What about people who've never heard of him? A: And what about those who won't belive in him because they were brought up beliving in another god? B: And then there are those who don't belive in him but were still great people in the world.
Well, the first question is a good one. I myself believe something entirely different then what the main church believes, but since I am alone in my defense I will just quote someone else.
(John 14:6 NIV) Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
If someone arrived in Heaven, and Jesus told him "I am your lord, Jesus Christ", don't you think he would sympathize with someone who said, "Who?" What advantages do the people who haven't heard the Gospel really have over the mentally ill and unborn babies?
To the others,
A: If you were brought up in a different religion, (This does not exclude atheism) You must hear the light. Once you are given a chance, and you refuse to take it, you either accept one of the other chances, or go to hell when you die.
B: Everyone falls short. You do not have to believe in God to know that nobody can resist the sin of the Bible. There was only one truly great person in the world, and that was Jesus Christ.
This is still baseless as you have to accept the claims in the Bible without proof.
The bible is evidence. It isn't very good evidence, in your standards, but by definition it still is a foundation for a belief.
Considering God isn't equipping you with what's needed for this task then it's hardly giving us a chance.
We are given the tools we need to overcome sin. We all fail, but we do own the tools. Plus, we are saved by the grace of Jesus.
Which is why you get led in inaccurate and false directions.
Like ignoring evidence? We are both doing the same thing, just on a much different scale. (Me more than you.)
If he actually cares, he should. Besides, how much work is it for an all-powerful God? What is he doing if not trying to lead us to heaven?
What love would he show you if he forced you to submit to him? By sending you away, he is simply giving you what you want: Life without the Christian God.
You continue to miss the point. I don't care if God gives us a chance. Do you think it's moral to let us get tortured forever for a finite crime? Don't respond long-windedly, because you keep dodging the question. Just a simple "Yes" or "No".
You are completely wording the question wrong, but Yes. The reason you are cast away into hell is because God cannot bear the sight of sin. You may not stand in his presence if you aren't forgiven. As I have said, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. If you would like better reasoning, ask Jesus when he is judging you for a second chance. His response will be more intelligent and absolute than I could hope to reply.
If he simply made it impossible for you to believe anything else, by showing you absolute proof, he would take away your free will. What sort of loving God would do that?
And if you don't like the answer, that doesn't mean God can't exist. Some Christian churches simply denounce the existence of hell.
Why do we need to be tested? God is playing a cruel game with us. Do we make the completely illogical choice of assuming that this God, among the many other gods, is the one to worship, and go to heaven? Or do we get tortured forever for picking the wrong god or picking no god? That's not a fair test. Why does he need to test us if he knows what we're going to do? He's just watching us squirm and putting us through pain, and then eternally disposing of some of us forever.
If God isn't spending all of his time and power trying to guide us to heaven, then he doesn't love us.
Let's try this a philisophical one. Why is God good?
God is not the one playing the game with us. Lucifer is. We are tempted because Satan challenged our integrity before the Lord. And if God had bestowed his intelligence upon Satan, he would have given him everything he ultimately desires;
to be more God-like.We are created to believe what God commands us is Good. How feeble we would be to deny what we believe at the heart of our existence? For it is written: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14
The Bible is NOT evidence
BY DEFINITION, IT IS EVIDENCE. Wow, someone said this exact thing like 50 pages ago. They said something about a Giant Purple Ape living in a Floating Ice cream cone. (They have a better imagination than you, imo) Perhaps if billions of people came up to me saying they saw a Unicorn in the sky, and said it sincerely, I might actually believe them. Wouldn't you?
Good job. For this very reason, we don't accept scientific laws as 100% true.
No, Cogito Ergo Sum tells you to doubt EVERYTHING. Rechecking ideas and work has nothing to do with this principle.