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215 posts

Computer: Game

[A Vague Summary]

Computer: Game is a game you build yourselves by choosing from 3 Game Components. Computer then will build the game and create a unique game every time. This means this forum game is ever changing and is played how the majority wants to play. Upon winning the game, the game will restart and the Victor chooses the first component of the game, and then the rest will be up to majority vote.

[Game Components]

1. Base

2. Setting

3. Technology and Lore

[The First Component]

The Base component is the shell of the game. It is what determines what you do in the game and how the game is played. There are [currently] 3 Bases in which to choose from. (More will be added at my disposal. Ideas are welcome and are appreciated.) The 3 Bases are:

Conquer: You have an Empire of people who lust domination. Basically they're all power freaks. Give them that power dang it! Conquer all other Empires in the game to hail as Victor!

Quest: Complete missions Computer has given to you to level up your Character. Become a legend and kill all other legend wannabes to hail as Victor!

Survive: What, you missed the M.O? C'mon it's the basic you're stranded / forgotten / exiled / doomed game where you try to hold on as long as possible by role playing in a setting Computer creates. Basically, if you want a zombie apocalyse game... choose this, then hail as Victor and choose this again! >;D

[The Second Component]

Every game needs a setting... even Pong has a setting, a black screen.
And I'll just assume that you don't want a black screen as your setting, so I've given you these choices and I might ask does size matter to you? Here are the Settings:

Continent: The Game will be played on a nice hunk of land on a world.

World: The Game will be held on an entire planet.

Solar System: The Game will amass in a planet cluster. There will be as many planets as there are players.

Star System: The Game will take place in a group of Stars, each their own Solar System. There will be as many Stars as there are players.

[The Third Component]

Is Technology and Lore, in which you choose the time frame the Game takes place.

Past: This includes anything from WWII, to the caveman era.

Present: 21st century things. (guns, planes, cars... etc.)

Future: Anything is possible. Lazors to teleporting. Sci-fi to the extreme! =D


To make things more interesting I have put this game you create yourself on a device called "Computer". Computer is just how I will type in this game. Computer looks like this:

//Hello, Welcome Back!
//Username: pure_trouble
//Password: ********

//Login Successful
//Opening Computer...

//-Log Off


//Opening Computer: Game...

//Computer: Game

Computer is made up of menus. Each menu is divided by a space in the "//"s. You can tell when I am typing a command in Computer because it will be in quotations and will have no "//" before it! You can make your own Computer account, but it's not mandatory. (Just please use the same spread sheet as I use for Computer!)

Remember this is just the basics, some of the summaries may be too vague because I will only be able to add detail when I know all the components of the Game. You do not know how to play the game yet because one hasn't been made yet! I will be sure to make an appropriate spread sheet for a game when it is made. And since the Base Component of the game is chosen by the Victor... I will choose the Base Component for the first game on here.

The Base Component for Game 1 is Conquer. Who's in?

Spread Sheet:
(please do not change the bold pieces of the spread sheet)

Game Name: Game 1

Player Name:

Empire Name:

Base Component: Conquer

Setting Component:

Technology and Lore:

Additional Thoughts / Questions:

  • 52 Replies
215 posts

Please Include Daily Values... sorry if I missed some of yours, it's coz I'm on my mac, and everyone knows, they suck.

//Empire Name:Alliance of the Thai Council
//Buildings (6)
//-Mining Truck (1)[+1 in a day]
//Robots (1) [+3 in a day]
//-Robot (1) [+3]
//Workers (75)
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (1)
//-Small Turret (1)
//InfeCrystal (15) [-40]
//Solar Power (180)
//Adventure Squad (10)
//Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)

///Daily Values
//IC: +50 (+15 from Buildings, +35 from Workers)
//SP: +70 (+50 from Buildings, +30 from Workers)

//You have a Robot, a Mining Truck ready to be used. Your Small Turret has no Robot Driver and will not fire at any enemies until somebody is operating it. You are now making 3 Robots and 1 Mining Truck.

215 posts

//Empire Name:Alliance of the Thai Council
//Buildings (6)
//-Mining Truck (1) [+1 in a day]
//Robots (1) [+3 in a day]
//-Robot (1) [+3]
//Workers (75)
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (1)
//-Small Turret (1)
//InfeCrystal (15)
//Solar Power (180)
//Adventure Squad (10)
//Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)

//Daily Values
//IC: +50 (+15 from Buildings, +35 from Workers)
//SP: +70 (+50 from Buildings, +30 from Workers)

You're Spread Sheet is ALL the above, even Daily Values, please include them in your next post.

//You have only one Mining Truck at the ready, the other is being assembled. Your Adventure Squad hasn't found any colonies of IC, but Mining Trucks bring in +5 IC a day when operated by a Robot Driver. You have 1 Robot and 1 Mining Truck at the ready in the Warehouse, and a Small Turret in need of a Robot Driver.

402 posts

//Name: Icey
//Empire Name: The Frozen Empire
//Buildings (6)
//Robots (0)
//Workers (85) [+10]
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (0)
//InfeCrystal (160) [+60]
//Solar Power (170) [+70]
//Continent Bonus: EASTIA (+10 IC)

//Daily Values
//IC: 60 (+35 from Workers, +15 from Buildings, +10 from Eastia Bonus)

Well firstly, I think I'm gonna get some workers (about 20) to chop down (or use any other technology they might have) some of the rain forest to have space for possible future buildings, and then some other workers (10) to go and scout some of the area near the Heads Of Eastia. (Searching for any IC spottings, and reporting for any rebels.) If they do get into any trouble, I want them to retreat instantly.

1,242 posts

//Name: Gen. River
//Empire Name: The Crab
//Buildings (6)
//Robots (0)
//Workers (85) [+10]
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (0)
//InfeCrystal (145) [+45]
//Solar Power (185) [+85]
//Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)

I start my defense by placing turrets around my area.

12,319 posts

//Name: Patrick2011
//Empire Name: AG Wildlife Clan
//Buildings (6)
//Robots (0)
//Workers (85) [+10]
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (0)
//InfeCrystal (145) [+45]
//Solar Power (180) [+80]
//Continent Bonus: EASTIA (+10 IC)

//Daily values
//IC: +45 (+5 from Mining Co., +10 From Eastia Bonus, +30 from Wokers)
//SP (+30 Generator and Capital Building, +40 from Workers, +10 from Portal of the Sun)

I will buy a turret and have 15 workers look around.

215 posts

Include Daily Values in your Spread Sheet! Your Spread Sheet should look like this:

//Name: Pure Trouble
//Empire Name: Rome
//Buildings (6)
//Robots (0)
//Workers (75) [+10]
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (0)
//InfeCrystal (100) [+50]
//Solar Power (100) [+50]
//Continent Bonus: WESTIA / EASTIA

//Daily Values:
//WK: +10 (+10 from Capital Building)
//IC: +50 (+25 from Workers, +25 from Buildings)
//SP: +50 (+25 from Workers, +25 from Generator)

Ah, I need to save this to Power Point and review all the content and details. I'm forgetting some and I have to keep looking back, and I'm sure I might be tweeking stuff my accident. So next post might be different. But I'll tell you all the changes. This is just so I can get a hold of everything and be a lot more organized and understanding. (I should have done this already, I apologize.)

//Hello, Welcome Back!
//Username: pure_trouble
//Password: ********

//Login Successful
//Opening Computer...

//-Log Off


//Opening Computer: Game...

//Computer: Game
//-"Game 1"

"game 1"

//Opening Computer: Game: Game 1

//Computer: Game: Game 1

//Name: Mr. Hat
//Empire Name: Mrs. Hat
//Buildings (6)
//Robots (0)
//Workers (95) [+10]
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (0)
//InfeCrystal (225) [+65]
//Solar Power (245) [+75]
//Continent Bonus: EASTIA (+10 IC)

//Daily Values:
//-WK: +10 (+10 from Capital Building)
//-IC: +65 (+40 from Workers, +10 from bonus +15 from Buildings)
//-SP: +75 (+45 from Workers

"I build more Buildings"

//"I build more Buildings" is not a correct command, try:
//Store: Buildings
//-Research Technology Center (250 IC)
//Oh no! It seems you don't have enough IC, try building Mining Trucks and Robots to drive them.
//-Robots and Mining Trucks go for 10 IC

//Buy them?

//Name: Icey
//Empire Name: The Frozen Empire
//Buildings (6)
//Robots (0)
//Workers (75) [-20]
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (0)
//InfeCrystal (230) [+70]
//Solar Power (245) [+75]
//Continent Bonus: EASTIA (+10 IC)

//Daily Values
//WK: +10 (+10 from Capital Building)
//IC: 70 (+45 from Workers, +15 from Buildings, +10 from Bonus)
//SP: 75 (+50 from Workers, +25 from Generator)

"Well firstly, I think I'm gonna get some workers (about 20) to chop down (or use any other technology they might have) some of the rain forest to have space for possible future buildings, and then some other workers (10) to go and scout some of the area near the Heads Of Eastia. (Searching for any IC spottings, and reporting for any rebels.) If they do get into any trouble, I want them to retreat instantly."

//30 Workers leave the Empire to make room and discover
//-Adventure Squad (10)
//-Lumber 1 (20)

//Lumber 1 has immediately started to clear the surrounding area. I will update you every time they have cleared enough space for an additional building. Adventure squad is headed south to the Head of Eastia, I sure hope that IC grows on those rocks. The area is dangerous out there though because IC here is so pure. Gather up an army?

//Name: Gen. River
//Empire Name: The Crab
//Buildings (6)
//Robots (2)
//-Robot (2) [in 1 day]
//Workers (95) [+10]
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (2/3)
//-Small Turret (2) [in 1 day]
//InfeCrystal (30) [-170]
//Solar Power (280) [+95]
//Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)

//Daily Values:
//-WK: +10 (+10 from Capital Building)
//-IC: +55 (+50 from Workers, +5 from Mining Co.)
//-Sp: +95 (+45 from Workers, +50 from Buildings)

"I start my defense by placing turrets around my area."

//Turrets run for 75 IC and 1 RD each.
//-Two Small Turrets (-150 IC)
//-2 Robots (-20 IC)

//You will have high defenses as of tomorrow, I would love to see someone pick a fight with you, Sir.
//How can I help you now?
215 posts


Alright, you guys are probably gonna hate me if you hate reading. Even though I might have changed things around a bit, everything you have will stay the same! You're Daily Values should change, but that's all. This thing took me like 3 hours to make. I hope it helps.

New Outline is here. (PLEASE READ ALL OF IT!)

It's in Microsoft Office Word 2003, I hope you have it.

I'll update all your Spread Sheets next time you guys post.

I hope you're having fun. =D

215 posts

@Eric, please Copy your spread sheet from the top of the words "Name: Eric Thai" to the bottom of the words "Small Turret]", this is the whole spread sheet, and that's what I want in your next post.

Name: Eric Thai
Empire Name: Alliance of the Thai Council
Buildings (Tier 0)
Army (4)
-Robot: 1
-Robot Drivers: 3
Turrets (1)
-Small Turret (1)
WK: 85
IC: 85
SP: 75
Adventure Squad (4 WK)
Mining Trucks (2)

Daily Values:
-WK: +10 [+10 from Capital Building]
-IC: +70 [+45 from WK, +15 from Buildings, +10 from Mining Trucks]
-SP: +75 [+40 from WK, +25 From Buildings, +20 from Bonus, -10 from Small Turret]

Check on my adventure squad and send 1 robot to a turret.

//I have some good and bad news, Sir. Adventure squad has found a huge underground IC colony that goes deep into the mantle. But the crystals have actually mutated into creatures! They said they've only got to study one, the Peon they call it. They've lost 6 men and are headed back with some IC and "Peon" information.
//As for your Robots, 3 have been issued to drive both Mining Trucks and your Small Turret, leaving 1 in the Small Warehouse for any use.
//What's the verdict?
215 posts

Name: Patrick2011
Empire Name: AG Wildlife Clan
Buildings (Tier 0)
Army (0)
Turrets (1)
-Small Turrets (1 - in a day)
WK: 95
IC: 180
SP: 260
Adventure Squad (15)
Daily values:

WK: +10 (+10 from Capital Building)
IC: +65 (+40 from WK, +15 from Buildings, +10 from Bonus)
SP: +80 (+45 from WK, +25 from Buildings, +10 from Portal of the Sun)

I will buy a turret and have 15 workers look around.

//A Small Turret is now being assembled, it will be a day until it's field ready. Turrets need a Robot Driver to be functional. A Robot Driver goes for 10 IC in the Shop. (If you want details on Robot Driver, look it up under Army > Robots > Tier 1 Robots > Robot)
// Adventure Squad of 15 is made, they immediately head north, to the Heads of Eastia.
//The sands are kicking up in the region... a sand storm. I'd expect low power for the next 2 days. For advice, try looking into Mining Trucks and upgrading your Tier level. If you complete a Tier, you will get a Tier Bonus.
1,242 posts

//Name: Gen. River
//Empire Name: The Crab
//Buildings (6)
//Robots (2)
//-Robot (2) [in 1 day]
//Workers (95) [+10]
//Tanks (0)
//Planes (0)
//Boats (0)
//Turrets (2/3)
//-Small Turret (2) [in 1 day]
//InfeCrystal (30) [-170]
//Solar Power (280) [+95]
//Continent Bonus: WESTIA (Everything uses 5 less SP)

I now start working on my offense. I create a boat and a tank. Obviously I will get more over time.

12,319 posts

Name: Patrick2011
Empire Name: AG Wildlife Clan
Buildings (Tier 0)
Army (0)
Turrets (1)
-Small Turrets (1 - in a day)
WK: 95
IC: 180
SP: 260
Adventure Squad (15)
Daily values:

WK: +10 (+10 from Capital Building)
IC: +65 (+40 from WK, +15 from Buildings, +10 from Bonus)
SP: +80 (+45 from WK, +25 from Buildings, +10 from Portal of the Sun)

I will buy a Robot and look into mining trucks and upgrading tier.

215 posts

Sorry for the wait, I shall be posting soon.

215 posts

Name: Gen. River
Empire Name: The Crab
Buildings (Tier 0)
Army (4)
-Robot Driver (2)
-Armored Jeep (1 - in a day)
-Sampan (1 - in a day)
Turrets (2/3)
-Small Turret (2)
WK: 105
IC: 35
SP: 355

Daily Values:
WK: 10 (+10 from Capital Building)
IC: 70 (+55 from WK, +15 from Buildings)
SP: 75 (+50 from WK, +25 from Buildings, +20 from Bonus, -20 from Small Turret [2])

I now start working on my offense. I create a boat and a tank. Obviously I will get more over time.

//A Sampan (-40 IC) and an Armored Jeep (-25 IC) have been bought from the Store, they are being assembled now and will be ready in [1] day(s). To note, you will need more Robot Drivers for these to be operational. May I suggest that a good economy now will better help you advance later... develop things such as Mining Trucks, and or try upgrading your Tier. Or you can trade SP for IC and vice-versa.

//Your Army is becoming Strong and your defense is formidable, any ideas on what to do next? If you need advice or an idea of what to do, ask me.
215 posts

Name: Patrick2011
Empire Name: AG Wildlife Clan
Buildings (Tier 0)
Army (0)
Turrets (1)
-Small Turret (1)
WK: 105
IC: 245
SP: 265
Adventure Squad (15)

Daily values:
WK: +10 (+10 from Capital Building)
IC: +65 (+40 from WK, +15 from Buildings, +10 from Bonus)
SP: +5 (+45 from WK, +25 from Buildings, +10 from Portal of the Sun, -75 from Sand Storm [1 days left])

I will buy a Robot and look into mining trucks and upgrading tier.

//A Robot (-10 IC) has been bought from the store, it is being assembled now and will be ready in [1] day(s).
//Mining Trucks cost 10 IC and a Robot Driver. They increase your daily value of IC by +5 each.
//To upgrade your Tier you need to purchase the next Tier level in the Research Technology Center. The Research Technology Center is the last building of the Tier 1 buildings, buy it from the store (500 IC and 800 SP) to upgrade from Tier 0 to Tier 1. Upgrading to Tier 1 will give you the Tier 1 bonus.

//You will receive only 5 SP tomorrow again due to the Sand Storm, it should be dead by then though. You have a decent supply of resources, anything else you want to purchase or look into?
215 posts

Name: Eric Thai
Empire Name: Alliance of the Thai Council
Buildings (Tier 0)
Army (4)
-Robot: 1
-Robot Drivers: 3
Turrets (1)
-Small Turret (1)
WK: 95
IC: 160
SP: 155
Adventure Squad (4 WK)
Mining Trucks (2)

Daily Values:
-WK: +10 [+10 from Capital Building]
-IC: +75 [+50 from WK, +15 from Buildings, +10 from Mining Trucks]
-SP: +80 [+45 from WK, +25 From Buildings, +20 from Bonus, -10 from Small Turret

Tell the squad to bring the Peon here to research it.

//Well they were already on their way home after being ravaged, so they are here. They also have brought them all of their studies of the Peon, but not an actual Peon. This is what they've established so far of the Peon:
DP: 1 - 10

//Everything else is unknown. So if you want to find out more, bring along a small army so they can capture one. But I also recommend using the army to clear a safe area to start mining the IC.
Showing 31-45 of 52