After the Armature Incident, the world of Memetia was facing peril. Most of the wildlife and vegetation was mutated or destroyed by bombing of the surface. Those who remain have either made remote settlements ore struggle under the regime of an oppressive alien force.
There have been rumors that some of the veterans that lived through the incident at the source have appeared after nearly fifty years thinking they all died. They may be allies, but they may have been what caused this whole incident...
FOR THOSE WHO PLAYED PART 1: You can insert the original character sheet as an application, and you will receive the gear you kept at the end and be placed in a unique situation.
FOR THOSE WHO JUST STARTED: Don't worry, you can still start here, and you will be able to play the story from this point.
Character Sheet Name: Athlete: Mind: Body: Race: Origin:
(Stats cannot go below 1. But still, prepare for... Unforseen consequences.)
Name: Kinda self-explanatory.
Athlete: Speed and Endurance. Some things can only be avoided by straight running.
Body: Strength and Overall Endurance
Mind: Intelligence and Charisma. What's a good game without a puzzle?
Race: What part of Memetia you Hail from.
Cheezburgian: The most well-liked of anyone. Also, runs faster than average, and has gained more strength than before the Incident from forced labor in the Collective cities in Memetia. Body 6, Athlete 5, Mind 7
Chanian: Generally hated and stupid, they bulk up to Hulkish levels to compensate. They, however, have gotten a little brighter in the need of the epic wasteland that is now their home. Body 8, Athlete 6, Mind 5
Youtubian: In the 50 years, the Youtubains had to fix their cybernetic implants that have been broken since the invasion. This makes their bodies lighter, allowing for an easier time with athletics. Body 6, Athlete 4, Mind 9
Trollix: A more rebellious type of the aliens, they invaded Critizuela, wiping them all out. They decided that this would be a prime opportunity to break off from their oppressors. Body 6, Athlete 6, Mind 6
Origin: Determines stat modifications and the start of the character's story.
Laborer: An oppressed people who were forced to work in the Collective work camps. It's mind-numbing work, but it makes muscles strong. +2 body, -2 Mind.
Vansibane: Hermits that study the secrets of magic. Intense meditation makes them a little atrophied, but they can have a much more well-developed mind than normal. -1 Body, -2 Athlete, +3 Mind
Colonist: People who live in colonies other than the Collective cities. Stat-wise, they don't lose or gain anything.
Mercenary: A gun for hire. There's no charm to these cold soldiers of fortune, but they are more athletic and have more endurance than most. +1 body, +2 Athlete, -3 Mind
Survivor (VETERAN ONLY): Those who survived the Armature incident. The class for anyone who is re-using a character from Part 1. Keeps the same stats and equipment as they left with.
Name: Behemel Original Creature: Bears Psychology: Tyrant Lone Wolves Development: Tribe Description: Bear-like creatures with huge fists. They travel by themselves and take control of land by themselves. They act like savage Hitlers. Origin: They were bears injected with experimental chemicals designed to create super-soldiers. They instead became savage beastly tyrants
Kyrie: Well, I'll just move this to Franklin.
You "hear a ringing", so you should "ray to Skynet" for "direction". It appears to be time to see a "vision".
You head into your "rayer area". There is an altar at one side of a room. It's hard to spot, but there's a button hidden behind it. There's also some ambient mystic music playing from a hidden speaker.
The Collective has a pretty simple map, but someone found an overlay to put on the map. The overlay says "TACTICAL MAP", but it's way too complex for you to understand. There's another overlay on the table that says "SIMPLE TACTICAL MAP" with a not-so-well hidden "FOR STUPID CAPTAINS" in a corner that you can understand. There are several comms bases around your base, and there's another base a long ways off on the Watafaki river.
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: Beam Star: Ice Mode Beam Spreader/Sniper Rifle: MAX Power Electric Guitar: 175/300 Mana Power Orbs(Fire): 100/100 Mana Karma: 740
You successfully pick the lock! Since you were able to do that, it seems a couple of soldiers and a much more important looking soldier have not noticed you yet. They seem to be talking about a temple and some prisoners.
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: Beam Star: Ice Mode Beam Spreader/Sniper Rifle: MAX Power Electric Guitar: 175/300 Mana Power Orbs(Fire): 100/100 Mana Karma: 740
Being bad at sneaking, you are noticed quickly in the bright room. The beam star freezes their helmets, but they take them off and are undamaged. SB helps by blowing two of their heads off with the pistols, allowing you to bust the officer's head with your Guitar.
You enter a stance of prayer, and you hear someone open the door. You recognize the voice as one of your assistants, Bobfrey.
Bobfrey: General, I have an update on-ah, you're busy. I'll let everyone know you're praying.
As Bobfrey leaves, you get ready to hit the switch and BAM! You hear a voice of great power! have brought my attention to you. Mainly because you were doing the prayer right for once, but since there's no wish, it doesn't hurt, so thanks. Artemis, I see you have a great destiny, so I have cryptic messages for you because I'm a bit of a jerk god. You must search for the weapons of great power and unlock the key to the mystic land. Only then may thee reach the great new land. I have spoken, so heed my cryptic riddle.
You may find another vision in the remains of old divinity's connection to the world. But be warned: greedy and hostile invaders from the new land will try to keep you from the remains, so you must be ready to defend yourself. You must be ready...
The presence has left. It could be that the voice refers to the old temples left from older cultures.
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: Beam Star: Ice Mode Beam Spreader/Sniper Rifle: MAX Power Electric Guitar: 175/300 Mana Power Orbs(Fire): 100/100 Mana Karma: 740
"... how about i just fry them with electricity, burn them with fire, freeze them with ice, or just plain out snipe them with the beam speader, or just shoot them with the same weapon?"
Every Youtubian raises their hand. Apparently, most Youtubians have some tech experience in their life. There's one who apparently is the best among them, being a Grafting Artist.
Bobfrey: So, you were having a vision from Skynet? Any idea on what it was?
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: Beam Star: Ice Mode Beam Spreader/Sniper Rifle: MAX Power Electric Guitar: 175/300 Mana Power Orbs(Fire): 100/100 Mana Karma: 740
SB: Unfortunately, these are Troper Armor suits. teh best models have everything from bio-sealants to infinite ammo packs to even cloaking. These, however, just have standard armor and Anti-Element Debuffers. That freeze blast should have stopped his brain, but the helmet kept him safe. Of course, they tend to have issues in that explosions tend to cause Critical Existence Failures to anyone wearing one.
Bobfrey: I was going to tell you two things: For once, our water supply is full and there are some people approaching, unconfirmed whether they're hostile.