@AHomoSapien: Your corruption does not apply because I do not play contact sports at all. Let's just throw your corruption on Jonny Manziel, who strangely enough becomes the next Brett Favre and never leaves Cleveland his entire Football career.
Granted. You have your own personal flurry, but the snow never stick of more than five min once you leave.
I wish for an infinite supply of all 9 flavors of Peace tea!!
Granted you are only so active recently because the Genie already granted this wish, and since you didn't specified a length of time you consider to be [past] the genie did it for you.
I wish we have the capacity for space travel to other galaxy.
Granted you are consider to be league ahead of mere mortals both in body and mind. Your intelligence have ascended to such a level where no being in our universe can even keep up with your everyday conversation on the mundane much less the technical stuff. It's similar to how a baby would have no hope of understanding spoken language. And, your physical strength have also improve by leaps and bounds where even Atlas, whom could once boost of lifting entire planets, pales in comparison to one as great as you. Just a light tap of your hand would crumples flesh and cause hurricanes worst then any humanity have ever seen. You stand above us, as the strongest human being this world may ever known.
Granted, a touch of your hand would no longer crumples flesh, nor will it start hurricanes. Unfortunately for you wish-granters are well known for their habits of doing things in the extremes and never the way it were intended. You live the rest of your live in a zero-g research facility created just for you. Scientists around the world are babbled by you. You are the topic of many conversations and people would stares at you in awe much like the way they would a talking rabbit. You who can no longer exit your room for gravity would be strong enough to crush your bones and collapse your organs. None would argue that you were as strong as you were once described above.
I wish someone would make me a cup of vanilla hazelnut coffee.
Granted, When it's time for your forever to end, you will be surrounded by dozens of whom you consider your closest friend in life. And, When the inevitable comes, as it must for all mortals even one as legendary as you, it will be swift, painless, and anticlimactic. Your dozens of friend Meow so soulfully, that even the hardest of hearts would be moved, a symphony to mark the departure of a great legend as he takes his last breath. They will mourn your passing until nature takes it course and postmortem predation occurs, but for now be comforted by the fact that you did not leave this earth alone, and you will certainly not live alone forever.
I wish I could have teleported to xeano321 and snatch that cup of coffee just as he was about to take his first sip.
Granted, but you spill it all over both of you, as teleportation is very disorienting. Then, him and his wife who made the coffee chase after you and try to beat you up.
I wish the "r" at the beginning of my username was capitalized.
Granted, the frustrated Jinn could not find this so called "r" in front of your name and decided to just give you the Capitalized "R", that you so desire. After all it have better things to do then agonized over a lowercase letter. All official documents that you own, such as your passport, certification, driver licences reflects this change. Any effort you make to correct this would be in vain, for the "R" will always appear despite all the name changing forms that you have filed. The "R" haunts you to your last dying breath, and you became known as Mr. R due to your now un-pronounceable name.
I wish the sky appears to our vision as a light purple instead of the light blue we are use to.