as it seems like say a chuck norris joke & at the end say POW thus HIT ME with the best chuck norris joke you got.ill start chuck norris doesn't fall out of a boat he attacks the water.
Chuck Norris is forbbiden from sky-diving. The reason? One Grand Canyon is enough.
When chuck norris gets into the water he doesn't get wet; the water gets chuck norris'd POW
Chuck norris can hurt a rocks feelings.POW
Jesus can walk on water but Chuck Norris can swim on land.POW!
Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father. POW!
Chuck Norris has already been to Mars that why there are no signs of life
It's already been posted, check at page 1 :P
Ubica that joke has already been said.Did you know that Chuck Norris cutted a knife????????
If you are 1,85m and Chuck Norris is 1,70m, Chuck Norris is taller than you.
Did you know that Chuck Norris threw a house out the window?POW!
you know how you can pee your name in snow? chuck norris can pee his name in concrete.
Chuck Norris can close Pandora's Box. POW
chuck norris can reuse a frag grenade.POW
Chuck Norris can play and finish Qwop in less than 1 second.POW!!!
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