ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

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And with that, I saw what you meant. No, that account was not my doing. I can get someone to vouch if you don't believe me. By the way, his link was exactly *not* what I would post here. I wouldn't post anything distorted to be scandalous to Dawkins.

231 posts

sorry, not double posting, just saw this after

Warrior from beyond there are things that we don't know. But instead of admitting it you do the (Insert God here) in all the things we don't know. Second of all Natural Selection over time is evolution so you just contradicted yourself again or you know little to none about the subject.

natural selection and evolution are different.evolution takes place over millions of years and goes from one thing to millions of things.
natural selection is short.Dogs are example. earth is too young for them too 'become a different species' in fact even with time this probably wont happen.

if the earth is old, it and the sun would have touched at one point.this is because the sun shrinks a few feet every year.if it has been like this it would have touched earth.maybe it recently sped up? maybe. but even then, millions of years ago, the sun would have been close enough to make earth uninhabitable.

(and the name has no spaced :P)
5,552 posts

firstly, you left off the end of my comment, thats manipulative.

It doesn't matter if I left off the end part or not, the answer is the same: You DO have contradictions withen your bible, many of which have already been pointed out. For the sake of argument, what version do you have, Imaginary special edition mental gymnastics for beginners?

he just made an account, faved a few games threw up some comments so it looked good i think.

I still have no idea what you're talking about, what profile?
5,552 posts

Dogs are example. earth is too young for them too 'become a different species' in fact even with time this probably wont happen.

4 1/2 billion years is too short?

if the earth is old, it and the sun would have touched at one point.this is because the sun shrinks a few feet every year.

I'm not sure whether this deserves a laugh, a facepalm, or to be ignored completely.
231 posts

Exsqueeze me? Honey, that link has hundreds of thousands of views and thousands of likes/dislikes, if I did that in just a few hours, I'd be amazed with myself.

the account has been made for three days, and has 9 armor points. whatever letting it drop.just thought is was from you.Sorry.

If you take an organism that reproduces at a faster rate than humans, it is easier to see genetic changes between generations.

Evolution is fast depending on the environmental conditions and the reproduction rate of the species undergoing evolution.

thanks for clearing that up!
its still natural selection.
(why am i the only christian on this?)
187 posts

Do you know anything about evolution/natural selection? They are the same thing in a different context with the same result.

Dogs are example. earth is too young for them too 'become a different species' in fact even with time this probably wont happen.

Once upon a time, a human had a wolf as a friend. Over time, that wolf's clan joined as well. Over several thousand years, wolves became the countless breeds of dogs (and wolves) that we know today. And no, the earth is not too young because of the following:

if the earth is old, it and the sun would have touched at one point.this is because the sun shrinks a few feet every year.if it has been like this it would have touched earth.maybe it recently sped up? maybe. but even then, millions of years ago, the sun would have been close enough to make earth uninhabitable.

?!? The sun is 6 billion years old. Life started on earth at about several 100 million years ago. Your logic makes no sense whatsoever... The earth (to my knowledge) as always been in a zone that favoured the development of life.
231 posts

ok again i post then i see something new very sorry.
kasic your not even pulling up facts or anything, your just saying things that i can no longer respond to. in fact your just insulting my religion now.

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9,504 posts

Of course it's Natural Selection! Natural Selection is, obviously, one of the driving forces behind Evolution. But let me make something clear (so I wouldn't have to triple post and feel guilty). I'm pretty sure that millions of years is *not* fast work. We can take Evolution on different scales and see that it affects organisms faster than others, but again, it is a relatively very slow process. A faster scale would include size, gestation period, number of offspring, etc. Regardless of how much and how fast organisms breed, Evolution of the species is still a slow process.

5,552 posts

kasic your not even pulling up facts or anything

Fine, i'll be back in a bit with a fossil record site, a site telling you how old the earth is and when life started with unicellular organisms, and the different periods and extinctions withen them, and how old the sun is.

fact your just insulting my religion now.

No i'm not, although i'm still chuckling about that sun comment on it being too close to the earth.
3,085 posts
1,036 posts


4.55 billion years old based on numerous amounts of evidence.

231 posts

..... really? again? are you serious?

Do you know anything about evolution/natural selection? They are the same thing in a different context with the same result.

i know some im not an expert. but i do know the difference

?!? The sun is 6 billion years old. Life started on earth at about several 100 million years ago. Your logic makes no sense whatsoever... The earth (to my knowledge) as always been in a zone that favoured the development of life.

too you its old.not to me. it is because of God.

Once upon a time, a human had a wolf as a friend. Over time, that wolf's clan joined as well. Over several thousand years, wolves became the countless breeds of dogs (and wolves) that we know today. And no, the earth is not too young because of the following:

9,504 posts

?!? The sun is 6 billion years old. Life started on earth at about several 100 million years ago. Your logic makes no sense whatsoever... The earth (to my knowledge) as always been in a zone that favoured the development of life.

Life has been around much earlier than you think, MasterC. I'm reclarifying so we are all on the same page.
5,552 posts

too you its old.not to me. it is because of God.

It doesn't matter how old it is to either of us, it's as old as it is. How old, specifically, do you think the sun is? Because there's a lot of evidence for how old it is.

i know some im not an expert. but i do know the difference

The difference? What you're saying is akin to saying that rivers are not erosion because erosion is erosion. Natural selection is the driving force behind evolution.
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