Granted, but it is horrible sushi. It is so horrible that one of your traditional Japanese friends hears about it and stabs you in the shoulder to bring honor back to the art of making sushi.
I wish I had a platter of sushi partly made with fox meat.
Granted. It plays on a finite loop of the entire movie. When it ends, you need to say "Heeeerees JOHNNY!!!" and stab someone with something, and it will start up again. Not kill, just stab. No one wants to hire you forever.
I wish the Psycho music would be changed to the Mary Poppins movie.
@riku_ullman: I was referring to Snag618's wish right above mine.
Granted. The earth becomes a perfect sphere, but also becomes perfectly parallel to the sun. Seasons become 6 hours long and all 4 happen every single day, all over the world. Al Gore becomes president. Enjoy the environmental koolaid...