I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done. I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please
We observe evolution in cellular life and systems. But a bunny that can resist syphilis is still a ****ing bunny. We also can observe favorable traits, but we cannot observe an alteration in the genotype or phenotype of any creature through natural means.
It's not respect if he allows us to unknowingly get tortured forever
But you do, don't you? You know all about God. You are trying to point out flaws in his thinking. How is your spirit unknowing?
Then doubt the Bible. Doubt God's existence. You don't have to deny it. I'm not denying it either.
I have. And I settled on Universal love before the ability to control nature.
These links aren't showing us scientific data or biblical study
Did you read them? They quote verses from the bible the whole time.
God allows Lucifer to play this game, and God is all-powerful, therefore more powerful than Lucifer, therefore the game goes on by his own will, therefore he is ultimately responsible for it.
Lucifer sorts the unworthy from the worthy. His job and goal is to prevent people from believing in God, and to curse him to his face. God ****it, why are you so stuck up on this subject. There are 3 things to know:
1: God gives everyone a chance to enter heaven 2: Lucifer is here to lead us away from God. 3: If you do not believe, your soul shall perish in a lake of fire.
Science simply put means knowledge. What is general meant when talking about science is the method used to arrive at this knowledge, "n. the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment"- Oxford Dictionary.
I did say I was just joking when I said my quote.
Yes I do but notice I'm also agreeing that it's a fact as well.
Don't be so misleading. When you say Evolution is "Fact", this in no way indicates that it was the way everything came to be. It simply means that if we tested it we would more than likely witness the results stated in the hypothesis. But since testing the theory of Evolution would be so wasteful and counter productive (Considering how expensive it would be, how much time it would take, and the need to duplicate results), we are stuck in a very annoying debate where scientists that study Evolution over assess what they might know and religious and philosophical leaders deny the existence of it all together.
Science doesn't claim that we evolved from a rodent (Using a base mammal for an example; it could be completely wrong), but it simply says that it definitely could have happened.
Wow, ShinyCowBeast, you're saying that evolution is wrong and you argue against it but you don't even take 10 minutes of your time to read Avorne's link... To me it sounds like you don't WANT to accept evolution. You don't even give it the slightest chance. Otherwise you would read about it.
i think it would take more than 10 mins to read the link she showed me. you are right that i dont want to accept evolution, because it goes against my religon, but wrong in saying that i dont give it the slightest chance. i once did consider it, for years actually, when i took the time to decide between religon and science. in the end religon made much more sense to me. gone through this already.
-cough- I'm not a she... at least I wasn't the last time I checked.
This is why I despise religion, it turns people into close-minded and ignorant fools, plugging their ears and shutting their eyes tight - blinded to the truth. If you're not even going to approach evolution from a neutral standpoint then what's the point in you even debating about it?
How does religion make more sense? Some magical, bearded sky-fairy poofed everything into existence and some time later sent himself to die for the sins that he could have just absolved anyway - does this really sound more believable than the things that are observed and theorized through science?
This is why I despise religion, it turns people into close-minded and ignorant fools, plugging their ears and shutting their eyes tight - blinded to the truth. If you're not even going to approach evolution from a neutral standpoint then what's the point in you even debating about it?
no offense intended, but im being no more close minded than you.
Some magical, bearded sky-fairy
1. Who said God is magical? magic is practiced by the occult, and anyone that is educated enough about christianity to discuss it should be aware of the difference between christian and occult. 2. also, God is not a sky fairy. that is just plain ridiculous.
poofed everything into existence and some time later sent himself to die for the sins that he could have just absolved anyway - does this really sound more believable than the things that are observed and theorized through science?
one huge part of christianity is faith. faith alone that Jesus Christ is our savior will get us to heaven. this is not the only time we need faith. there are things nobody understands, but we have to trust that they are true, just as it takes trust to believe scientific theories
The end justifies, the means, eh Razinskie? No matter. According to your logic, coupled with fundamental human anatomy law, we will never know the answer, even after death. All our perceived senses belong in our brain, not our supposed "soul". Without the senses, we would never be able to "sense" a heaven nor a hell. The brain is tissue and produces the psychological mind, and thus, when the body dies, it rots alongside it. When there is no "ower" to the brain, the senses are lost, and the body is unable to perceive anything, regardless of an assumed soul.
How do any of those things make people close-minded or ignorant? Religions make assertions and claim to be true without backing up what they're saying - none of those other things do that.
1. Who said God is magical? magic is practiced by the occult, and anyone that is educated enough about christianity to discuss it should be aware of the difference between christian and occult.
2. also, God is not a sky fairy. that is just plain ridiculous.
No one knows what God looks like, so the whole thing is shoddy on both sides of the argument.
one huge part of christianity is faith. faith alone that Jesus Christ is our savior will get us to heaven. this is not the only time we need faith. there are things nobody understands, but we have to trust that they are true, just as it takes trust to believe scientific theories
Unfortunately, it is more than trust for scientific theories and laws. With experience conducted many, many times (and counting) for said theories, they are repeatedly considered the closest, most plausible answers for the unknown world. Nothing is 100% true for Science. But said theories are instead "almost whole-heartedly plausible".
Religion stands on faith and faith alone. They cannot back up a shred of knowledge pertaining to the supernatural by mundane means.
How do any of those things make people close-minded or ignorant?
religous people (the way you see them)are the same as atheists in this way: we think our way is true and the other way is wrong. we are, in the other's eyes, close minded and ingnorant because we both believe there are no real facts in the other side. i could argue about this for a long time, or you can admit at least to yourself that you are close minded also
Religion stands on faith and faith alone. They cannot back up a shred of knowledge
i think there is a lot of evidence. how about this: iraq has all this oil. the oil comes from plants. that is most likely where the garden of eden was. the bible says that the garden of eden was between two rivers (tigris and euphrates) does that not also confirm the location?
We observe evolution in cellular life and systems. But a bunny that can resist syphilis is still a ****ing bunny. We also can observe favorable traits, but we cannot observe an alteration in the genotype or phenotype of any creature through natural means.
The example of ring species that was provided to you is an example of observed evolution on macroscopic animals. Yes we can and do observe alteration in the the genotype and phenotype of creatures through natural selection. Genotype is an organisms full hereditary information, even if not expressed. This is observed in any species including humans where we see on average around 150 mutations between parent and offspring. That's a change int he genotype. Phenotype is the observed properties. For example the Italian wall lizards that developed an entirely new digestive system or the already mentioned ring species. These are observe properties of a species changing resulting in new species.
As for a bunnies giving birth to a non bunnies, this isn't what we would expect to see in evolution. Evolution occurs in groups not individuals. What we would expect is a population of bunnies speciating (one group can't or won't mate with the other.) Then over time we would see increasingly more drastic differences between the two until we would classify at least one as something else. This is where the fossil record can come into play as it gives us a better view of this transitional process.
Don't be so misleading. When you say Evolution is "Fact", this in no way indicates that it was the way everything came to be.
Evolution as fact means we have observed it happening both on the macro and microscopic levels.
But since testing the theory of Evolution would be so wasteful and counter productive (Considering how expensive it would be, how much time it would take, and the need to duplicate results)
No it's not a waste of time, I've pointed out to you some of the applied benefits we have gained from this theory already.
we are stuck in a very annoying debate where scientists that study Evolution over assess what they might know and religious and philosophical leaders deny the existence of it all together.
Then open your eyes, do some reading, pull your fingers out of your ears and stop going "LALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING" and we won't be stuck anymore.
Science doesn't claim that we evolved from a rodent (Using a base mammal for an example; it could be completely wrong), but it simply says that it definitely could have happened.
No it claims we had a common ancestor which speciated allowing for the two species to exist.