I hate wearing these. My school enforced them this year and they are terrible. According to the 1st ammendment to the American Bill of Rights, this goes against our freedom of speech and expression. Whaddya think?
i thought so too danielo then i noticed thats its much more expensive to buy those uniforms then to just use clothes you already have. also lol i doubt its that difficult to guess in what school your learning when theres only one highschool in the town (my case but we still had uniforms XD). and if israel wanted students to respect teachers more they would start with actually calling the teacher "teacher" or "mr./mrs. (insert last name)" instead of making them wear something.
then i noticed thats its much more expensive to buy those uniforms then to just use clothes you already have.
No, if I have sets of uniform, I don't need to buy much other clothes, since half my time is in school. Furthermore, one can use the same few sets of uniforms for quite a few years. 6 in my case.
They have school uniforms still? My state I thought almost voted them Illgal, but luckliy im at a public, I want to be at a private, but I cant aford, or stand the feel,plus my adhd and aspergurs made my I.Q. rather avreage, so boom public schools for me.
Well i live in England and in England, school uniforms are enforced across the whole country. And well it's not soo bad. You get used to it. But because we have to wear so much as uniform like layers and layers we roast. But you get used to roasting as well after a while. And moaning teachers and missed homework detentions...................yeah its like jail on some days and the uniforms do not make it any better.
Well i live in England and in England, school uniforms are enforced across the whole country. And well it's not soo bad. You get used to it. But because we have to wear so much as uniform like layers and layers we roast. But you get used to roasting as well after a while. And moaning teachers and missed homework detentions...................yeah its like jail on some days and the uniforms do not make it any better.
I have no complaints on uniforms but ti appears that in the US uniforms aren't enforced as much, but you know how much they like to whine if they whine enough they get noticed if they don't they're just put to the side.
well, wher i live we are the only highschool in the area too {its teh highschool of a bunch of 'villages', something like 300+- in a grade}, but yet - it make you respect alittle the school. every 'class' can pring her own school shirt {its not a uniform, as i said, only a shirt with the school logo, and any pants you want {only not mini, but afcours no one realy stop ther wearer}.
and as nichodemus said, you get used to it. its not that bad. make everyone equal, not by the way they dressed or the money they spend on cloths.
im a senior now, grade 12, so i dont have to go with uniform anymore, and its quite a burden now, start to choose cloths. i had 7 school uniform, wear them as i liked, and anyone can choose any color he want {i saw some wierd stuff....}. this way its still a uniform, but have the freedome of choise.
and by
1) No bullying based on clothing
- belive me, if i will go with poxia pink, ill get beat off. by my own friends {lol joking}.
im a senior now, grade 12, so i dont have to go with uniform anymore, and its quite a burden now, start to choose cloths. i had 7 school uniform, wear them as i liked, and anyone can choose any color he want {i saw some wierd stuff....}. this way its still a uniform, but have the freedome of choise.
lol even in the last year and any day it was ok for us to go without the uniform i still used it because i didnt care XD
I hate wearing these. My school enforced them this year and they are terrible. According to the 1st ammendment to the American Bill of Rights, this goes against our freedom of speech and expression. Whaddya think?
Americas not the only place with uniforms.
I'm glad my school had a uniform. The whole popularity contest of what people wore on the charity days when you could wear whatever was too much hassle. As seniors we had a different uniform, nicer than the previous, but still not flattering. Wouldn't have changed it though.
I'm soooooooo glad my school doesn't do uniforms. I feel that they are an unreasonable infringement on your right to express yourself. They are limiting, and while it could eliminate some bullying, not much of that is over clothing anymore! They are unnecessary and unwanted.
my school has dress code, we have to where collared shirts half the year, and button down dress shirts the other half. its awful. and we can only buy cloths from one brand. its awful even though it doesnt sound too bad
In my personal experience, having never gone to a school with uniforms, I have yet to experience bullying either to myself or other people regarding mine or their clothing. I would think that if it were to occur, it would occur to me more than anybody, as I have a rather unique style of dress. I get a few comments about my boots every now and again, positive and negative, but bullying? No.
I don't necessarily lean one way or another since I'm of the opinion that the nature of your clothes at school couldn't be less important. You know, provided you don't show up in something that will distract people. I wore a uniform when I was younger and then I was set free upon moving to the US, I didn't really see much of a problem with it though. I hardly think people are bullied for their clothing choice of all things, however uniforms do save you a fortune on clothing.