 all next to each other. All look bare and unfinished as you look around each one. Suddenly you hear a ding as an elevator appears next to you. You enter it and get sent to the next subchamber.

3,075 posts

You hope for this to be over soon.
Either way...
The subchamber is actually just another door.
Thank goodness.

9,808 posts

sUBchaMbeR fIftY2.fIVe

pls no copy me

And if you are please at least get the chamber right :c


Subchamber 58
You stare onward, gazing at the army of teddy bears ahead. Each one perfectly identical to the next, and each and every one equal distant from the ones directly adjacent. It's not a small room, per se, but the bears just seem to go on and on.

You manage to break your gaze away from the bizarre set up and notice in the corner a message on the wall, you approach to find a few bloodstains, and notice the message is written in blood.

738 posts

Subchamber 59

You find yourself in a cave-like room. Even though there is just a small torch on a wall to light your path, you take a couple of steps forward; you notice that your footsteps sound hollow. As you move forward the light of the torch, wich is now behind you, becomes dimmer and dimmer. You can hear the sound of dripping water. Without hesitation you continue your way forward until suddenly, a large door made out of pure gold blockes your way.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 60. You find yourself in a golden room filled with lots of golden furniture. There are also golden automatons moving around doing their daily business. Also, all that gold is hurting your eyes due to the shine so you cover it. When you take a peek, you find yourself in the next subchamber.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 62. You stumbles into the sands a few meters from a cactus. You get up and shake off the dust on your clothes. Looking around, you notice you're in a desert with a few sparse cactuses dotted around the area. Suddenly, you see an oasis in the horizon and run towards it. As you reach it, you notice that it wasn't an oasis but the entrance to the next subchamber which happens to be underwater. You dive in and swim into the entrance and head to the next subchamber.

Showing 46-60 of 79