But GOD controls everything. NOTHING happens that doesn't go according to his will, so everything that happens IS his will, including those who burn in Hell.
We are given the ability to act against God's will, as an effect of free will. So my dear, if YOUR will is to burn in Hell, God will do you that. God can persuade you out of that, but He rarely does such feats directly, mostly He uses us your neighbors to help you.
See, this is my point. If God revealed himself and said "If you don't worship me, you will burn in Hell" THEN we would be choosing between heaven and hell.
He did, go read Gospels.
But for not believing he exists, there's no reason to send me to Hell, because I wouldn't continue to doubt his existence if I was in heaven.
If you are too stubborn to not accept the truth if it's up front against, you, you will ultimately reject God and He will leave you alone, as good as in Hell. If you will accept Him as your God, it's better, but then your other deeds will come into account, by those deeds one can separate himself from God. Mt 25:31-46 give some details of what can one do to serve God in people, and it seems to be required.
God allows Lucifer to play this game, and God is all-powerful, therefore more powerful than Lucifer, therefore the game goes on by his own will, therefore he is ultimately responsible for it.
Hmm. Had to think that through to get a formidable answer. The answer is yes, God is responsible for many actions. But since some actions are effects of our choices, we are responsible for what we alter. Every right has a responsibility attached to it. So, if you have the right to believe or not, you are responsible for your choice, the same with many other available choices a person makes in his life. This means you cannot place the entirety of responsibility to God, because you are responsible for what you do. Anyway, even while God is responsible, He has no one to answer to, otherwise He won't be God. So you also cannot demand God of why He allowed something to happen. There was at least one parable regarding this matter...
One old man was constantly speaking "The world is unjust". An angel descends to him and told "You asked God of why the world is unjust. Come with me and I'll show you something." They come to a well where a big tree stood, with a hollow in it, the angel told the old man to climb into the hollow and watch, but not express his presence, and then vanished. Shortly a rich man came, settled to eat some meat and other tasty dishes, and fiddled with a purse full of gold, but when he left, he forgot the purse under the tree. Another man came, dressed poorly but cleanly, ate some bread with water from the well, then noticed the purse, grabbed it and returned home. Shortly a beggar came, dressed in rags, to drink some water, but as he approached, the rich man returned and demanded his purse off the beggar. Failing to get it back, he hit the beggar and killed him, and left in shock of what he just did. The old man cried within the tree, but at that moment the angel returned, and asked what did he see here. The old man replied "Injustice only", and then the angel told him: "That poor man was once a friend of that rich man, but the rich man robbed him blind of all his riches, and that beggar was once rich as well, but he turned up on his brother to get his riches, and killed him, but repented and gave away all his riches and requested God for a similar death to amend his guilt. God adhered to his prayers and gave him the martyrdom." The awestruck old man said "God is just."
Then doubt the Bible. Doubt God's existence. You don't have to deny it. I'm not denying it either.
There's a set of axioms in science as well. Here, the Bible is an axiom. Its interpretations, however, are not axioms and can be doubted, but it's complicated enough, so we have theologians for these debates, as you have scientists.
3: If you do not believe, your soul shall perish in a lake of fire.
Sorry Shift, this is not exactly like this. It's more like "If you refuse to believe, then..." There are still people who have never heard about God, but live according to their own conscience, and they can still be saved by the grace of God whom they couldn't just meet without their own guilt.
The end justifies, the means, eh Razinskie?
It's not a good deed for a moderator to pervert words. I don't tolerate trolling authorities.
All our perceived senses belong in our brain, not our supposed "soul".
Can you sense love with your brain?
No one knows what God looks like, so the whole thing is shoddy on both sides of the argument.
Honestly, I think MageGrayWolf needs to be quiet about evolution. Because Charles Darwin, the one who practically started plenty of this evolution stuff, was a Christian. So honestly, I dont think the topic of evolution should be brought up when trying to disprove Christianity. But hey, that's just me.
He's just trying to convince Shift4101 to accept evolution as true, which he refuses constantly. I have tried to make him do that too, since the Church has managed to resolve the contradictions arisen from literal reading of the Bible and evolution as a well-supported theory. I personally think that evolution is a proven theory, which however does not mitigate religion.
Fallacy of ad hominem, pballaddict. Just because Charles Darwin was a confirmed Christian does not mean that any of his findings are not of sound merit.
Misinterpretation does not do you any good too Freakenstein.