Person: I make a rope, and hang my head on it, so I die. Host: The rope snaps, you failed to kill yourself.
Person: I aim a gun at my head and fire! Host: The gun jams.
Person: I throw a grenade at the ground and wait for it to explode. Host: You wait, wait, wait, but it doesn't explode, you then realize you forgot to cook the Fail!
Victory Conditions -Kill yourself with an idea that cannot be reflected like in the examples. -The first guy who will kill himself is the new host of the game.
i throw two radioactive atoms at one single at with a supercomputer & 50 nerds as backup doing the calculations & stand inside the atom splitting chamber
well guys emperorpalpatine sed i am the new host soo i try to stop you guys from killing your self
@spartandestroyer you go trough the meat grinder and lose one of your legs but befor you die a rescue team comes and saves you and makes you a new leg so you can walk again
I jump off a ledge in an unknown planet that has no life forms on it at all, and no one will ever discover it, and the ledge is 100 feet tall, and at the bottom is 100000 miles of spikes, and if i somehow stop moving/fallling the whole planet explodes and if i survive i will then suffocate in space and i am radioactive so if anyone or anything comes near me they incinerate and there are no planets near to land on and i am COMPLETELY alone.
oh did you forgot the spaceship that taked you here is back and the commander of spaceship that is radioactive to comes and save you the crew is wearing anti radioactive suit so they can save you and the planet didnt explode cause the radioactive that was on you gave the planet a power so it can live for more time