Story:At 23rd century Earth population was grown to big for this planet.So goverments formed together, and founded new organization; United Human Space Colonization Organization (UHSCO) to find and colonize new planets. 2402 UHSCO found their 134th planet, only called as number 178452.That planet was deserted and it would been left to peace if one thing wasnt founded there.Technoshard, huge skyscrapper, was only structure what had found over there.And it wasnt a human orign.What extraordinary items could that building contain!Sadly it has shield around it, and no human weapon could shot those shields down.But after months, those shield suddently disappeired, and lot of UHSCO soldiers ran inside to see what that building contaided.But as suddently were shield gone, as suddently they come back, and UHSCO soldiers get trapped inside Technoshard.
In this rpg you are one of those "lucky" ones who are stuckked inside Technoshard.Search fabulous items and weapons, fight agains threats and descover mysteries of Technoshard!
Character sheet: Name: Appearance Hp:10x endurance Hp reg. endurance/2 Energy:10x intelligence Energy reg: intelligence/2 Classick below Weapons:select 2 by your class starting weapons, can find more in game Melee weapon:get by your class melee weapon, can find more in game Avabilityick below Items:get by your class, find more in game Allies.Find in game Stats:Use 25 points in stats below.Remember to put your class bonuses too!(stats cant get below 0!) Endurance: Intelligence: Agility: Strenght: Sniping: Gunsmith: Explosives: Seaching: Luck:
Stat explanations: Endurance:increases your max hp, and hp reg.Cant be below 1 Intelligence:Increases your max energy, energy reg and skill to use energic weapons.Energy is needed to use energy weapons and skills. Agility:Increases your moving and reloading speed Strenght:Increases your melee fighting skills,with your without melee weapons.Also decreases damage to you on melee fights. Sniping:Increases your skills to use long range weapons Gunsmith:Increases your skills to use medium and low range weapons Explosives:Increases your skills to use heavy weapons Seaching:increases your searching skills;you can find better weapons, ammo etc faster! Luck:Self explanation. I recomment to choose which kind of weapons you want to use, and focus mainly your skill points on them.You however can use any weapon which you find, but your skills on using them can be pretty low if you havent get some points on stats which increase their skills.
Classes: Marine +2 endurance,+1 strenght,+2 gunsmith,-3 sniping,-1 intelligence,-1 explosives Basic soldiers,trained to use various weapons. Starting weaponspick 2 if you select marine-class) Assault rifle (30/300) Pistol (12/120) Smg (45/225) Combat rifle (10/40) Shotgun (8/80) Auto-shotgun (10/70) Machinegun (50/200) Laser rifle (-2/30) Melee weapon:knife Items: 3 hand granedes
Sniper +5 sniping,-2 endurance,-1 agility,-2 gunsmith Long ranged unit,best against heavy and single opponents Starting weaponspick 2 if you select sniper-class) Sniper rifle: (5/50) Combat rifle (10/40) Laser rifle (-2/30) Bazooka (1/10) Railgun (-5/50) Pistol (12/120) Melee weapon:knuckle-duster Items:2 smoke granedes, 1 paralyzer granede
Brute +2 endurance +2 strenght +1 agility -3 sniping -2 intelligence Heavy units, mostly use melee and low range weapons. Starting weapons: (pick 2 if you select brute class) Shotgun (8/80) Auto-shotgun (10/70) Pistol (12/120) Smg (45/225) Melee weapon:sledge hammer Items:none!
Pioneer +3 intelligence,+1 agility,+1 endurance -2 explosives,-2 sniping,-1 strenght Pioneers are intelligence soldiers, which usually use energy weapons Starting weaponspick 2 if you select pioneer-class) Laser rifle (-2/30) Railgun (-5/50) Laser pistol (-1/20) Melee weapon:energy blade
Avabilitiesick 1 below Cloak: become undetectible for short period of time,-7 energy,2 charge Battle mode:Get faster, stronger, and aim better when battle mode is on -6 energy, 1 charge Teleport:Instatly travel a location which you choose.Low range.-10 energy, 2 charge Quick heal:heal by +10 hp -10 energy 3 charge Emp:Fire an Electro-Magnetic pulse aroud you, stunning and/or damaging mechanic devices.-13 energy,4 charge Shockwave:Fire a shockwave around you, pushing enemies away.-12 energy,3 charge Shield: create a energy barricade where you want, blocking most of fire. -16 energy, 4 charge
About this RPG: This is NOT suppose to be "realistic" rpg, you dont need to sleep or eat in here!Its all about wondering...
I cant be online every day, so you propably need to wait some time before getting replay by me...
FAQ: If you have some questions, look over here before asking to me. Can I ask questions (about this game)? Sure!Feel free to ask questions, in here, or in my profile.I try to answer as quickly as possible! What means (x/y) after a weapon? It means weapon clip/max ammo.X is ammo ammount currently in clip, y is max ammo for weapon AMMOS ALREADY IN CLIP ARENT COUNTED! Why some weapons, like laser rifle, has negative clip then? Energetic weapons wprk different way than normal ones.-x on them means energy ammount needed to fire a shot for it.So energetic weapons dont need ammos, only energy!However, they have cooldown bar, which is at same place as normally max ammo.It also counts down, when firing, and then when it reaches 0, you cant shoot!
Name: Tegael Appearance: Somewhat tall, of average build, medium length, brown hair, blue eyes, goatee. Hp: 50/50 Hp reg.: 3 Energy: 90/90 Energy reg.: 5 Class: Pioneer Weapons: Plasma sniper (-8/40), Railgun (-5/50) Melee weapon: Energy blade Avabilities:Shockwave Teleport Items: 4 handgranedes, 2 smart granedes, data attachiment Allies: Fred Hp:80/80 hp reg. 4 Laser rifle (-2/30) energy 40/40 energy reg. 2 Jack Hp:70/70 reg. 4 Shotgun 6/80 Stats Endurance: 5 Intelligence: 9 Agility: 3 Strength: 3 Sniping: 1 Gunsmith: 1 Explosives: 1 Searching: 2 Luck: 4 Moral: 7 Level: 3 Exp:1/400 Missions:None Medals: 1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp) Skilled (Use your avability 1st time,+5exp) Rookie (complete 1st mission, +20 exp) Weaponizer (get first weapon on Technoshard +20 exp)
The door opens, and you see some tables and weapon fastening on walls.And near back wall is two UHSCO soldiers, but they have odd battlesuits, UHSCO dont use that kind of suits.And their eyes are complelty red.
Name: Tegael Appearance: Somewhat tall, of average build, medium length, brown hair, blue eyes, goatee. Hp: 50/50 Hp reg.: 3 Energy: 90/90 Energy reg.: 5 Class: Pioneer Weapons: Plasma sniper (-8/40), Railgun (-5/50) Melee weapon: Energy blade Avabilities:Shockwave Teleport Items: 4 handgranedes, 2 smart granedes, data attachiment Allies: Fred Hp:80/80 hp reg. 4 Laser rifle (-2/30) energy 40/40 energy reg. 2 Jack Hp:70/70 reg. 4 Shotgun 6/80 Stats Endurance: 5 Intelligence: 9 Agility: 3 Strength: 3 Sniping: 1 Gunsmith: 1 Explosives: 1 Searching: 2 Luck: 4 Moral: 7 Level: 3 Exp:1/400 Missions: Find out what happened in Gun laboratory Medals: 1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp) Skilled (Use your avability 1st time,+5exp) Rookie (complete 1st mission, +20 exp) Weaponizer (get first weapon on Technoshard +20 exp)
Soldiers see you, and one of them says:"Aha, a fellow UHSCO soldier!You may wonder our appearance, we have been blessed with incredeble equiments by Guardians and.." Servant AI:"They lie, their minds are possessed by Guardins, I know sings!" UHSCO soldier:"Dont interrupt me, you stupid AI!Well, do you want to join us, and serve purposies of Guardians?"
Name: Tegael Appearance: Somewhat tall, of average build, medium length, brown hair, blue eyes, goatee. Hp: 50/50 Hp reg.: 3 Energy: 90/90 Energy reg.: 5 Class: Pioneer Weapons: Plasma sniper (-8/40), Railgun (-5/50) Melee weapon: Energy blade Avabilities:Shockwave Teleport Items: 4 handgranedes, 2 smart granedes, data attachiment Allies: Fred Hp:80/80 hp reg. 4 Laser rifle (-2/30) energy 40/40 energy reg. 2 Jack Hp:70/70 reg. 4 Shotgun 6/80 Stats Endurance: 5 Intelligence: 9 Agility: 3 Strength: 3 Sniping: 1 Gunsmith: 1 Explosives: 1 Searching: 2 Luck: 4 Moral: 7 Level: 3 Exp:1/400 Missions: Find out what happened in Gun laboratory Medals: 1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp) Skilled (Use your avability 1st time,+5exp) Rookie (complete 1st mission, +20 exp) Weaponizer (get first weapon on Technoshard +20 exp)
Servant AI:"Guardians are guarding AIs of Technoshard.They will protect this building agains any lifeform or Ais witch try to damage it.Those UHSCO soldiers are possessed by Guardians, they dont have their own will anymore and they are not even living anymore!Same thing wait for you, Tegael if you thrust those soldiers!" UHSCO soldier:"You are lying, stupid AI, actually we-" Servant AI:"AIS CANT LIE!"
Name: Tegael Appearance: Somewhat tall, of average build, medium length, brown hair, blue eyes, goatee. Hp: 50/50 Hp reg.: 3 Energy: 90/90 Energy reg.: 5 Class: Pioneer Weapons: Plasma sniper (-8/40), Railgun (-5/50) Melee weapon: Energy blade Avabilities:Shockwave Teleport Items: 4 handgranedes, 2 smart granedes, data attachiment Allies: Fred Hp:80/80 hp reg. 4 Laser rifle (-2/30) energy 40/40 energy reg. 2 Jack Hp:70/70 reg. 4 Shotgun 6/80 Location: 1st underground level, Gun laboratory Stats Endurance: 5 Intelligence: 9 Agility: 3 Strength: 3 Sniping: 1 Gunsmith: 1 Explosives: 1 Searching: 2 Luck: 4 Moral: 7 (Good) Level: 3 Exp:1/400 Missions: Find out what happened in Gun laboratory Medals: 1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp) Skilled (Use your avability 1st time,+5exp) Rookie (complete 1st mission, +20 exp) Weaponizer (get first weapon on Technoshard +20 exp)
UHSCO soldier:Expactly!So you have nothing to worry about. Servant AI:Guardians are... little paranoid and archaic as you would say.They dont like biological lifeforms, and they consider any even small change as negative and they have fallcy that biological lifeforms alway mess up places.
I added location-bar; so you cans see where are you.And aded explanation for your moral ammount.
Name: Tegael Appearance: Somewhat tall, of average build, medium length, brown hair, blue eyes, goatee. Hp: 50/50 Hp reg.: 3 Energy: 90/90 Energy reg.: 5 Class: Pioneer Weapons: Plasma sniper (-8/40), Railgun (-5/50) Melee weapon: Energy blade Avabilities:Shockwave Teleport Items: 4 handgranedes, 2 smart granedes, data attachiment Allies: Fred Hp:80/80 hp reg. 4 Laser rifle (-2/30) energy 40/40 energy reg. 2 Jack Hp:70/70 reg. 4 Shotgun 6/80 Location: 1st underground level, Gun laboratory Stats Endurance: 5 Intelligence: 9 Agility: 3 Strength: 3 Sniping: 1 Gunsmith: 1 Explosives: 1 Searching: 2 Luck: 4 Moral: 7 (Good) Level: 3 Exp:1/400 Missions: Find out what happened in Gun laboratory Medals: 1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp) Skilled (Use your avability 1st time,+5exp) Rookie (complete 1st mission, +20 exp) Weaponizer (get first weapon on Technoshard +20 exp)
Servant AI:"Mostly because of fear.Yes, we AIs can feel fear but not same as you do.Guardians fear you, because biological lifeforms are unpredicteble; they let their feelings control their actions.And also because AIs dont have "feelings" so they dont know much about you."
Name: Tegael Appearance: Somewhat tall, of average build, medium length, brown hair, blue eyes, goatee. Hp: 40/50 Hp reg.: 3 Energy: 90/90 Energy reg.: 5 Class: Pioneer Weapons: Plasma sniper (-8/40), Railgun (-5/50) Melee weapon: Energy blade Avabilities:Shockwave Teleport Items: 4 handgranedes, 2 smart granedes, data attachiment Allies: Fred Hp:80/80 hp reg. 4 Laser rifle (-2/30) energy 40/40 energy reg. 2 Jack Hp:70/70 reg. 4 Shotgun 6/80 Location: 1st underground level, Gun laboratory Stats Endurance: 5 Intelligence: 9 Agility: 3 Strength: 3 Sniping: 1 Gunsmith: 1 Explosives: 1 Searching: 2 Luck: 4 Moral: 8 (Helper) Level: 3 Exp:1/400 Missions: Find out what happened in Gun laboratory Medals: 1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp) Skilled (Use your avability 1st time,+5exp) Rookie (complete 1st mission, +20 exp) Weaponizer (get first weapon on Technoshard +20 exp)
You get +1 moral for asking if you can revive soldiers. Servant AI: "Yes, they are dead.Guardians have removed their viscera and only leaved exterior of them and put advanced equiment inside of them, which allows them to move, talk etc.So there is no way how they can be bring back to "life"." After explanation, one of soldiers charges towards you and strikes you ground (-10 hp). UHSCO soldier"He knows to much about Guardians, he must die!"
Name: Tegael Appearance: Somewhat tall, of average build, medium length, brown hair, blue eyes, goatee. Hp: 33/50 Hp reg.: 3 Energy: 80/90 Energy reg.: 5 Class: Pioneer Weapons: Plasma sniper (-8/40), Railgun (-5/40) Melee weapon: Energy blade Avabilities: Shockwave Teleport Items: 4 handgranedes, 2 smart granedes, data attachment Allies: Fred Hp: 73/80 hp reg. 4 Laser rifle (-2/20) energy 30/40 energy reg. 2 Jack Hp: 63/70 reg. 4 Shotgun 3/80 Location: 1st underground level, Gun laboratory Stats Endurance: 5 Intelligence: 9 Agility: 3 Strength: 3 Sniping: 1 Gunsmith: 1 Explosives: 1 Searching: 2 Luck: 4 Moral: 8 (Helper) Level: 3 Exp:1/400 Missions: Find out what happened in Gun laboratory Medals: 1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp) Skilled (Use your avability 1st time,+5exp) Rookie (complete 1st mission, +20 exp) Weaponizer (get first weapon on Technoshard +20 exp)
You get up, and fire 2 shots at closest soldier.Jacl and Fred also start firing.But then soldier uses Shockwave (-7 hp) and you and your allies fly to near door, which is closed.
Name: Tegael Appearance: Somewhat tall, of average build, medium length, brown hair, blue eyes, goatee. Hp: 36/50 Hp reg.: 3 Energy: 65/90 Energy reg.: 5 Class: Pioneer Weapons: Plasma sniper (-8/40), Railgun (-5/25) Melee weapon: Energy blade Avabilities: Shockwave Teleport Items: 4 handgranedes, 2 smart granedes, data attachment Allies: Fred Hp: 63/80 hp reg. 4 Laser rifle (-2/12) energy 22/40 energy reg. 2 Jack Hp: 55/70 reg. 4 Shotgun 0/80 (reloading) Location: 1st underground level, Gun laboratory Stats Endurance: 5 Intelligence: 9 Agility: 3 Strength: 3 Sniping: 1 Gunsmith: 1 Explosives: 1 Searching: 2 Luck: 4 Moral: 8 (Helper) Level: 3 Exp:101/400 Missions: Find out what happened in Gun laboratory Medals: 1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp) Skilled (Use your avability 1st time,+5exp) Rookie (complete 1st mission, +20 exp) Weaponizer (get first weapon on Technoshard +20 exp)
It takes 3 shots, bu you manage to kill him (+100 exp), by cutting him to 2 pieces.At same time, remining enemy soldier attacks agains your allys with his rifle.