as it seems like say a chuck norris joke & at the end say POW thus HIT ME with the best chuck norris joke you got.ill start chuck norris doesn't fall out of a boat he attacks the water.
Chuck Norris invented rap when his heart started bumping.
Chuck Norris doesn't do a push up, he just pushes the world down. POW.
Fear of spiders is called arachnaphobia, fear of confined spaces is called chlaustraphobia, fear of Chuck Norris is called Logic. POW
Chuck Norris can speak Braille. [b]POW![b]
Second one... that wasn't necessary. Anyone up for failing lessons? First one is free!Sorry for the triple post, but I felt compelled to post POW!**.Oh, and so that this isn't spam: Chuck Norris doesn't get older, he levels up. POW!
While you check your closet for the boogeyman at night, the boogyman checks HIS closet for Chuck Norris at night.
Chuck Norris does not know what he looks like, mirrors kill themselves when they see him.
Chuck Norris Fight Bruce Lee incapacitated
Chuck norris can jump better the Mario POW!
Moderators call Chuck Norris spammy.
when chuck norris flexs your shirt rips.
Chuck Norris doesn't need a hazmat suit when walking through a radioactive sludge pile, since he's radioactive to it. POW!!!
Chuck Norris never mows his lawn; he looks at it and dares it to grow.
chuck noris is just a man who will eventually die...
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