After the Armature Incident, the world of Memetia was facing peril. Most of the wildlife and vegetation was mutated or destroyed by bombing of the surface. Those who remain have either made remote settlements ore struggle under the regime of an oppressive alien force.
There have been rumors that some of the veterans that lived through the incident at the source have appeared after nearly fifty years thinking they all died. They may be allies, but they may have been what caused this whole incident...
FOR THOSE WHO PLAYED PART 1: You can insert the original character sheet as an application, and you will receive the gear you kept at the end and be placed in a unique situation.
FOR THOSE WHO JUST STARTED: Don't worry, you can still start here, and you will be able to play the story from this point.
Character Sheet Name: Athlete: Mind: Body: Race: Origin:
(Stats cannot go below 1. But still, prepare for... Unforseen consequences.)
Name: Kinda self-explanatory.
Athlete: Speed and Endurance. Some things can only be avoided by straight running.
Body: Strength and Overall Endurance
Mind: Intelligence and Charisma. What's a good game without a puzzle?
Race: What part of Memetia you Hail from.
Cheezburgian: The most well-liked of anyone. Also, runs faster than average, and has gained more strength than before the Incident from forced labor in the Collective cities in Memetia. Body 6, Athlete 5, Mind 7
Chanian: Generally hated and stupid, they bulk up to Hulkish levels to compensate. They, however, have gotten a little brighter in the need of the epic wasteland that is now their home. Body 8, Athlete 6, Mind 5
Youtubian: In the 50 years, the Youtubains had to fix their cybernetic implants that have been broken since the invasion. This makes their bodies lighter, allowing for an easier time with athletics. Body 6, Athlete 4, Mind 9
Trollix: A more rebellious type of the aliens, they invaded Critizuela, wiping them all out. They decided that this would be a prime opportunity to break off from their oppressors. Body 6, Athlete 6, Mind 6
Origin: Determines stat modifications and the start of the character's story.
Laborer: An oppressed people who were forced to work in the Collective work camps. It's mind-numbing work, but it makes muscles strong. +2 body, -2 Mind.
Vansibane: Hermits that study the secrets of magic. Intense meditation makes them a little atrophied, but they can have a much more well-developed mind than normal. -1 Body, -2 Athlete, +3 Mind
Colonist: People who live in colonies other than the Collective cities. Stat-wise, they don't lose or gain anything.
Mercenary: A gun for hire. There's no charm to these cold soldiers of fortune, but they are more athletic and have more endurance than most. +1 body, +2 Athlete, -3 Mind
Survivor (VETERAN ONLY): Those who survived the Armature incident. The class for anyone who is re-using a character from Part 1. Keeps the same stats and equipment as they left with.
I fixed the stats. The Origin adds or subtracts stats while the Race is the base stats.
You are a Mercenary receiving payment for a job from the Collective. By that, I mean that you are arguing with the payment deliverer. He's trying to make you turn in your armor and SMG, the armor that you paid for and the SMG that was yours to begin with.
"Look, you need to turn in all requisitioned weapons and armor when you receive payment. Both your armor and your gun are Collective guns and are not given unless you have taken them in a requisition."
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: "Bakugami" Grenade Launcher: 20 Grenades Beam Spreader/Sniper Rifle: MAX Power Electric Guitar: 175/300 Mana Power Orbs(Fire): 100/100 Mana Karma: 740
SB: Well, a lot of one element could damage suits this poorly kept, but CEF won't happen without an explosive. Here, you can borrow the grenade launcher until we find another explosive weapon.
There's a map of the facility. It seems there's an armory nearby, and past it the dig site for the temple.
The Youtubians can simply rob the banks from the Collective computers. They go and grab some energy weapons from the armory. The Enhancements Artist, named Zed, nudges you.
Zed: Hey, Atlas. I hear you're the leader of these guys. I've done enhancements for some of the top men in Youtubia, and I can probably do something good for you. Maybe a chip to boost your intelligence, kinetic muscles, some skeletal replacements to make you lighter, whatever you need.
Name: Marcus Athlete: 9 Mind: 8 Body: 3 Race: Cheezburgian Origin:Survivor Armor: Con Coat 9mm ammo: 40 Plas-A88: 8 Arc Reactor: 12 Karma: Universe is too biased to determine
Im not sure you understand. your brotherhood means absolutly nothing to me. I have homeland, to go to, my own enemies i need to kill, and to sum it up i want nothing to do with your "brotherhood".
oh cool, i appearently have cherry bombs. ^.^ so if i had to guess, i'd say god of explosives or something? i know in a game i was watching bakugami = cherry bomb tricks. ^.^
Bobfrey: I'll give you your trusty rocket launcher. If it's Collective like the scouts think, you'll need it.
You take the launcher and head to the spot, hiding behind a nearby rock. A scout sneaks to you.
Scout: Sir, bad news. There's about five Collective slavers, and I count three "Squid-Faces" with shotguns and Hazard Suits, two "Frogsaurs" on melee and a "Soviet Scorpion" with a sniper rifle. Sqids are in environment suits, but the Frogs and Scorpion are slaves. I'd see if we can pacify them by killing the squids.
You should be able to take out the squids with an explosion. Lucky you have the rocket launcher.
For context on what these guys are:
Squids-like Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Frogs-like the Krogan from Mass Effect Scorpions-The Syphronitzans from Memetia Historical: Unnatural Selection
If you need me to give examples, I can look them up for you.
Payment Giver: I wouldn't do that. These Balcheans would easily break you if you tried to harm me. They have to obey my every will. Did you know that they can crush...
As he rambles on, you look at the Balcheans The Balcheans hem mentioned are in chains, but with just shock collars on their wrists so they can fight. One appears to be rolling his eyes and doing the hand-mouth-babble motion, while the other looks like he's crushing an invisible head next to the payment giver.
Zed: Well, luckily I found some gallons of anesthetic and feel generous, So I'll give you the full package. Now I'll if you'll just lay on that table there, I'll begin.
Zed makes you experience nap-time for a little while. When regains consciousness, Zed is washing his knife. You head feels a little fuzzy, your legs feel wobbly and you feel like you're going to trip, but other than that no real problems.
Zed: Worked to atomic precision. I'd take it easy while you get used to your new parts. By the way, you seem gifted for a Chanian. Your brain seems to work better at especially cold temperatures. So well that you nearly broke the anesthetic when I cold-sealed the chip to your brain. I put in another circuit so that it doesn't take as extreme of temperatures to make your brain work. You should be able to think better in colder environments now.
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: "Bakugami" Grenade Launcher: 20 Grenades Beam Spreader/Sniper Rifle: MAX Power Electric Guitar: 175/300 Mana Power Orbs(Fire): 100/100 Mana Karma: 740
Were you watching Okami? I know that Bakugami gives you cherry bombs in that. Actually, Okami is where I got the name for it.
You approach the armory door, and watch as the door busts open and a head flies out, embedding itself in the steel wall. An armor suit slides out, perfectly intact except smoking and sans body. A glance inside sees that the weapons and ammo are intact, and also causes a rocket to fly into the head and fail to do anything to it.
SB: KUNG-FU CRYSTAL DRAGON JESUS! They have Critical Existence Failure rockets! okay, yah, it probably won't hurt you, but I think I'll stay back in the maintenance closet with the door shut! Seeya!
SB runs into the closet and shuts the armored door. A quick check of the rockets shows that, no, you don't take damage from the rockets. It hurts like a *****, but there's no drop in your HUD health.
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: "Bakugami" Grenade Launcher: 20 Grenades Beam Spreader/Sniper Rifle: MAX Power Electric Guitar: 175/300 Mana Power Orbs(Fire): 100/100 Mana Karma: 740
... note to self: if i see a paint brush as a weapon, grab it. it'd be so funny to abuse power slash, fireburst, galestorms, cherry bombs, and the like.
hmm... if i had to guess, the CEF are either a test weapon, or designed to torture people. well, lets's try something, i see if i can trick the rockets into hitting the armor.
Name:Jim Athlete:7 Mind:4 Body:7 Race:Cheeseburgian Origin:Mercenary Armor: Troper Element Suit Weapons Equipped: "Chimera" Submachinegun: 250 bullets fine but im not giving you my weapon
Name: Marcus Athlete: 9 Mind: 8 Body: 3 Race: Cheezburgian Origin:Survivor Armor: Con Coat 9mm ammo: 40 Plas-A88: 8 Arc Reactor: 12 Karma: Universe is too biased to determine
It seems that you can't get the shuttle to work. Apparently, it receives commands from an outside source. You could easily imitate the Paladin's voice, but that camera might cause a problem, since you aren't even the same species as him. well, his head is intact and he had a patch and a replacement eye.
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: "Bakugami" Grenade Launcher: 20 Grenades Beam Spreader/Sniper Rifle: MAX Power Electric Guitar: 175/300 Mana Power Orbs(Fire): 100/100 Mana Karma: 740
<_< >_> *whistles innocently ^_^*
Wouldn't the acronym be CEFR? It just exploits a bug in Troper armor for any other armor.
You get the turret to fire, then do a little dodge-roll to force the homing rocket to loop around and target the next active armor: the turret.
When you check back up on SB, she's taken off her armor and is curled into a little ball.
You fire a rocket close to the Squids so they...collapse out of their armor. You load a shaped charge in case they're hostile, holster the launcher and approach. While you're doing so, the Scorpion is meditating and the Frogsauruses are looking for bits left of them, and seem to try and satisfy themselves by crushing the helmets.
Payment Giver: Unfortunately, that is confidential Collective property. Even if you had it before, you will have to turn it in.
It seems the Balcheans are trying to squish the guy's head, but are deterred by their collars. So, they settle for trying to shoot him with invisible guns.