ForumsForum GamesThe Infinite Subchambers of the Ganticombs

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You have no idea how you got here or where the way out is. SUDDENLY! Words appear out of nowhere.

Welcome to the Infinite Subchambers of the Ganticombs. You have been brought here against your will for the amusement of the Gantic. Each subchamber has two doors. One leading away from the main chamber and one leading toward it. The door leading toward the main chamber has an odd habit of locking itself, making it impossible to return to a previous chamber. The only way out is through. Maybe.

How to Play:
- Each player explores a subsequent chamber.
- Each subchamber is different.
- Post the subchamber number you are in.
- Describe the subchamber you are in.
- There are an infinite amount of subchambers and no way out.

Main Chamber
The main chamber is plain with walls of smooth oak boards. In the middle of the main chamber is a giant tear in spacetime that is oddly familiar. A forcefield prevents you from approaching it. In one wall is a door leading to another chamber.

And the next person describes subchamber 1.

()_() Gantic has taken over this thread.
(-ò_ó) Long live the Rabbit King!
o(")_(") Great is the White One!

  • 79 Replies
8,231 posts

Subchamber 77: The floor is a clear, smooth surface. The room is completely dark, and feeling around gives you the feeling that you're standing at the bottom of an inverted dome. Directly above you is a small tangle of wires. They're cold. Feeling around, you find a thin piece of cloth and yank it. Suddenly, the lightbulb you're in lights up. Just when you think you're about to go blind, the bulb shatters and you fall into darkness and the next subchamber.

17,384 posts

Subchamber 78: The floor is made of bubblewrap and the walls and ceiling are cardboard with some sticky tape at some parts. As you walk, the bubblewrap makes popping noises as they burst with every step you take. Eventually you find a whiteboard marker on the other end of the room and draw a door on the wall. You turn the handle and enter through the door into the next subchamber.

8,231 posts

Subchamber 79: Immediately, the heave and thrust of battle captures your attention. You seem to be on some middle ground between two opposing armies. You zig-zag across the field, avoiding corpses and, worse, those not quite dead yet. They grab at your legs and moan at you, and you pull free. There are no doors in sight, and you are perplexed. How would you get out of this area without one? But almost as soon as the thought exits your head, you spy a doorlike configuration of tree branches and trunks that are as of yet undamaged by the war. You run to it, through it, and into the next subchamber.

8,231 posts

Subchamber 81: You find yourself on a rocky ledge, and you grope wildly for balance. Your forward momentum nearly carried you over a dazzlingly high drop. Patchwork acres are visible here and there through a layer of clouds, stretching to the horizon, and the sun is a glowing coin. The stone is pleasantly cool against your back as you edge along the mountain, step after shuffling step. Suddenly, the support you're leaning against falls away, and you're precariously balanced on a thin stretch of rock, more like a ribbon than any real pathway, and the wind invites you to plunge over the edge to meet your fate as a red splotch in a field. Instead, you consolidate your courage and sprint across the narrow bridge, trusting yourself not to fall. There's a welcome darkness of an opening in another rock wall, and you throw yourself through it and into the next subchamber.

Showing 76-79 of 79