Person: I make a rope, and hang my head on it, so I die. Host: The rope snaps, you failed to kill yourself.
Person: I aim a gun at my head and fire! Host: The gun jams.
Person: I throw a grenade at the ground and wait for it to explode. Host: You wait, wait, wait, but it doesn't explode, you then realize you forgot to cook the Fail!
Victory Conditions -Kill yourself with an idea that cannot be reflected like in the examples. -The first guy who will kill himself is the new host of the game.
screw it i jump into a vat of toxic waste swallow 15 different bottles of perscription medication drink 20 bottles of vodka swallow the toxic waste & go to sleep in the canister
I lock myself and throw away the key and weld the door to the wall in an airtight room underground 50 miles below sea level and there's a truck revving it's engine in the room and I'm stabbing myself with a knife and some guy is firing a gun at me.
The guy shoots the knife out of your hand. The room full of air, which is less dense than water, floats to the surface. The Coast Guard finds the room, cuts it open, and saves you. The truck was in neutral and did nothing.
I am in this rocket when it blows up... [url=]
sorry guys i am back my computer was brocken and ...
you do it but a green light apears and some little green guys come out and say your DNA cool we cant let you die they save you
it turns out the plane you were riding was a simulator
god gets angery and saves you and takes you a safe place and he sez i will make your life mizrebell from now but i wont let you die
after two weeks the door breaks a bunch of soldiers come and give you food and than they say join us to fight for freedom the world war 3 has started !!!
a choper comes from air and saves you you lose one leg but they save you
yep you forget to plan how you kill your self
docters come and save you . you are in bad mode but you are saven
You lose the pillow first. as bluydee sed
you die but ... wait a secend you were playing a movie you survive
a choper comes and save you in air
it turns out to be you were deaming
sorry but you werent in the rocket you gone mad and you are in the hospital and you were thinking that you were in the rocket the docter sez to you dont watch youtube movies and gives you a pill