You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
C r a p. i wish i didn't forget to post my wish!
i make you forget your wish.i wish for my b-day to be everyday so i can gets more muney!!! xD
You have your birthday everyday, but no one remembers and you get no gifts/money.I wish I could get some sleep tonight. :|
a ghost wakes you every 10 minutes.i wish i can go through walls.
He makes an even scarier face and rips apart your brain. I wish the damn birds outside my window would SHUT UP.
They shut-up your face. I wish my wish wasn't granted.
Your face.I wish I had a proper computer...
Granted. You have a "roper" computer. No catches, no corruption of your wish. A proper computer that dresses smartly and wears "Acme-computer goggles". I wish I had a cherry tree in my garden.
The cherry tree is chopped down. By me.I wish I had an axe.
Granted, but it is possesed and causes you to cut down every tree you see.I wish knight's sister was hotter/less of aspammer.
Your head blows up.I wish Pazx wouldn't catch up with me in post count.
Granted, but all your posts are deleted.
Your head blows up.
My threats = jokes (unless specified as being otherwise)You get as many posts as I do, but you get castrated and the pain is too much for you to bear. Thus, you quit AG and I get ahead of you in posts.
Why would I quit AG? I would never want a social life with girls if I was castrated, so AG is all I would do.
so AG is all I would do.
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