You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
granted, you drank coke instead.
I wish junk food was healthy.
Granted, but it tastes awful, and makes you eat other healthy foods
I wish for Peace on Earth
Granted, life has now become boring.
I wish for peace in Hell.
Granted, the world is now in mass disorder, gee thanks...
I wish the world is back normal.
Granted, the normal-ness makes the world so boring, everyone commits suicide.
I wish the world was in touch with God.
Granted, but it's a god of another religion
I wish that I could remember to make wishes
Granted, though every time you remember, you have no idea what to wish for.
I wish I was working for AG.
Granted but you don't get paid.
I wish I could corrupt a wish.
Granted, but it was your own wish.
I wish I didn't wait 30 seconds before posting.
Granted, but your lag causes you to have to wait a minute before you can post
I wish I was happy
Granted, but you're only happy from being sad.
I wish the world was a better place.
Granted, but to do that, we wouldn't exist.
I wish I could change the world.
Granted, but you never get any credit, and live life almost the same as normal
I wish I could wish without my wish getting corrupted
Granted, though those kinds of wishes don't come true.
I wish I could cheat all kinds of smart remarks
Granted, your teacher gives you a dunce cap for being a smart alec.
I wish this would be easier.
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