You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
Granted but all the RPG's turn into bad spin-offs of bad with dames.I wish that I had more money.
Granted. You drown in a river of money, until you can't breath, killing you.I wish i can kill foxes at will.
Granted but when you do their souls haunt you forever.I wish that we had more forests.
Granted. One of the trees was planted above you.I wish i can haz a usable 3DS.
Granted but it uses so much power you cause a blackout across Indonesia.I wish Indonesia didn't have a black out due to that one faulty 3DS.
Granted, it has a black out because you took a major leak on the power lines.I wish all my school was done.
(you stalker XD )Granted, you died because of that.I wish JACK is dead. Oh wait, he already is.
Granted, JACK is dead, whoever JACK is, but JACKinbigletters haunts your dreams for eterintiy.I really wish I had a really good pizza right now.
Granted. It has a poison that makes you die the instant you touch it.
I wish i didn't forgot to wish.
Granted, but your use of a past-tense active verb to modify a past tense passive verb causes whomever is granting the wish the inadvertently destroy the universe out of utter confusion.I wish this cheap Walmart soda contained sugar.
Granted but it now contains so much sugar it's just a bottle of wet sugar.
I wish for some orange juice.
Granted, but it's habanero juice that happens to be orange.I wish for a bottle of wet sugar. That actually sounds delicious.
Granted but you just get a bottle of cheep Walmart soda instead.I wish to own a plot of land.
Granted, you own two square feet in Mexico, but it's stolen from a drug cartel, and he wants it back.I wish I had vegetables in my house.
Granted but they are atomically altered and are a-hankering for some human.I wish I could sit down.
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