Person: I make a rope, and hang my head on it, so I die. Host: The rope snaps, you failed to kill yourself.
Person: I aim a gun at my head and fire! Host: The gun jams.
Person: I throw a grenade at the ground and wait for it to explode. Host: You wait, wait, wait, but it doesn't explode, you then realize you forgot to cook the Fail!
Victory Conditions -Kill yourself with an idea that cannot be reflected like in the examples. -The first guy who will kill himself is the new host of the game.
i set fire to myself while repeating the action i did before with auto-turrets that shoot anyone and anything that moves. including me. derp. and i do it in real life. in a desert. while stuck in lava. that is surrounded by leak-proof walls. made out of super powerful material that cant melt. or burn. or mix with the lava. and even the floor is made of it.
The ground is stereotypical movie quicksand and engulfs the grenade.
I lock myself and throw away the key and weld the door to the wall in an airtight room underground 50 miles below sea level and there's a truck revving it's engine in the room and I'm stabbing myself with a knife, and I'm covered in gasoline, and smoking 10 cigars at once.