A strange turn of events unfolded one fateful day, there just happened to be two people working on similar projects on the other side of the universe with the same problem. One, hailing from our universe, was a brilliant human scientist, working with a prototype transporter using a nearby wormhole. The other, a universe away, a somewhat bumbling wizard working on a way to sneak back into his favorite tavern past closing time using his mirror as a door. As you can guess, both their calculations where continuously way off, and, for a split second, crossed each other. At that point, the drunken wizard poked his head threw the portal into the astonished scientist's portal. The laboratories security was amazing, and the scientist was somehow practiced in systema, so the poor drunken wizard was in chains a second later. The laboratory then quickly phoned the Kremlin, a group of sorts much like a clan or even a government, who then sent a small brigade to the sight to check it out. A scout force of twenty people had gone thrue the portal, ten on foot, three scout ships, two officers, and five motorized units. Communications where cut after they had gone into the portal, and the wizard was to drunk to say anything, so the lab remained under heavy guard and top secret for about a week.
After the about a week was over, the wizard finally recovered from a sleep he was in, typical after using your own magic to open a portal to some other galaxy, and attempted to break the somewhat primitive, but effective, fetters he was in using spells which to his amazement where unable to do anything here. The guards thought he was mad, and stopped attempting to interrogate him. Then the important bit happened, the men returned. Not only did they return, they did it fat and happy, with pockets stuffed with valuable items. They stated this to the Kremlin, who started raiding the other galaxy immediately. Withing a month, they had become the richest corporation in seven sectors, with no end in sight to wealth. But then, problems came up. Several men reported being attacked, several men died. Nothing significant, but it started worrying people. The main thing was that three infantry men armed with Ak-1000s where killed by a man and his wife, one only had a sword and his wife a stick. The observer in the truck stated that the armor was not just plain steel, bullets didn't seem to pierce it, and that the wife was using some kind of spell. She was shooting fire from her hands. The man in the car quickly ran to the Gatling turret in the back of his car and fired several rounds, it took three to kill the man and two to kill his wife. This was the first real encounter with any inhabitants, as most seemed to be scared away by the flying and rolling metal monsters. The Kremlin decided to send some more people in, and even a nuclear missal and a battle ship, but with neither fitting threw. But it is hard to keep things like that secret, so other companies found out and demanded to know what was going on on threat of war. The Kremlin told, and developed a new policy. Anyone from anywhere in the galaxy could use it's portal, with a small tax on entering, and the ability to keep whatever you managed to find.
Of course, for the native population of this galaxy, this was a bad thing to get continuously raided. Though this world is extremely wide, somehow spanning millions of miles, and you only have medieval technology, magic allows most of the world to get this news. So good luck out there.
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way..? Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG. Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: like, rounds or type? Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG. Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 100 Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
Yes, rounds. I usually choose that, with 100 being standard. Your equipment is suitable, so let us begin.
You look around the transport ship one last time. Nothing unfamiliar, a few people who looked suspiciously like pirates, a few big guys with tattoos, and a few who you suspect on drugs. And a few who are all of the above. The room was just square and made of steel with a few seats to hold it's passengers, but it had the feel of a prison ship. The pilot was in a separate room, heavily locked. Apparently, he was not used to dealing with people of this...class.
Now you sit back and try thinking who you where working for again. Anything to get yourself distracted, you have been on this ship for days. Now what was it... Canon? Captain? No, that wasn't it... Ah yes, Canus. A decent sized corporation which is one of the galaxy leaders in biology and biochemistry as well as bioengineering. They had some strange obsession with animals, especially dogs. Their logo is even a dog's head, with a spire of DNA in the background. Ah well. Doesn't really matter, as long as you get paid. And they pay is a lot better than back on the streets.
The intercom comes into life, the sound of a nerves man with a higher pitch voice. "We...we are coming into dock. Prepare to land". Finally, you think. The engines die down and you feel the slightly bumpy decent. The intercom blared once more "It is now safe to exit the ship..." and the back door opened. It was once probably a cargo door, but whatever. Once walking out, you notice that the lab is a space station. A starbase isn't quite rare, but it does have that strange feeling of being a prison still. And the huge amount of turrets that are covering the surface of it doesn't help that image.
You can see all this because you are in a hallway made of glass, probably more of a defense as they can see you from the turrets, though you don't know why as about halfway true the hallway there are more turrets. These seem to be more of a machine gun rather than the cannon of the larger turrets on the outside, probably do to keeping footman out instead of ships. A few feat latter you and the other members of this raiding party are stopped be three Kremlin soldiers. They are wearing their brown uniforms with the red star on the front, like you always pictured them. They are one of the more strict corporations, so military like. Two are in kneeling position aiming their Aks at no one in particular, but gave a feel that they would use them at a moments notice. As if the turrets where not enough. The third stood in the middle, the only thing setting him apart from the others was a tall furry black hat with another star near the head. He stated something to the person who was apparently the pilot, who you had not noticed. He probably didn't want to be noticed. He gave the Kremlin a few bills and walked back to the ship looking quite relieved. The door to the building opened and the Kremlin in the hat said in the harsh accent that all Kremlin seem to have "Come". So you did.
You walk down another hallway, actually a series of hallways, with a ton of turrets and guards posted. Apparently they don't want people in who are not welcome. Another few minutes and you reach an elevator of sorts, which instead of bringing you vertically brings you horizontally. Perhaps a subway would have been a more accurate of a description. After another few minutes, you entered a large room with even more guards and turrets than before. At the end of the hallway is a portal, smaller than you thought it would be. It seems to be a spinning vortex, changing colors ever few seconds. The Kremlin in the hat points you in the portal, and you follow a few of the men you came here with into it. You see a small flash, and your stomach feels as though it will explode. You seem to be in another Kremlin base. You can tell because it had another hallway. This time, no guards got up to help, but a neon sign clearly pointed the way out. After you follow these signs past some of the hallways, turrets, and guards that the Kremlin seem to be obsessed with and exit to a quite refreshing world.
Well, it would be refreshing, but the town that had previously been here was leveled by the Kremlin. But you are on a hill, and in the distance what you see is promising. In the far distance, you vaguely see beautiful scenery. A few forest, a castle or two, a few mountains... Though any closer and what you see is a bunch of burned buildings and rubble. A few of the men you came in with got some sadistic smile and ran off holding their gun, running off in random directions, a few walked comely into random directions.
Well, it is your turn. The company gave you one simple mission, get valuable stuff. You get the first choice of the stuff you bring out, as well as a portion of money depending on how much you bring. Good deal. Now looking around again, you try to choose your destination. You could find a way to get into the distance, where the plundering will be good, though you might have some resistance. You could loot nearby, where you will find less and less valuable items but it is easier to reach and you will not reach any native resistance, and you doubt the other raiders will give you to much trouble. Well this world is yours for the taking, and you can do anything you want, these are just suggestions, so what do you do?
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG. Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 100 Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
Well I'm a little unnerved by the ruins, so I decide to head to the nearest castle. Bound to be plenty of loot there.
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG. Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 100 Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
You start jogging toward the closest castle, it looks about ten miles away. You feel strong here, like you can run forever, or like you are a feather. You are also a lot quicker than you are typically. The journey was longer than you thought, it took about three hours of your fast paced jog to reach it.
Looking up on the castle, you can see it is made of some form of white stone. Surrounding it are some farms, most of them abandoned, and a forest, which you are in currently. The walls are tall, taller than the surrounding threes. There are a few towers around the walls, which seem to be occupied by a man with a bow, a crossbow, or some similar implement. They don't seem to have seen you yet, do to the fact that you are in the forest still. This could play to your advantage.
The castle has one entrance, a wooden door like the one in fairy tails, though no mote. It seems to be run by a primitive pulley system, from what you can see. It is plated with metal with some of those big crossbows on it, it escapes your mind what they are called, stationed above it. A closer examination of the wall and you can see that in some places you may be able to use the rocks as climbing stones, climbing over the wall.
What do you do? You could attempt to get in peacefully, by knocking on the door, but you will probably be shot multiple times. You could find another group of raiders and just bust in and plunder, though you would have to trust another group of raiders as well as find them. You could sneak in, using either the wall, pretending to be a peasant using tools you find in the nearby farms, or smuggle yourself in somehow, which may let you in but if you are found out you are vulnerable. So once again, what do you do?
I think I will try to keep this between the real galaxy and the fantasy galaxy, though it would be acceptable to make a small fief in the fantasy galaxy. The "Galaxy of origin" is mostly used to decide what side you are on, your equipment and abilities, etc.
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG. Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 100 Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
I would take out the first guy I see with SMG, then head for the door as quick as possible; but stay within retreatable distance.
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG. Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 94 Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
You head toward the the door, as you approach you fire three rounds at both of the men arming the defenses. One attempts to fire, but your bullets smashed into his exposed arm, then chest, then head. His body fell backwards. The other received three hits to the chest, his armor was not pierced but the was thrown backwards headfirst over the wall. Hopefully no one would know what gunfire sounds like here.
Looking closer at the door, you realize it has no handle. It also seems to be locked. You kick at it a few times, then hit it with your sword in frustration, all futile. Just then, you hear a sudden sound of chains and the door starts to come open toward you. You dive to the side fast enough to avoid it, and you see the guard you shot in the chest. His armor was dented slightly, but your bullets seem to have no effect other than that. But his head was a nasty sort of read and his helmet had fallen off, he obviously hit his head pretty hard. It seems to have impaired his judgment, as he now is attempting to attack you with his crossbow rather than raise the alarm. It seems he had one for backup carrying it on his back. You have your sword out, and thinking quick, slash him across his head. You leave a read gash across his forehead as he falls backwards, and he seems to be dead this time.
Your in. Someone is going to be suspicious when they see the bodies, but you are in. You could go further in the city, to see what you can find. You could try stripping this guard of his armor, as it is obviously powerful, which may gain you the armor but risks that you will be caught by the bodies. Or you could run as fast as possible, since one of the other guards may have heard the gunshots and be alerted. What do you do?
Flag Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG. Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 94 Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
I filch his lightest piece of armor, take his cross bow, and head in; looking for guards moreso than loot.
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG, Chainmail, Crossbow Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 94 Bullets, 10 bolts Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
You take what armor you can simply, which ends up being his chain mail. It ends up coming up off quite nicely, as the fall seems to have loosened it. You take his crossbow, but only mange to find ten bolts, and then head off into the city. On your first exploration, you notice that this place is at least five miles across. Farms are also in here, lucky for you you came in near the farms. About a miles walk in, you end up walking to a city.
The city is medieval, most of it made of wood. Right away you notice a tavern, a two floor thing with a few drunks hanging about on it. You notice it first because you can smell it from your current location. The second thing you notice is another set of walls with another set of guards surrounding the palace itself. The real interesting thing about it is that it seems to have gargoyles of pure gold, with ruby eyes, or at least that is what it looks like from here. A few more buildings, mostly two stories, lined the streets. Merchants and other tradesmen attempting to make a profit themselves, though you notice a few guards patrolling among them.
You step off into the tavern and go to the bathroom, a filthy place but you are able to change in relative privacy into your armor. It won't protect you from stabbing weapons like crossbow bolts, but it should block some slash hits.
After you change, you notice this is also a good place to plan what to do next. You could go to the place that seems to be the palace, where most of the loot will be, but it will be heavily guarded. You could do some petty theft in the streets, combating the guards if they find you. Or you could get a room in the tavern and bide your time. What do you do?
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG, Chainmail, Crossbow Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 94 Bullets, 10 bolts Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
I'd rent a room, then go out and start a fight with a guard, hopefully starting enough commotion to pick some pockets.
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG, Chainmail, Crossbow Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 94 Bullets, 10 bolts Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
Not typically with one person, if I plan on coordinating more than one person, then I do it, but seeing as you are the only person, I think I will just go with story time. I will probably use counting time for an end game scenario, if I end up getting that far.
You rent a room, but realizing you don't have any money, you are suddenly put out of this plan. You decide to go with your secondary plan first, hoping that if you can make some money you will be able to get a room.
After walking a little bit down the street, you find a good target. There is a guard wielding a spear and patrolling alone. There are a few trades men around, from what you can tell a carpenter, a tailor, and a chef of some kind are all that are around. You grab toward your weapon, but are undecided on what to choose.
You could choose your gun, which would spend some ammo but would be stronger and make more noise, which may be to much. You could use your crossbow, which only has a few bolts, but would probably do some damage. Or you could use your swords, which will be more dangerous and make it more obvious that you attacked him, but it won't waste any ammo. What do you use?
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG, Chainmail, Crossbow Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 94 Bullets, 10 bolts Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
A smack with the sword; more of a taunt than an attack.
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG, Chainmail, Crossbow Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 94 Bullets, 10 bolts Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
You walk up to him sword drawn and give him a decent smack across the chest, sending him reeling back but not damaged much. You are amazed at how much stronger you seem here than back in your galaxy. He gives a small shout once he is hit, and gets up in fighting position. You are about to prepare to do something when he yells someone's name, and you notice a second guard come out of the chef's restaurant holding two loaves of bread in one hand and a loaded crossbow in the other. He drops the bread and aims at you, then yells for more help. He then states "Put your weapon down and your hands up!"
You suppose it would make since to have the guards go in pairs, and that it was suspicious to find one alone. But now you are in a little jam. You could comply with his orders, which may end you in a dungeon somewhere for the rest of your life. You could attempt to fight, using any weapon, but you would be fighting two men who are already aiming at you and it would take some time to draw a weapon other than your sword. Or you could run, if you can escape you won't be punished, but you run the risk of running into other guards or being shot by these. What do you do?
Name: Nurv Galaxy of Origin: Milky Way Inventory: Pen in his breast pocket, two-hand sword, SMG, Chainmail, Crossbow Health:10 Energy:5 Ammo: 94 Bullets, 10 bolts Biography: Corporate raider; just a hired street urchin. Physical appearance: Older teen, in expensive black suit (payment from the corporation) Crosshair Oaklies, sword and SMG slung across back.
I slowly take the SMG out from behind my back... Put one round in the second guard's face and run like hell. Hopefully I don't get shot while taking it out *_*