I hate wearing these. My school enforced them this year and they are terrible. According to the 1st ammendment to the American Bill of Rights, this goes against our freedom of speech and expression. Whaddya think?
My school doesn't have uniforms, just a dress code. Pretty much you can wear anything that isn't sweat pants, and anything that isn't a tee shirt. You're required to wear the previously named articles to gym though. I don't support dress codes or uniforms, but I really couldn't care less about them.
Our school uniform black pants, black shoes, button up white shirt and a vest with our schools symbol on the right side of our arm Then theirs the white uniform which is the same except it's all white XD. We can wear anything we wish on Fridays though.
It is my right as a human being to wear what I so please
That's absolutely right,but keep in mind that " a person's freedom ends where another person's freedom begins". Maybe it's not expressed perfectly, but the idea is that ona can wear whatever he or she prefers, but it's important not to offend other people.
@superbob then you're hereby spamming this thread by posting that tel a mod don;t post it here and if you're going to post, tell us your opinion on this debate...
I've always had to wear school uniforms. Yes it's annoying and you have to wear suits when you're 17 which costs a lot of money but I don't see what's wrong with it. 1. You get to look forward to days when you don't have to wear uniform. 2. Suits cost a lot of money but the pressure from you're friends will end up making you spend more money on new cloths. 3. I hate shopping for cloths (I just wear what ever to be honest) and spending every fortnight cloths shopping would become very tedious. 4. Rich kids would brag about their cloths and p*** everyone off 5. Gives bullies an opportunity to bully people. 6. Uniforms put you in a more working mood.
this goes against our freedom of speech
How is not wearing what you want not being able to speak you're mind? You can still talk can't you?
most school uniforms is that they look nerdy and Gay.
Implying there's something wrong with being "gay"...
Hum no option if you go to a private school and I'm pretty sure the clothes don;t matter for s*** for we go to school to learn not show off.
There are multiple reasons somebody would go to private school, and private schools don't necessarily give you a better education. I got to a private school (with an above average education) and I can tell you that a large amount of the kids couldn't care less about learning.
Please tell me where I can get this shirt. I must have it.
If only google existed, then you would be able to search online for a shirt that says this.
most school uniforms is that they look nerdy and Gay.
Who the **** would want to wear formal to school?
Me. I wear a tie on Mondays. It doesn't matter, I'm paying attention to my lecturer, not comparing the size of buttons on my shirt, or the length of my jeans.
I think that uniforms are just a last ditch attempt to teach conformity. Remember children anything different should be singled out and despised. Okay, it might not be intentional (law of unintended consequences?) but it doesn't help with ethnocentrism and all the other -isms.
well, in my school, the main reason is pride. its make you pride on your school, even if you are not fully awar to that. you can see who is student and who is a teacher {which without uniform its make you feel like you equal to the teachers and, basicly, like walking in the street}. even more, its help to poor families. uniform cost less, and no one can see one student with armani and the other with some garbage. its not to make you all teh same, to delete your individuality. in my school, a 'uniform' is a T-shirt {or other kinds of shirts, jacets and etc} with the school logo in the right upper side, no matter what color {but no prints unless its a "grade print [every grade, class {in Israel we are divided to age and number {number is randomalic+factors, like a class of kids who need more help or have another 'roffesionality'}. this way, you can wear what uniform you want. and even more, the unifom is not meant to hurt you. it was made so you will feel like a student, not like a Passerby. and also, its make less Trespassers to enter the school.