The year is 2651 A.D. Humanity has been pushed too the brink of extinction by a genocidal alien race. Earth was destroyed in an assault a decade ago. Now, the survivors are living on ALG-L42 "Metal Earth". Forever searching the universe for a new planet. After years of searching, the alien species that initiated the attack has caught up with Metal Earth and wants to finish the human race. After days of fighting, Metal Earth shows signs of failing, the ten-thousand strong population of Metal Earth is forced to evacuate. You and four others rush into an escape pod and jettison to the nearest planet, ELSAR-563. The landing is terrible at best and you get knocked unconcious. When you wake up you see two largely varying landscapes: a dry barren wasteland, with no resources on the surface. On the other side, you see a lush paradise, inhabited by many alien species, some peaceful, others monstrous predators. It is almost nighttime. This is where you begin.
Digging in was a good idea, but you should more likely have hid in this situation.
At first, you hear a low rumble, then footsteps, sychronized. Then you hear a motor running, its getting closer. You duck into you trench. The aliens begin searching your camp. They take everything you have that isn'tin your trench with you. Their vehicle parks right over your trench but doesn't notice you. All the spare armor is gone but everything else was with you. They begin to move away with what they have and leave you. You look outside of the trench and count them. 1 Hovercraft, 6 soldiers.
Name: Barry seinfeld HP: 50/100 Energy: 150/100 Level: 1 Occupation:stand up comedy Height: 6'2" Weight: 95 Age: 73 Description: white grey hair really small. Personality: annoying, funny, cynical. Strength:2 Defense:1 Agility:3 Intellect:14 Skills: Speech 3 Status effects:Adrenaline Equipment:Cane Har Armor: Basic clothes i get down from the tree happily and quite loudly if i may add limp my way to the metal earth
Name: Barry seinfeld HP: 50/100 Energy: 150/100 Level: 1 Occupation:Stand up Comedian Height: 6'2" Weight: 95 Age: 73 Description: white grey hair really small. Personality: annoying, funny, cynical. Strength:2 Defense:1 Agility:3 Intellect:14 Skills: Speech 3 Status effects: Adrenaline Equipment: Cane Har Armor: Basic clothes
You begin a long trek. Metal Earth is in the desert side of the planet, but it doesn't seem that far in. You should be able to make it before you die of thirst.
Every little while you see a purple cactus and eventually you make it, 4 hours later.
I send Kyle to distract them, and use the hover craft over my head as a bunker, shooting their legs out from under them. They wont wanna return fire, because they might hit the vehicle. And at such close range, anyone but a total moron wouldn't throw any kind of grenade.
Anyways, one by one, as they fall to the ground, I pick them off.
(this is done BEFORE they leave, because I'm no fool. the hover craft was good cover, and I took advantage before they left.) (seriously, you should do combat stages one action at a time, so the enemies wont have such an unfair advantage. Had I gone along with them getting several things done while I was counting feet, I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. SHEESh)
Name: Barry seinfeld HP: 50/100 Energy: 150/100 Level: 1 Occupation:Stand up Comedian Height: 6'2" Weight: 95 Age: 73 Description: white grey hair really small. Personality: annoying, funny, cynical. Strength:2 Defense:1 Agility:3 Intellect:14 Skills: Speech 3 Status effects: Adrenaline Equipment: Cane Hat Armor: Basic clothes i turn my hat upside like a bowl and pray for rain
They fall, one by one. Not knowing what is going on the hovercraft drives away thinking theres a sniper in the forest. It continues on it's way to metal earth.
It begins to gain speed and get away. You fire the rest of your clip and one hits. Disentigrating his head. The Hovercraft slows to a stop and you hop in.
Name: Barry seinfeld HP: 50/100 Energy: 150/100 Level: 1 Occupation:Stand up Comedian Height: 6'2" Weight: 95 Age: 73 Description: white grey hair really small. Personality: annoying, funny, cynical. Strength:2 Defense:1 Agility:3 Intellect:14 Skills: Speech 3 Status effects: Adrenaline Equipment: Cane Hat Armor: Basic clothes i turn my hat upside like a bowl and pray for rain
Name: Barry seinfeld HP: 50/100 Energy: 150/100 Level: 1 Occupation:Stand up Comedian Height: 6'2" Weight: 95 Age: 73 Description: white grey hair really small. Personality: annoying, funny, cynical. Strength:2 Defense:1 Agility:3 Intellect:14 Skills: Speech 3 Status effects: Adrenaline Equipment: Cane Hat Armor: Basic clothes
Lucky for you you get the little rain in the whole desert. It fills half your hat and you drink it. As your drinking, your startled to hear a loud klunk. It's a plasma cannon from Metal Earth. It will be too heavy to carry, but you could drag it inside the ball of steel and use it later.
I go back to base, load up everything I have, including a lean-to, and loot the aliens. More stuff to add. Then, I pick a LARGE supply of berries, put some roasting limbs on the pile, and drive towards Metal Earth, carefully, with my weapons at the ready.
Name: Barry seinfeld HP: 50/100 Energy: 150/100 Level: 1 Occupation:Stand up Comedian Height: 6'2" Weight: 95 Age: 73 Description: white grey hair really small. Personality: annoying, funny, cynical. Strength:2 Defense:1 Agility:3 Intellect:14 Skills: Speech 3 Status effects: Adrenaline Equipment: Cane Hat Armor: Basic clothes i strip the cannon and try to fashion a weapon out of it i then contuny to walk to the metal earth thinking about my granson Lance Valentino