Computer: Game is a game you build yourselves by choosing from 3 Game Components. Computer then will build the game and create a unique game every time. This means this forum game is ever changing and is played how the majority wants to play. Upon winning the game, the game will restart and the Victor chooses the first component of the game, and then the rest will be up to majority vote.
[Game Components]
1. Base
2. Setting
3. Technology and Lore
[The First Component]
The Base component is the shell of the game. It is what determines what you do in the game and how the game is played. There are [currently] 3 Bases in which to choose from. (More will be added at my disposal. Ideas are welcome and are appreciated.) The 3 Bases are:
Conquer: You have an Empire of people who lust domination. Basically they're all power freaks. Give them that power dang it! Conquer all other Empires in the game to hail as Victor!
Quest: Complete missions Computer has given to you to level up your Character. Become a legend and kill all other legend wannabes to hail as Victor!
Survive: What, you missed the M.O? C'mon it's the basic you're stranded / forgotten / exiled / doomed game where you try to hold on as long as possible by role playing in a setting Computer creates. Basically, if you want a zombie apocalyse game... choose this, then hail as Victor and choose this again! >;D
[The Second Component]
Every game needs a setting... even Pong has a setting, a black screen. And I'll just assume that you don't want a black screen as your setting, so I've given you these choices and I might ask does size matter to you? Here are the Settings:
Continent: The Game will be played on a nice hunk of land on a world.
World: The Game will be held on an entire planet.
Solar System: The Game will amass in a planet cluster. There will be as many planets as there are players.
Star System: The Game will take place in a group of Stars, each their own Solar System. There will be as many Stars as there are players.
[The Third Component]
Is Technology and Lore, in which you choose the time frame the Game takes place.
Past: This includes anything from WWII, to the caveman era.
Present: 21st century things. (guns, planes, cars... etc.)
Future: Anything is possible. Lazors to teleporting. Sci-fi to the extreme! =D
To make things more interesting I have put this game you create yourself on a device called "Computer". Computer is just how I will type in this game. Computer looks like this:
Computer is made up of menus. Each menu is divided by a space in the "//"s. You can tell when I am typing a command in Computer because it will be in quotations and will have no "//" before it! You can make your own Computer account, but it's not mandatory. (Just please use the same spread sheet as I use for Computer!)
Remember this is just the basics, some of the summaries may be too vague because I will only be able to add detail when I know all the components of the Game. You do not know how to play the game yet because one hasn't been made yet! I will be sure to make an appropriate spread sheet for a game when it is made. And since the Base Component of the game is chosen by the Victor... I will choose the Base Component for the first game on here.
The Base Component for Game 1 is Conquer. Who's in?
Spread Sheet: (please do not change the bold pieces of the spread sheet)
Btw is Westia and Eastia Seperated by sea or borders?
Seperated by sea.
//Welcome to "Game 1", "Guest1"! //Name:Eric Thai //Empire Name:Alliance of the Thai Council //Buildings (6) //Robots (0) //Workers (75) //Tanks (0) //Planes (0) //Boats (0) //Turrets (0) //InfeCrystal (100) //Solar Power (100) //Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)
Alliance of Thai Council has emerged as leader of Northern Westia. The North of Westia is just barren tundra... ice and rock as far as the eye can see. Cloud cover is dense 75% of the time... so expect spikes in your SP income. Aren't you glad you're on Westia? Good news is, since you're next to all rock, you must be close to InfeCrystal colonies. I've heard of some strange rumors about it mutating though... haha... just stories, right? So what do you want to do, Sir? -Look around and get a good idea of what's around you. -Make defenses / an army -Browse Store These are all ideas, you can do whatever you want, Sir.
//Welcome to "Game 1", "Guest1"! //Name:Eric Thai //Empire Name:Alliance of the Thai Council //Buildings (6) //Robots (0) //Workers (75) //Tanks (0) //Planes (0) //Boats (0) //Turrets (1) -Small Turret (-10 SP) //InfeCrystal (25) //Solar Power (100) //Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)
//Alright, I'll send some me... uh... we've only got workers. Do you want to send some workers or wait and build some robots? Building Turret! (-75 IC)
//Welcome to "Game 1", "Guest1"! //Name:Eric Thai //Empire Name:Alliance of the Thai Council //Buildings (6) //Robots (0) //Workers (65) //Tanks (0) //Planes (0) //Boats (0) //Turrets (1) //InfeCrystal (25) //Solar Power (100) //Adventure Squad (10) //Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)
//You're newly formed 'Adventure Squad' is out and about, they should be back in 2 days. You can check up on them whenever, see what they've found or when they'll be back. The weather looks extra dark today... expect low SP tomorrow. Hm, for future reference, try building an economy, make some mining trucks and all that jazz. Should help us get some new technology early on.
Welcome to "Game 1", "Guest1"! //Name:Eric Thai //Empire Name:Alliance of the Thai Council //Buildings (6) //-Mining Truck [building 1 day] //Robots (1) //-Robot[building 1 day] //Workers (65) //Tanks (0) //Planes (0) //Boats (0) //Turrets (1) //InfeCrystal (5) //Solar Power (100) //Adventure Squad (10) //Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)
//Miner Trucks (10 IC) //Stats: //-IC: 10 //-RD: 1 //-HP: 10 //-AP: 5 //-DP: 5 (run over robots only) //+10 IC / day
//Truck and Robot are being made sir. Everything should be operational tomorrow. Our Crystal reserves are extremely low... but I deem this a good start. Adventure Squad has said they have found a mountain range, they should be headed there now. You'll hear word of them tomorrow for sure.
//Daily values //IC: +45 (+5 from Mining Co., +10 From Eastia Bonus, +30 from Wokers) //SP (+30 Generator and Capital Building, +40 from Workers, +10 from Portal of the Sun)
//Ah, the desert of Eastia, Portal of the Sun. Portal of the Sun stretches across the bottom of Eastia, encompassing most of Southern Eastia. Not a great place for lots of Wildlife... but definitely some interesting ones. Sadly since sand is "rock", just tiny bits of it, Infecrystal does grow... but in delicate strands... this kid is used mostly for art, but isnt so "beautiful" in the currency aspect... so expect low profits from your Mining Building in the immediate area. But Eastia is where the InfeCrystal Meteorite landed, so it's more "ure" and thus we get a bonus. //Do you know what that means, sir? I do. I say we look around for a good, reliable source of IC. You know what... they did say the meteroite broke up quite a bit upon entry. I wonder if we find a good sized one, it must be an IC making machine! But, hey, it's your call. But if I do say so myself, don't be afraid to spend Power, coz hell, we're in a desert, the Sun is the master here, I mean the desert is even named after it!
//Name: Gen. River //Empire Name: The Crab //Buildings (6) //Robots (0) //Workers (85) [+10] //Tanks (0) //Planes (0) //Boats (0) //Turrets (0) //InfeCrystal (145) [+45] //Solar Power (185) [+85] //Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)
//Daily Values //IC: +45 (+40 from Workers, +5 from Capital Building) //SP: +75 (+35 from Workers, +50 from Generator and Capital Building)
//The Marshes of the West Coast, Westia are thickly vegetated and relentless. No place for robots, but a great place for boats. Small and Medium Boats can be used around your region. No worries about the fog though, the generator is taller than the haze. InfeCrystal doesn't really grow here at all... not too much rock, just mud. Since the trees are so thick, yet mostly small, Robot Infantry Units cannot shoot at aircraft... and aircraft can not shoot anything on land. So in your region, land fights land, air fights air. Knowing all that... what's your call?
//Name: Mr. Hat //Empire Name: Mrs. Hat //Buildings (6) //Robots (0) //Workers (85) [+10] //Tanks (0) //Planes (0) //Boats (0) //Turrets (0) //InfeCrystal (160) [+60] //Solar Power (170) [+70] //Continent Bonus: EASTIA (+10 IC)
//Daily Values //IC: +60 (+15 from Buildings, +10 from Eastia Bonus, +35 from Workers)
//The Great Forest of the North, or The White Forest of Eastia: you own the Pine and Sweet Maple forests of Eastia. This region is the Northeastern Coast of Eastia. The cold waters from the North and the heat from the desert below cause this region to be cloudy 60% of the time. But on the flip side, the land is very rugged and boasts many cliff faces... these should be covered in thick IC. But the more IC present, the more mutative it is, so who knows what formations we will find are? And now the move, is yours.
//Daily Values //IC: 60 (+35 from Workers, +15 from Buildings, +10 from Eastia Bonus)
//I learned this awesome phenomenon that mountains can block wind and clouds, so this can make one area very cloudy and or rainy and one side dry as bones. Well this is what is happening in central Eastia. A mountain range, known as the Heads of Eastia hold the humidity North... causing it to rain in the North... and be dry at the South. That's why there's a desert in the South and a rain forest in the North. My point is, you're in that rainforest and you're in Central Northern Eastia.
//Here it is cloudy a lot... yet so fast, so SP isn't affected, but there isn't any IC in the forest, you'll have to travel South to the Heads of Eastia. Planes are at a disadvantage, Infantry can attack them, but planes can't attack them. InfeCrystal is abundant, but there my be rebels guarding the region's best supplies. What are you gonna do?
//Empire Name:Alliance of the Thai Council //Buildings (6) //-Mining Truck //Robots (1) //-Robot (1) //Workers (75) [+10] //Tanks (0) //Planes (0) //Boats (0) //Turrets (1) //-Small Turret (1) //InfeCrystal (55) [+50] //Solar Power (180) [+80] //Adventure Squad (10) //Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)
//Daily Values //IC: +50 (+15 from Buildings, +35 from Workers) //SP: +70 (+50 from Buildings, +30 from Workers)
//You'll wait? Alright, focusing on Adventure Squad I see. Well they are at the Mountain Range... it's very new, and it's not on the maps. They say they see cave systems they are going to explore, we won't hear back from them until tomorrow.