ForumsForum GamesComputer: Game

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Computer: Game

[A Vague Summary]

Computer: Game is a game you build yourselves by choosing from 3 Game Components. Computer then will build the game and create a unique game every time. This means this forum game is ever changing and is played how the majority wants to play. Upon winning the game, the game will restart and the Victor chooses the first component of the game, and then the rest will be up to majority vote.

[Game Components]

1. Base

2. Setting

3. Technology and Lore

[The First Component]

The Base component is the shell of the game. It is what determines what you do in the game and how the game is played. There are [currently] 3 Bases in which to choose from. (More will be added at my disposal. Ideas are welcome and are appreciated.) The 3 Bases are:

Conquer: You have an Empire of people who lust domination. Basically they're all power freaks. Give them that power dang it! Conquer all other Empires in the game to hail as Victor!

Quest: Complete missions Computer has given to you to level up your Character. Become a legend and kill all other legend wannabes to hail as Victor!

Survive: What, you missed the M.O? C'mon it's the basic you're stranded / forgotten / exiled / doomed game where you try to hold on as long as possible by role playing in a setting Computer creates. Basically, if you want a zombie apocalyse game... choose this, then hail as Victor and choose this again! >;D

[The Second Component]

Every game needs a setting... even Pong has a setting, a black screen.
And I'll just assume that you don't want a black screen as your setting, so I've given you these choices and I might ask does size matter to you? Here are the Settings:

Continent: The Game will be played on a nice hunk of land on a world.

World: The Game will be held on an entire planet.

Solar System: The Game will amass in a planet cluster. There will be as many planets as there are players.

Star System: The Game will take place in a group of Stars, each their own Solar System. There will be as many Stars as there are players.

[The Third Component]

Is Technology and Lore, in which you choose the time frame the Game takes place.

Past: This includes anything from WWII, to the caveman era.

Present: 21st century things. (guns, planes, cars... etc.)

Future: Anything is possible. Lazors to teleporting. Sci-fi to the extreme! =D


To make things more interesting I have put this game you create yourself on a device called "Computer". Computer is just how I will type in this game. Computer looks like this:

//Hello, Welcome Back!
//Username: pure_trouble
//Password: ********

//Login Successful
//Opening Computer...

//-Log Off


//Opening Computer: Game...

//Computer: Game

Computer is made up of menus. Each menu is divided by a space in the "//"s. You can tell when I am typing a command in Computer because it will be in quotations and will have no "//" before it! You can make your own Computer account, but it's not mandatory. (Just please use the same spread sheet as I use for Computer!)

Remember this is just the basics, some of the summaries may be too vague because I will only be able to add detail when I know all the components of the Game. You do not know how to play the game yet because one hasn't been made yet! I will be sure to make an appropriate spread sheet for a game when it is made. And since the Base Component of the game is chosen by the Victor... I will choose the Base Component for the first game on here.

The Base Component for Game 1 is Conquer. Who's in?

Spread Sheet:
(please do not change the bold pieces of the spread sheet)

Game Name: Game 1

Player Name:

Empire Name:

Base Component: Conquer

Setting Component:

Technology and Lore:

Additional Thoughts / Questions:

  • 52 Replies
12,319 posts

Name: Patrick2011
Empire Name: AG Wildlife Clan
Buildings (Tier 0)
Army (0)
Turrets (1)
-Small Turret (1)
WK: 105
IC: 245
SP: 265
Adventure Squad (15)

Daily values:
WK: +10 (+10 from Capital Building)
IC: +65 (+40 from WK, +15 from Buildings, +10 from Bonus)
SP: +5 (+45 from WK, +25 from Buildings, +10 from Portal of the Sun, -75 from Sand Storm [1 days left])

I will buy 3 more robots and 2 mining trucks. I will also buy an Armored Jeep.

12,319 posts

PurTrouble is apparently inactive, so I will bump this thread.

1,242 posts

Name: Gen. River
Empire Name: The Crab
Buildings (Tier 0)
Army (4)
-Robot Driver (2)
-Armored Jeep (1 - in a day)
-Sampan (1 - in a day)
Turrets (2/3)
-Small Turret (2)
WK: 105
IC: 35
SP: 355

Daily Values:
WK: 10 (+10 from Capital Building)
IC: 70 (+55 from WK, +15 from Buildings)
SP: 75 (+50 from WK, +25 from Buildings, +20 from Bonus, -20 from Small Turret [2])

I start a mine with automated machines. I also manufacture some more robots.

12,319 posts

PureTrouble is still inactive, so I'm bumping again.

Showing 46-49 of 52