Ahh...life is good. Life is grand. The world is your oyster. Or...er...it would be. See, there is no universe. So it can't really be your mollusk, my Lord. Ahh, please don't disintegrate me! What I meant to say was, there is no universe yet. I'm sure that as omnipotent and benevolent as you are, you'll be able to create it soon enough. Oh, did I forget to mention that you're an immortal deity, a god? Oh yes, well, I suppose the technical term is mortally challenged, but you know what I mean, sir. And I'm your servant. Er, actually, I'm one of two, but I'm the better servant my lord. Okay, that's enough. I've had it. I can't let this dolt do the talking any longer, twisting everything around. Let's make one thing clear; you may be the all-powerful deity around here, but I am your best servant, not Kiss-*** McGrovelpants over there. Capische? And we're your welcoming committee. So, yeah. Welcome to the universe. You idiot, that's not enough! This one's brand-new to the universe, remember? We need to explain everything first. *sigh* Fine...I still don't know what I did to deserve welcoming committee duty. It may have had something to do with how you insulted Zeus and Yahweh at the same time.... What? No one knew about that but...you. You tattled, you coward! I'm sorry about this one, my Lord. He's just stupid. HEY! You know what Yahweh said; thou shalt not lie. Or something like that. I was just telling the truth! Now, here's the deal, your Omnipotence, you're a brand-new god in a brand-new universe. See, there are a lot of universes in all the dimensions. He is correct, your All-Knowingness. There are several universes; you rule but one. Not that this encroaches on your all-encompassing power, of course, my Lord, but- Well, it kind of does, actually. See, for each universe there is a god or gods who rule over it. And unfortunately, being that you're such a young god, you don't have a lot of influence in the pantheon; that's the tribunal of gods that reviews each others' work. Although I'm sure you'll soon gain influence, my Lord, as soon as they see your divine beauty and omniscient power! Shut up and let me finish, dummkopf. As I was saying, the tribunal is all the gods in all the dimensions gathered together. They meet once every score of years- That's twenty years, my Lord. Be quiet and let me finish. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, the pantheon meets once every two decades to review each others' work and check up on dimensional progress. Now, the tribunal doesn't support either good or evil; anything you want to do in your universe, you can do. But you have to follow the rules set by the tribunal; basically, do what the tribunal says or they'll kick your ***. Well...it could have been presented in a slightly less vulgar way, but yes, that is true, my Lord. But that isn't important. Unless there's some sort of revolution, you needn't worry about the pantheon. You can create planets, solar systems, nebulae, stars, creatures, technology, and so much more, my Lord. All you must do is think it, and it will be. The dunce got it, except that he forgot about worship. Basically, the more worship you have, the more influence you will have in the pantheon and the more power you will have over your universe. Now that you know all this, you can start building your universe. Good luck my Lord, and we'll be here if you need any help.
Because these are the only 4 habitable planets i put a affect which will allow 25% of all the other planets in my galaxy to become habitable slowly.The other 25% will be half habitable while the 50% will not be habitable.Anyway i also put on all of my planets some water,grass and mountins.Then add some animals into them.
Yeah.I for got to put this in my above comment. Anyway on my 4 habitable planets i add clouds,grass,trees,water,mountins,animals,ores and the atmosphere.
Err...well...not exactly, no. A nebula is the remnants of a dead star...it's basically just a lot of dust and gas xP. A nebula is where stars and planets are made. You create hydrogen, anyway.
I also add Nebulas. I create more solar systems with a tons of more planets.Then add more habitable planets and put on them more animals. I also add astorieds,metorites and comets.
You add all that, except you add meteoroids instead of meteorites. See, because a meteoroid is a meteorite except a meteorite is a meteoroid that crashes onto a planet's surface...a meteoroid is still in space. And a meteor is a meteoroid that burns up in the planet's atmosphere before it reaches the surface. =\\
Man i forget the most important. In my habitable planets i add cores. I add the first humans. I also add rain,lighting,snow and wind. I also add fruit and vegtebles.
You combine Hydrogen and Oxygen. You get... Well there are actually a ton of different reactions you could have, depending on how many hydrogen atoms to how many oxygen atoms. So how many do you put in of each?
Name: Khorne Gender: Male Universe: Nebula, Solar System[8], 12 Solar Systems, 6 Habitable Planets. Planet Structures: Water, Atmosphere, Plants, Animals.
All right, but before we go on, everyone who has animals and plants on their sheet needs to specify what animals and what plants.
Name: Khorne Gender: Male Universe: Nebula, Solar System[8], 12 Solar Systems, 6 Habitable Planets. Planet Structures: Water, Atmosphere, Plants, Animals.
Hmm, well earth-like plants and animals then I add Humans too but they will be stronger and will have a strong resistance to unfriendly conditions. They will be called Helios.