ForumsForum GamesThe Infinite Subchambers of the Ganticombs

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You have no idea how you got here or where the way out is. SUDDENLY! Words appear out of nowhere.

Welcome to the Infinite Subchambers of the Ganticombs. You have been brought here against your will for the amusement of the Gantic. Each subchamber has two doors. One leading away from the main chamber and one leading toward it. The door leading toward the main chamber has an odd habit of locking itself, making it impossible to return to a previous chamber. The only way out is through. Maybe.

How to Play:
- Each player explores a subsequent chamber.
- Each subchamber is different.
- Post the subchamber number you are in.
- Describe the subchamber you are in.
- There are an infinite amount of subchambers and no way out.

Main Chamber
The main chamber is plain with walls of smooth oak boards. In the middle of the main chamber is a giant tear in spacetime that is oddly familiar. A forcefield prevents you from approaching it. In one wall is a door leading to another chamber.

And the next person describes subchamber 1.

()_() Gantic has taken over this thread.
(-ò_ó) Long live the Rabbit King!
o(")_(") Great is the White One!

  • 79 Replies
9,808 posts

Subchamber 63

For a second, you could almost think you are on the hillside somewhere in Europe. The breeze, sounds of birds chirping, and even what feels like the sun's rays glowing everything around you. The water you came out of is wide, so wide you can't even see any other shores.

You move on towards the hilly landscape, reaching the top of one of the smooth bumps to find an endless array of pristine hilltops, all untouched by the creations of man. A flock of purple birds swoop overheads, chirping their flawless tune as they dance around the cloudless sky.

The sight, stealing your view from directly infront of you, causes you to miss the hole in the ground, stealing the nirvana away from you in place of a pitch black pipe connected to the hole.

You fall into the next subchamber.

1,148 posts

subchamber 64...?
money falls from nowhere along with a voice:
hello? anyone here?
you hear a buzz that gets louder and louder, until you are elecuted. when you stand up, you see another person with a tazer in front of you. you run to the door saying FOOOEEEEEEE!!!!! but just as you approach the door, it vanishes. the other person says MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE ME! the money suddenly becomes down-pointing when-hits-ground-vanish swords as the enemy activates a unbreakable force field.
you try to grab a sword but it dissapeares in your hand. you thought you would die when you here a sound: you have reached checkpoint 1/?. as the swords become buttons. after you pick up a button, all others dissapear and it starts to rain swords again. you press the button as the door to subchamber 65 opens. you run to escape that subchamber, and you made it.

3,075 posts

well,rather,out of the dragon from earlier.
you quick flee into the next door to Subchamber 66:
It's a big soon as you step on the floor,however,you hear a click.
You quicky dash across,and hear floor tiles falling into who-knows-what.You quicky open the door to the next subchamber.

9,808 posts

Subchamber 67

A pillow. Lavender in colour and about the size of a small tv. You approach it with hesitation, but upon reaching it you feel it and notice how coarse and rough it is. You flip it over to find an infestation of maggots crawling around, and at the center are 5 teeth, perfectly white, in a circle.

Suddenly, darkness.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 68. You find yourself inside a box in a small, damp and musty room. There are various torture devices around the room causing you to feel uncomfortable. You then notice a mirror and to your horror, you discover the box was in fact an iron maiden. The door suddenly swings shut and you close your eyes to accept your fate but strangely you feel no pain. When you open your eyes, you realise that the back has fallen out. Not wanting anything to do with this place any longer, you grab the nearest object and smash the mirror. It falls apart, revealing a tunnel to the next subchamber for you to crawl through.

1,148 posts

subchamber 68.5: you hear explosives exploding as you crawl. at the end, you see C4 on the wall. the path behind you closes until you are right next to the C4. you hear nukes dropping,as the wall behind you opens up. once you exit the tunnel, you see the C4 on the end exploding. then you float up as the wall above you opens and below you closes. once you exit to the room, everything are question marks no matter where you go. you reach fowards to a question mark and it vanishes, and traps you in a cage. you hear a voice saying "look up" so you look up and you see a nuke dropping to you. in a flash, you are teleported to subchamber 69.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 69. You feast your eyes onto two giant statue of a man and a woman facing each other. The man seems to be upside down and standing on his head only whereas the female is standing normally. Suddenly you make a connection between the subchamber number and the positioning of the statues and groan at the idiocy of the developer of this section. As you walk forward, you trip on an object and fall head first onto the ground. When you get up and look back, you see a plaque with 'I'M SORRY!' written on it. You stomp on the plaque in annoyance and a mysterious wind suddenly blows you away to the next subchamber.

1,148 posts

is it over? probably not.

8,231 posts

Subchamber 70: It's a pinkish room, soft-edged, with pulpy veins running through the ground. It's very hot in the room, and you wipe sweat from your forehead as you look around. Once in a while, the fleshy sacks on the walls would twitch with some unseen pulsation. It's an eerie setting, but you can't find the exit. Then, you notice that all the veins point in one direction. Following the veins leads you to a dark hole in the ground. You've just stared to bend over to peer down it when another one of those tremors makes you lose your footing and tumble into the next subchamber.

18,319 posts

Subchamber 71: You're in a room of mirrors. You can't find the exit, every time you turn a corner you see yourself. You go mad, you crack a mirror and cut yourself with shards of the mirror. You draw a door out of your own blood on the mirror. You turn the doorknob and head out.

54 posts

Subchamber 72: It is a slideshow of your timeline, leading all the way up to your death. You ponder the possible ways to escape but in the end you decide to do nothing and you end up dying because you forget to breath. This opens a door and resurrects you. You walk through the door.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 73. You walk into a meeting room filled with other people. A boring Powerpoint presentation about the future of some business is on display. You look for the door and pro but you start seeing statics in the room. Suddenly, the whole room shifts and turns dark and gloomy. You notice vegetation growing around the room along with cracks in the walls where there is paint peeling of. Oddly, the Powerpoint presentation is still on and showing the exact same slide. You turn the doorknob and head towards the next subchamber.

1,708 posts

Subchamber 74:

You walk into a musty old cafeteria. The cafeteria is one enormous room with no furniture except for a small stove. An old, haggard woman is attending to the stove. Men in orange jumpsuits are lined up to the stove carrying green plastic trays. The woman at the stove pours some kind of greyish slop onto the trays. A muscular man walks up to you. He throws a piece of the slop into your face. It feels hot and stings your face, causing you to temporarily lose vision. You then feel a pair of men lay their hands on you, pick you up, carry you, and throw you out of the cafeteria into another room. You wipe the slop from your eyes and blink. You have been thrown into a long, dim hallway. The hallway happens to be the next subchamber.

1,266 posts

Subchamber 75.

The lights brighten up. You appear to be onboard some kind of spacecraft, which is odd given the wood furnishings. Across the hallway, you see a wooden door; opening it, you are sucked out into space and spend an eternity drifting across the universe as a weird space-foetus.

Then you fall through a wormhole, into...

17,384 posts

Subchamber 76: A beeping sound disturbs your sleep and you get up and hit the alarm clock. You find yourself on a large double bed with red sheets covering it. You exit your bed and take a moment to adjust to your surroundings. You see that you're in a bedroom with pine floorings and cream coloured walls. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling. You change from your pyjamas and into your normal clothes. Suddenly, you find yourself hoisted into the air and thrown out the window and into the next subchamber.

Showing 61-75 of 79