In this game, you are a member of one of two armies: Americans or Insurrectionists.
This game is called IED for two reasons. As someone in a demolition group, your job is to Infiltrate-Eliminate-Demolish, and terrorists like blowing crap up with Improvised-Explosive-Devices.
Char Sheet:
Name: Callsign: Class: Squad: (ie. Alpha, Bravo... Zulu; I'll assign it, but tell me whose team you want to be on so that I can put people together) Main Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Equipment:
Callsigns can be anything you want, but they usually refer to your job (ie. a medic could be "Doc"[stupid example, I know])
Classes Weapons and Equipment are:
Class- Infantry Main- HK XM8, HK416 Secondary- Beretta M9 Equipment- Fragmentation Grenades (x2), Smoke Grenade, Stun Grenade, Med Kit
Class- Grenadier Main- HK XM25 IAWS Secondary- Beretta M9, MP9 Equipment- Fragmentation Grenades (x2), M18 Claymore, Med Kit
Why don't you just use the real abbreviation? It's more widely known. I changed it for you. I dunno. Cuz Delta's more fun to say than Golf. Or Whiskey. Now I have to say the whole alphabet. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu. See? Delta is clearly the coolest out of all of those. Except maybe Bravo. Yah, Bravo is cooler. So I changed it to Bravo. xP. Lol.
Oh, that's the Greek dude who...who...didn't he like, castrate himself or something? Damn, years and years of reading Greek myths and I can't even remember who Attis was. I know he had something to do with Adonis...
@cyan: You can't be a Corporal until you advance in rank. And why Blue? Oh well, it's your choice. @moat: Oops, meant to put Pvt. I guess I'm the sicko I was referring to... @whimsy: You can be a spotter with a rifle if you are on their team, or you can make another squad.
All right. If you want to start, and just have people join as we go along, it'll give you all a chance to be their ranking teammates, or you can wait for more people to join. Vote is for majority, not unanimous.
Majority wins (1 out of 1 vote, lol) You are taken to the battle-site in a chopper, and prepare to jump out. Site: Carson: You land directly at the drop zone with all of your NPC team except Jackson.
Hakon orders you and Spc. DeMott to clear the building to the left while he and Spc. Hill cover your back. As ranking soldier, Hill tells you to scan the room when he opens the door. There is no one in the building, but you see stairs to the left and a doorway at the base of it. What do you do? --------------------------------------------------- Obadiah: You land on top of an abandoned building 60 yards from Moat.
While running to re-join your team, you see activity to the left from the rooftop. Three guys are standing around an all-terrain truck, casually observing around them. What do you do? --------------------------------------------------- Attis: You land down the street from moat with Sgt. Jackson.
You start cautiously scouting the street, and see two men to your right. One of them has an RPG. What do you do? ---------------------------------------------------
@moat: i was intending to, but I forgetteded @cyan: they weren't shooting at you, but whatever... also, enemies used to be Charlies, but now they're Tangos ------------------------------------------------ Firestorm- You look in to see that is a kitchen. As you begin to turn around, you see an insurgent in the corner. He is looking out of a window, preparing to fire his gun. You prepare to shoot him, but a rocket soars into the kitchen, exploding and killing him. You hear over the radio that Blue has contacts, what do you do? ------------------------------------------------- Blue- You get off two shots. One misses completely, but the other clips the insurgent wielding the RPG in the leg. He falls to the ground, and you manage to shoot him twice more while he is down. What are your next actions?
Firestorm- You ascend the stairs, and peer around the corner. Suddenly, shots start flying at you. Hill comes up the stairs after you, and throws a frag grenade around the corner. You hear agonized screams, and an enemy comes flying around the corner. Split-second to react. What do you do? (remember, you don't just have to shoot him) ----------------------------------------------- Blue- Hakon:"Jackson, what's your status?" You remember that he landed with you... radio silence...
Cyan, sitrep means situation report. That is who, what, when, where, why. *scratches head* Maybe I shouldn't use military slang and abbreviations. Probably not their alphabet or even their timeline. =(.
Sorry that those options varied in size more than a little, but I do random dice rolls, so more things may happen to one person than to another... and some more important things.