all you do is make yo mama jokes and DONT take it serious have fun and make us laugh
Yo mama's so late, she has to go to a hotel cause her husband moved out of his own house.
yo mama's so fat that when she puts a yellow coat on and goes outside people scream TAXI TAXI
yo mama's so fat it took a bus a plane and two taxi's to get on her good side
Yo mama so stupid , she sat on the tv and watch the couch.
Yo mama's so fat,when she goes on an elevator she HAS to go down
Ripoff, deathbot but whateverYo mama's so skinny, when she pulls the drain in her bathtub, she goesright down with the water.
yo mama's so fat that she HAS to get ontop of a car
yo mama so fat when she went on the scale it said 'to be continued'
yo mama so fat, when she get on an elevator she HAS to go down
only squires have posted here!
yo mama so fat a car was driving around her foot and ran out of gas on the big toe.yo mama so stupid she saw a bus go by and said "STOP THAT RUN AWAY TWINKIE!"
Yo mama's so fat when she drives into town she has to put a WIDE LOAD sign on her car
yo mama so stupid she climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side
Yo mamma so fat that whenever she goes to the theater she sits next to EVERYBDOYYo mamma so fat that whenever she goes to Mcdonald's they offfer her a group discount
Yo momma so fat, I walked around her twice and got lost.Yo momma so fat, there were earthquakes in Japan.
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