Kingdom Wars: Europe's Conflicts A strategy-like game set in a medieval European time period.
Setting As said before, this game is set in medieval Europe, around 1200's-1300's. There are no fantasy elements in this game.
Kingdom Sheet Kingdom: (Choose one from the map) Stability: 80% Wealth: 50,000 Gold, Average Army: 200 (Distribute into different troops) Enemies: (Preset based on the kingdom, may change over time) Allies: (Preset based on the kingdom, may change over time)
The Kingdoms
Rome - The Romans of Calradia have come back home to Europe. They have plans of conquering these lands, which may or may not become true. Their army consists of: Contos, Heavy Lance Cavalry Lancer, Heavy Lance Infantry Velite, Light Sword Infantry Praetori, Heavy Mace Infantry Sagittar, Light Mounted Archer Spectator, Light Dagger Scout They have been long enemies of Italy, and they plan to crush their kingdom for good.
Germany - The Germanic Vikings are at it again, they have moved further into Europe with dreams of plenty gold and immense power. Their army consists of: Atgeir, Heavy Halberdier Infantry Seax, Light Machete Infantry Jarl, Light Sword Infantry Gar, Heavy Spear Infantry Deguth, Heavy Shield Infantry Cosher, Heavy Flail Infantry They haven't been here for long but they have made plenty of enemies already. They are Poland and Sweden.
Italy - Italy, a famous warring country quickly losing their renown due to losses by Rome. They struggle to keep their kingdom alive, and just maybe they will live long enough for at least another thousand years. Their army consists of: Messer, Light Sword Infantry Cudel, Heavy Club Infantry Mauler, Heavy War Hammer Cavalry Varlet, Light Sword Scout Yewboy, Light Longbow Archer Bolter, Light Crossbow Archer They have been long enemies with Rome, ever since they have become kingdoms.
Poland - The rich and famous kingdom. Altough they are full of wealth, their standings in the realm as warring kingdom may not be as great. Their army consists of: Jaffart, Heavy Battle Axe Infantry Tabar, Heavy Battle Axe Cavalry Farasar, Heavy Throwing Axe Infantry Angon, Light Throwing Spear Infantry Wolder, Heavy Spear Infantry Hussar, Heavy Lance Cavalry They have recently become enemies with Germany, but Sweden has been there to help them out.
Sweden - Also a rich kingdom, they are similar to Poland in war as well. Their army consists of: Jouster, Heavy Lance Cavalry Toxophilite, Light Bow Archer Graz, Heavy Mace Infantry Goedendagger, Heavy Mace Cavalry Montant, Heavy Longsword Infantry Swerter, Heavy Longsword Cavalry They have heard news of the war between Germany and Poland, and since then they have become enemies with Germany and have been helping out Poland.
France - France is a lonesome kingdom, away from the others. They have been silently building up their armies and economy though, which has become easy to do so without the issues of war. Their army consists of: Passot, Heavy Longsword Infantry Blosz, Light Longsword Infantry Nadziak, Heavy War Pick-Ax Cavalry Hache, Heavy Axe Cavalry Flechir, Light Bow Archer Jeter, Heavy Throwing Spear Infantry
Mysteryl - Not much is known about this kingdom. They have appeared out of nowhere, and nobody is sure about what their army consists of. They are not at war with anyone and they do not have any allies. Rome had once sent scouts to send a message to Mysteryl, but only one came back. That one scout reportedly saw a disfigured, green face and an abnormally large sword, slicing up his fellow scouts. (Players may not join this kingdom)
Buildings You are able to construct buildings in Capitals, Towns, and Villages.
Wheat Farm - Produces wheat and bread Mill - For Bread and wheat storage Well - For Water Messenger Post - Messages and letters are sent here Watch Tower - Hidden or tall towers to watch over the town or village Prison - Used to jail citizens, outlaws, or enemies Marketplace - The center of all trade Tavern - Bar and resting area Barracks - Where infantry are trained and recruited Archery Range - Where archers and crossbowmen are trained and recruited Horse Farm - Where horses are raised and cavalry are trained and recruited School - Where people are educated and can learn jobs Castle - Where nobles rest and live Rest Area - Built on long roads or in small villages where travellers rest in Spike Fortification - Spikes are built on the sides of walls to make it hard for attackers to get in Wall - A wall can be built to protect from attacks
Stability Stability is an important thing to keep up, because if your stability is too low then your kingdom may end up falling.
Increases are constructing more buildings, gaining more wealth, defeating enemy armies, and expanding territory
Decreases are getting raided, losing territory, losing too much wealth, and losing wars
The Map
Three players only, (I have a spot reserved for Roty, so two slots left)
Kingdom: Sweden Stability: 80% Wealth: 50,000 Gold, Average Army: 25 Goendagger, 50 Graz ,35 Toxophilite, 50 Montant, 25 Jousters, 15 Swerter Enemies: Germany Allies: Sweden I make a compromise by hiring a general and send forces to direction of Germany but also tells them to not get too close to them we need to remain a low profile.I also start to make trade routes to Poland consisting of gold and weapons.
Kingdom: Sweden Stability: 80% Wealth: 50,000 Gold, Average (10,000 Gold /day on average) Army: 25 Goendagger, 50 Graz ,35 Toxophilite, 50 Montant, 25 Jousters, 15 Swerter Enemies: Germany Allies: Sweden
A fair sized army lead by a general under your command goes into the direction of the Germany. They stop around the border of Poland. You request to make trade routes between Poland and your kingdom, and it is quickly accepted. ----------------------------------------------------
Current Thinking
Germany - We have taken some of Poland's land already. Let's conquer more, shall we?
Italy - We should take the southern lands before Rome does.
Poland - Germany has already taken some of our land! We haven't got much supplies or forces to hold them back for long!
Kingdom: Sweden Stability: 80% Wealth: 50,000 Gold, Average (10,000 Gold /day on average) Army: 25 Goendagger, 50 Graz ,35 Toxophilite, 50 Montant, 25 Jousters, 15 Swerter Enemies: Germany Allies: Sweden I tell my general to start sending troops to Poland's border And also gives him permission to start hiring Mercs While in my city I start making a barracks while finding a way to sabotage Germany.
i'd join but this seems into a civilization game, can i play only the army parts and set my building civilization part to auto?
I don't get what you mean. ------------------------------------
Kingdom: Sweden Stability: 80% Wealth: 50,000 Gold, Average (10,000 Gold /day on average) Army: 25 Goendagger, 50 Graz ,35 Toxophilite, 50 Montant, 25 Jousters, 15 Swerter Enemies: Germany Allies: Poland
You give permission to the general that he may hire mercernaries, and he leaves to get to Poland's border.
Which city are you talking about? Sweden or Rivacheg? ---------------------------------------------
Current Thinking
Germany - We are beginning to surround our lands on Poland. They won't recieve much help if their enemy is around them.
Italy - We are beginning to take the southern lands.
Poland - We are in desperate need of help, or we're done for. If our production rates could rise a little bit, then we should be able to hold off Germany.
Seems you understood me wrong, I said I go and conquer the southeast region of me, I'll mark it on the map....
But it seems now Italy got a big part of it
But ok, tell the troops that are currently on the island to keep conquering that island...and send the other half of the troops on that territory that I marked.
Kingdom: Sweden Stability: 80% Wealth: 50,000 Gold, Average (10,000 Gold /day on average) Army: 25 Goendagger, 50 Graz ,35 Toxophilite, 50 Montant, 25 Jousters, 15 Swerter Enemies: Germany Allies: Sweden
Your general marches toward a battle between the Polish and the Germans, but the German forces quickly take out Poland forces and some of your general's troops. The Germans are able to take over more land. Your kingdom takes over some surrounding lands. --------------------------------------------
Oh, sorry. Apparently I had no sense of direction while I replied... lol. Your troops keep conquering the lands, while Italy does the same. ---------------------------------
Current Thinking
Germany - More land, more power!
Italy - If we leave Rome alone for long enough, maybe they will agree to peace. We shall continue expanding our territory for now.
Poland - We are sure we are almost on the verge of defeat. We must move our territory south, and possibly call out for Rome's help.