ForumsForum GamesNeoZero - 028: The Last Opportunity Of The Era Of New Species

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402 posts

DISCLAIMER: This is an rpg that is quite complicated and involves a lot of text. Please do not join if that is not your thing. On the other hand, do join if you love creative and deeply descriptive writing.

I once had an evolution Rpg that was doing really well. It had lot's of players and everything was going great, but then I just quit it. I can't forgive myself for doing that, the players seemed to be having fun and I just stopped. I can't look too good after saying that, but I will try once more. Here is the new game, it is almost exactly the same but I have made many tweaks to make it more bearable, both for the player and me. Some things I have simplified to make it easier for me to keep, and some things made more complicated for the enjoyment of the player. Some things may have even been straightly copied from the previous one. This time I wont quit. And If I do, then I will stab myself with a pickle.

It is much recommended that you see the original one here, since it explains the game more in depth.

(We'll see if I did that linking thing right, most likely not.. In case it doesn't work, the link is also at the bottom of this post.)


"The NeoZero - 027 project was a complete failure. Not only did the core overheat and cause extinction to all of the animals, but it also imploded and took 26 other planets from the Neon-1000 Star system with it. Only 3 planets remain, and 028 is the one that shows the most potential to be The Last Opportunity Of The Era Of New Species. We are about to send the specimen... Neon Hope this works..."

That is all you remember before feeling huge amounts of G-forces and a splash. Of course you didn't understand any of it, but it's nice to have a feeling of past in your primitive brain. You seem to be floating in an empty space, filled with nothingness. Until you open your eyes.


Planet Info: (note that only I post this)
Atmosphere: Foggy
Terrain: 55% Sea - 30% Land with Forests - 15% Wasteland ranging from Frozen Tundra to Deserts and finally a Volcano.
News: New Specimen arrived!

Top Species Ranking:
1. Daemonsaur
2. Platinum-Accipitridae
3. Magma-Odobenus
4. Coldiumreptile
5. GooHopper
6. Candysting

Accepting 4 Species', aka players.


The Species Sheet (A mix of things that affects your whole species and then only one individual: You.)

Species: (Your species' name)
Type: (Cold or Warm, Peaceful or Hunter, ect, anything that describes your species the best.)
Food: (Herbi-carni-omni-vore. This gets decided by what you start eating, so leave this blank for now.)
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Cell
HP: 10/10
Evo-Lvl: 0.1
Evo-Xp: 0/5
Status: Fine, Confused
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny (Decide color please)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Decide color please)
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Skills: (These get affected by different body parts. The system is different than before, so I wont put the exact functions here. You can also earn skill points from random tasks in the game.)
Vitality: 1 (Each point here grants you 2 extra hp)
Offense: 1 (The Offensive battle method. The more points the more offensive.)
Defense: 1 (The Defensive battle method. The more points the more defensive.)
Agility: 1 (How fast you move and react to things.)
Intelligence: 1 (You need this for everything. You can't evolve much if you don't have intelligence, but luckily you get it from everyday tasks that you perform.)
Abilities: (These are special abilities that you can gain and lose when evolving body parts, or just from other goals you achieve.)
Swim, Bite, Water-Breath


Species Score (SS)

Species Score is what ranks you in the TSR (Top Species Ranking). The System goes like this:


Skill Point = 1 Point
XP Point = 0.5 Point
Lvl = 10 Points


lvl 3 = 30P
xp 13/15 = 6.5P
Vitality: 3
Offense: 5
Defense: 2
Speed: 4
Intelligence: 6

= 30 + 6.5 + 20 = 56.5 In total

Each XP point gives only half a point because otherwise when you got a level, the level would give you 10 points but if you had let's say 15 xp and each xp gave 1 point, you would lose more points than you got. This will still be a problem later in the game, but maybe I will change the scoring system when it gets to that.


Sources & Inspiration:

Electronic Arts - Spore
SNES - EVO, Search for Eden
NeoZero-027 - Era of new Species -
And many other EVO rpg's here at AG Forums.


That should be all. I know it's long but I spent about 2 weeks trying to come up with things that would make it better and simpler, even though I think it just got more complicated. Anyway, it's 1 AM here now, so I'm gonna leave this overnight so people can join if they wish. It would be a downer if no one joined, I spent a lot of time on this. But when wouldn't it be sad if no one joined your game..?

-James AkA Tossavainen

  • 98 Replies
1,211 posts

Species: Evoreptivores
Type: Cold-blooded (literally), unhostile.
Food: Herbivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 14/14
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 0/10
Status: Fine, Successful
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny - Turqoise
Head: Brainy Fish - Small - Yellow
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: 4 Quick fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 3
Offense: 3
Defense: 1
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 5
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Dash

I'll shake my head left and right towards the Burgundy cell, and start looking for some edible plants.

5,365 posts

Hey, don't worry about the time. As long as you keep up the quality of the posts and game, we commend you for your efforts. Really though, the upgrades alone look great so far. Nice job, Tossavainen.

402 posts

Planet Info:
Atmosphere: Stormy
Terrain: 56% Sea - 30% Land with Forests - 14% Wasteland ranging from Frozen Tundra to Deserts and finally a Volcano.
News: Wind and rain all over 028. Hopefully this doesn't affect the species' too badly.

Top Species Ranking:
1. Daemonsaur (424)
2. Platinum-Accipitridae (277)
3. Magma-Odobenus (219)
4. Coldiumreptile (154.5)
5. GooHopper (116)
6. Candysting (77)
7. Bone-Angler (50)
8. Xalinian (32)
9. Dassovian (29)
10. Karon (24)
11. Evoreptivores (22)
12. Fakellus Quinta (9)


Species: Fakellus Quinta
Type: Warm, Hunter, Communal structure, aggressive
Food: Omnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Cell
HP: 11/12
Evo-Lvl: 0.1
Evo-Xp: 1/5
Status: Fine, Well fed
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny (Dark opaque grey)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Off-black)
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 2
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Intimidate 1

You scare the cell away by showing your fangs to it. It looks sad and shortly backs away. (Ps: This cell was from your own species.)

+1 Intelligence, +Ability: Intimidate 1


Species: Dassovian
Type: Predatorial, Pack-centered
Food: Carnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Serrated Fangs - Small, Slim Shell - Tiny
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 17/18
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 3/10
Status: Fine, Well fed, tired
Ally 1:
Hp: 15/18
Status: Ok, Well fed, Healing
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny (Green)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Lime Green)
Mouth: 2 Serrated Fangs - Small
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Slim Shell - Tiny
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 5
Offense: 6
Defense: 3
Agility: 3
Intelligence: 6
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Charge, Communication 1

You share the food so that your ally gets the most of it. After eating you try to tell it your new plan, and it kind of understands.
When you're near the surface, you see insects on top of the water-border (the surface). How can they stay on top of it like that without moving? And how do they breath up there? Your thinking is interrupted by the fact that small circles after circles start to form on top of the surface and you hear muffled rain noise. The insects also disappear. You don't recall this as "rain" but it just looks pretty to you.
You keep looking up at the rain, when suddenly a creature with wings and a big stinger flies past. That's the Candysting. Injects poison from it's stinger and eats your skin while you sleep. Nasty little buggers. But fortunately they can't seem to come underwater.
In here though, you can only see some small cells and fish. But most of them are going under some colorful corals, at a place further north from here where the water is shallow and you can see the bottom. You also start to feel a little tired. What do you want to do next?

+1 Intelligence, +1 Xp, +Ability: Communication 1, Ally: +1 Hp


Species: Xalinian
Type: Cold, Peaceful, Solitary, Cautious
Food: Omnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 16/16
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 2/10
Status: Fine, Full, Tired
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Scaly Fish - Small (Burgundy)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Very dark grey, close to black)
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Angling Lure - Small
Vitality: 4
Offense: 4
Defense: 6
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 7
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Communication 1, Lure, Leadership 1

You have some trouble tearing the fish apart with only your 2 tiny fangs, but despite that you continue eating it and also try to let the turquoise fish know that it tastes good by doing some head motions. Contrary to your expectations though, it shakes its head left and right and leaves. Why would it do that? You could have thought that you 2 would be friends, but it just decided to leave. Oh well, at least you are now full. But you start to feel tired.. You also hear some distant muffled noise that is coming from above you. What do you do?

+1 Intelligence


Species: Evoreptivores
Type: Cold-blooded (literally), unhostile.
Food: Herbivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 14/14
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 0/10
Status: Fine, Successful, Tired
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny - Turqoise
Head: Brainy Fish - Small - Yellow
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: 4 Quick fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 3
Offense: 3
Defense: 1
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 6
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Dash, Communication 1

The burgundy fish tries to tell you something about the fish it's eating, but you shake your head left and right knowing that you don't want to eat such things. You then leave in search of some plants that you could eat, and soon find a place where the water is more shallow and you can see the sandy bottom. There are many colorful corals and lot's of plants here, some of the plants are green and others are brownish. There are also other cells and fish here, under the corals. What are they hiding from? Then you start hearing some muffled noise from above. You also start feeling a little tired. What do you do?

+1 Intelligence, +Ability: Communication 1


Planet Info:
Atmosphere: Stormy
Terrain: 56% Sea - 30% Land with Forests - 14% Wasteland ranging from Frozen Tundra to Deserts and finally a Volcano.
News: Now there is even thunder. This could be bad.

Top Species Ranking:
1. Daemonsaur (424)
2. Platinum-Accipitridae (277)
3. Magma-Odobenus (219)
4. Coldiumreptile (154.5)
5. GooHopper (116)
6. Candysting (77)
7. Bone-Angler (50)
8. Xalinian (32)
9. Dassovian (29)
10. Karon (24)
11. Evoreptivores (22)
12. Fakellus Quinta (9)


Thanks Legion, always nice to hear positive feedback. :]

5,365 posts

Species: Dassovian
Type: Predatorial, Pack-centered
Food: Carnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Serrated Fangs - Small, Slim Shell - Tiny
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 17/18
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 3/10
Status: Fine, Well fed, tired
Ally 1:
Hp: 15/18
Status: Ok, Well fed, Healing
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny (Green)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Lime Green)
Mouth: 2 Serrated Fangs - Small
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Slim Shell - Tiny
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 5
Offense: 6
Defense: 3
Agility: 3
Intelligence: 6
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Charge, Communication 1

I try to signal that we move towards the coral. We get there, and try to look for a little cave or hollow to safely sleep.

22,207 posts

Species: Fakellus Quinta
Type: Warm, Hunter, Communal structure, aggressive
Food: Omnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Cell
HP: 11/12
Evo-Lvl: 0.1
Evo-Xp: 1/5
Status: Fine, Well fed
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny (Dark opaque grey)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Off-black)
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 2
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Intimidate 1

: This cell was from your own species.)

That wouldve been handy to know,,,, can i redo that?

If yes:
I let it eat the red cell as well.
If no:
Swim around my environent for features/creatures of note.
1,211 posts

Species: Evoreptivores
Type: Cold-blooded (literally), unhostile.
Food: Herbivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 14/14
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 0/10
Status: Fine, Successful, Tired
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny - Turqoise
Head: Brainy Fish - Small - Yellow
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: 4 Quick fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 3
Offense: 3
Defense: 1
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 6
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Dash, Communication 1

I'll also hide and eat a bit of my hiding place, but without compromising the hideyness of it.
[New word: GET!]

2,752 posts

Species: Xalinian
Type: Cold, Peaceful, Solitary, Cautious
Food: Omnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 16/16
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 2/10
Status: Fine, Full, Tired
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Scaly Fish - Small (Burgundy)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Very dark grey, close to black)
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Angling Lure - Small
Vitality: 4
Offense: 4
Defense: 6
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 7
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Communication 1, Lure, Leadership 1

I think to myself "Better off by myself, anyway!".
As soon as I hear whatever it is I hear, I instinctively move away from it. At the same time, I struggle to make out what it is, both by vision and by hearing.

(Seriously you guys would be lvl 50 already if I spend all this time continuing the game..)
Precisely! That would mean too fast a progress rate for it to be fun or last long enough.
1,023 posts

Species: Karon
Type: Hunter, Flying
Food: Carnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 14/14
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 1/10
Status: Fine, Well rested, Well fed
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny [Gold]
Head: Cell - Tiny [Gold]
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Strong Fin - Tiny
Details: Angling Lure
Vitality: 4
Offense: 5
Defense: 1
Agility: 4
Intelligence: 4
Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Dash, Lure

I dash around and tackle or bite it

402 posts

Planet Info:
Atmosphere: Stormy
Terrain: 56% Sea - 30% Land with Forests - 14% Wasteland ranging from Frozen Tundra to Deserts and finally a Volcano.
News: The Storm keeps rumbling on 028.

Top Species Ranking:
1. Daemonsaur (424)
2. Platinum-Accipitridae (277)
3. Magma-Odobenus (219)
4. Coldiumreptile (154.5)
5. GooHopper (116)
6. Candysting (77)
7. Bone-Angler (50)
8. Xalinian (32)
9. Dassovian (29)
10. Karon (24)
11. Evoreptivores (22)
12. Fakellus Quinta (9)


Species: Dassovian
Type: Predatorial, Pack-centered
Food: Carnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Serrated Fangs - Small, Slim Shell - Tiny
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 17/18
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 3/10
Status: Fine, Startled
Ally 1:
Hp: 16/18
Status: Fine, Healing
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny (Green)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Lime Green)
Mouth: 2 Serrated Fangs - Small
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Slim Shell - Tiny
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 5
Offense: 6
Defense: 3
Agility: 3
Intelligence: 6
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Charge, Communication 1

You move towards the corals with your buddy and soon find a concave place under a small cliff. You settle down and try to have a sleep, but you are soon awoken by a loud explosion sound and a white flash. Your friend is resting and healing, but you can't get much sleep because you are startled by the loud noises.

Ally: +1 Hp


Species: Fakellus Quinta
Type: Warm, Hunter, Communal structure, aggressive
Food: Omnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Cell
HP: 11/12
Evo-Lvl: 0.1
Evo-Xp: 2/5
Status: Fine, Well fed, Startled
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny (Dark opaque grey)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Off-black)
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 3
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Intimidate 1

Well since nothing was really stopping you from finding it out yourself, and also because of the fact that nothing really went that wrong, I don't think a redo is necessary.

You swim around the ocean and note several things: When you look down it's very dark and you can't see much that way, when you look up you see a weird border (which is the surface), when you look north you see a place where you can see the bottom of the sea, and there are many colorful plants and rocks. As of creatures, you only see big fish swimming around, all the smaller cells seem to be hiding somewhere.
As you are looking around, you suddenly hear a load explosion sound and see a white flash. It came from above, and it startled you. What do you do now?

+1 Intelligence, +1 Xp


Species: Evoreptivores
Type: Cold-blooded (literally), unhostile.
Food: Herbivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 13/14
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 1/10
Status: Fine, Tired, Startled
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny - Turqoise
Head: Brainy Fish - Small - Yellow
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: 4 Quick fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 3
Offense: 3
Defense: 1
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 7
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Dash, Communication 1

You hide under a coral, and try taking a bite off it. You find out that the coral is hard, and you clip your fang. After this you hear a loud explosion and see a white flash, which came from above. This startles you, but you still want to eat something. There is green and brown seaweed around you, which do you want to taste?

+1 Intelligence, +1 Xp, -1 Hp


Species: Xalinian
Type: Cold, Peaceful, Solitary, Cautious
Food: Omnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 16/16
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 2/10
Status: Fine, Full, Tired, Startled
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Scaly Fish - Small (Burgundy)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Very dark grey, close to black)
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Angling Lure - Small
Vitality: 4
Offense: 4
Defense: 6
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 8
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Communication 1, Lure, Leadership 1

The sound is like a pretty silent but at the same time rough static, that is coming from all the way up. You look at it, and see a border between water and whatever is beyond it, and circles are forming on it and the water is waving a lot. You stare at it for a little while, but you get startled when you hear a loud explosion sound and a white flash that came exactly from where you were looking at, which blinds you for a few seconds. All the other fish are hiding under corals and other stuff, maybe they have a reason too. What do you do?

+1 Intelligence


Species: Karon
Type: Hunter, Flying
Food: Carnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 12/14
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 2/10
Status: Ok, Well fed
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny [Gold]
Head: Cell - Tiny [Gold]
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Strong Fin - Tiny
Details: Angling Lure
Vitality: 4
Offense: 6
Defense: 2
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 5
Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Dash, Lure

You dash around the fish and bite it, which is great for outmaneuvering the enemy. It's slow and turns even slower, so speed goes before strength on this one. When the fish starts getting weak, it tries to swim away but it's too late and you win. You only got hit once.
While dancing around the body, you suddenly hear a loud explosion sound and a white flash which startles you a little bit. It came from above, and that's also when you realize that most of the smaller fish are hiding from it. What do you do?

+1 Agility, +1 Offense, +1 Defense, +1 Xp, +1 Intelligence, -2 Hp


Planet Info:
Atmosphere: Stormy
Terrain: 57% Sea - 29% Land with Forests - 14% Wasteland ranging from Frozen Tundra to Deserts and finally a Volcano.
News: The Storm is still on, and the water levels are rising a little bit.

Top Species Ranking:
1. Daemonsaur (424)
2. Platinum-Accipitridae (277)
3. Magma-Odobenus (219)
4. Coldiumreptile (154.5)
5. GooHopper (116)
6. Candysting (77)
7. Bone-Angler (50)
8. Xalinian (32)
9. Dassovian (29)
10. Karon (24)
11. Evoreptivores (22)
12. Fakellus Quinta (9)

1,211 posts

Species: Evoreptivores
Type: Cold-blooded (literally), unhostile.
Food: Herbivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 13/14
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 1/10
Status: Fine, Tired, Startled
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny - Turqoise
Head: Brainy Fish - Small - Yellow
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: 4 Quick fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 3
Offense: 3
Defense: 1
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 7
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Dash, Communication 1

I'll go for the green one first.

5,365 posts

Species: Dassovian
Type: Predatorial, Pack-centered
Food: Carnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Serrated Fangs - Small, Slim Shell - Tiny
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 17/18
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 3/10
Status: Fine, Startled
Ally 1:
Hp: 16/18
Status: Fine, Healing
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny (Green)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Lime Green)
Mouth: 2 Serrated Fangs - Small
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Slim Shell - Tiny
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 5
Offense: 6
Defense: 3
Agility: 3
Intelligence: 6
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Charge, Communication 1

I have an idea. I try to see if I can back in and partially bury myself in the sand, to try to absorb the noise so I can sleep.

22,207 posts

Species: Fakellus Quinta
Type: Warm, Hunter, Communal structure, aggressive
Food: Omnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Cell
HP: 11/12
Evo-Lvl: 0.1
Evo-Xp: 2/5
Status: Fine, Well fed, Startled
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny (Dark opaque grey)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Off-black)
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Nothing
Vitality: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 3
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Intimidate 1

I dash to the North and hide behind a rock/large piece of coral. If nothing happens after that, i scan for phytoplankton or seaweed in the sand to eat.

2,752 posts

Species: Xalinian
Type: Cold, Peaceful, Solitary, Cautious
Food: Omnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 16/16
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 2/10
Status: Fine, Full, Tired, Startled
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Scaly Fish - Small (Burgundy)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Very dark grey, close to black)
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Details: Angling Lure - Small
Vitality: 4
Offense: 4
Defense: 6
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 8
Abilities: Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Communication 1, Lure, Leadership 1

Now I run full speed as far away from the 'fireworks' as possible. If I find some kind of natural shelter on my way, I try to get inside.

1,023 posts

Species: Karon
Type: Hunter, Flying
Food: Carnivore
Weapons&Armor: 2 Tiny fangs, no armor
Evo-Stage: Fish
HP: 12/14
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Xp: 2/10
Status: Ok, Well fed
Evo-Points: 0
Body: Cell - Tiny [Gold]
Head: Cell - Tiny [Gold]
Mouth: 2 Tiny Fangs
Limbs: Fins - Tiny
Back: Nothing
Tail: Strong Fin - Tiny
Details: Angling Lure
Vitality: 4
Offense: 6
Defense: 2
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 5
Swim, Bite, Water-Breath, Dash, Lure

I stay there and watch what will happen then in the first sign of trouble I dash to a near coral.

402 posts

I haven't quit this yet, I'm just really busy with work at the moment. We will resume to normal 1-3 posts per day when I have time, but there wont be anything today. Sorry to keep you waiting again.


Showing 76-90 of 98