on is based on my personal experience of God's love
Which I highly doubt you can prove. Unless it is physically impossible to do otherwise then I'll call it the chances going your way.
where people received information from God about their neighbors while not meeting them prior to that, with the detalization unachievable even with indirect contact, which (the information) was then publicly proven by those neighbors
MGW gave me some info that such a proof is only personal-related and cannot be accepted "objectively".
In my opinion, if it isn't objectively God, then it isn't proof. If you saw it with your own eyes but cannot prove it to others then that's fine - but understand that people will disagree when you can't prove it.
Still, if God was able to provide the necessary info, and in all cases it was true, then it's most likely (rationally speaking, a believer says "true" instead) that God does care for us, which supports the Bible's words of Jesus in Jn 13-15 and other places. This in turn makes it most likely that other words of Jesus are also true.
I mostly lost track of what you was talking about but you used biblical references and 2 religious figures to back up an argument intended to prove them.
It's like explaining what a word means by using said word.
Isn't this illogical?
Life isn't logical, the attempt to make it look like a bad point by pointing that out is silly, and the parable itself isn't exactly very helpful when you put it into terms that are actually in life itself.
Is the irrationality you gain when your thoughts for survival kick in logical? Nope. Does "surviving" sound logical to us? Definitely - but even so, that is our instinct, when you think about it, the meaning of life is devoid (which is why I believe that the meaning of life is what you make of it), and thus (as mentioned in the video) the contradictions between the meaning of life and being here, etc, dredge up religion.
If so, you're speaking about passion or lust instead of love, which are indeed bodily emotions.
No, I'm talking about love as well. Passion if anything is the same thing - just that a lot of people perceive it incorrectly. Passion is the love or intense feel for something, and is often used in debates like IdrA raging on Starcraft II - he has such passion for it that of course he'll be angry when he loses.
Passion is essentially the same for a loved one.
And even if it were not, we can feel love and thus the brain is capable of generating such a feeling, the same way it does every other emotion (as we perceive them).
If, by any means, you recover from an NDE, and find out that you know something about someone else which appears true afterwards, and is complicated enough to not be a blind guess, does it still remain "oppycock"?
I could've sworn I've had deja vu on very complex matters (or rather the DETAIL of things) and I do not place this in a "God". Hell, I used to have the same dreams as a some few people which was... amazingly strange.
Again, it could be something as simple as chance to a very inadvertant and passive interpretation that your mind has processed.
Do I ACTUALLY know? I can't say I can, but even so you've not proved God and it's childish to say he did it when you can't prove he's real.
We call that Greek Mythology - if the volcano near Themalae's Village went off, obviously Hades was pissed off (or he just wanted some new guests).
Do I even need to have a REAL village name? No, it's fiction.
Prove this.
Whilst I could argue that this argument is already more logical than yours (because let's be fair - it is), I'd like to throw out that you'd be doing everyone a favor if you learnt of this yourself. Relying on us for such info does show (to me at least) that you're unwilling to accept this side of the debate and truthfully I don't know the specifics. Which is why I'm going to throw
this out there as hopefully a first step towards that.
- H