I hate wearing these. My school enforced them this year and they are terrible. According to the 1st ammendment to the American Bill of Rights, this goes against our freedom of speech and expression. Whaddya think?
School uniforms are annoying, but there are some advantages. Some schools enforce that you have to where a polo shirt. This helps, as do other uniforms, because it eliminates discrimination, taunting and some depression due to family income, because everyone in school wears the same thing.
In my personal experience, having never gone to a school with uniforms, I have yet to experience bullying either to myself or other people regarding mine or their clothing. I would think that if it were to occur, it would occur to me more than anybody, as I have a rather unique style of dress. I get a few comments about my boots every now and again, positive and negative, but bullying? No.
See i was thinking of pursuing the argument of a lack of uniform could lead to cliques, but i guess they occur in uniform too.
In my opinion, school uniforms are stupid and not really necessary. So what if everyone is wearing the same. I'm homeschooled though, and I don't go to a school, so it's not really a problem for me.
The problem with school uniforms, is that it does not allow students to express their feedom of speech. I understand some regulations like no drug support or ppromoting violence, but overall ppl should be able to wear whatever they want.
People can wear whatever they want, out of school. I'm kinda skeptic towards school uniforms but if the school says you have to wear uniforms while at school, they can do so, without going against your freedom of speech. Also, people will always find other ways to differentiate themselves from others, they will thus always find ways to mob others. It's just more challenging with uniforms.
That's why I'm skeptic, I don't see a real advantage, but there's nothing really bad about them either..
to think of it the only reason i would use it as being the management of a scool. is when there is a great difference in parrentel income in the area. whitout uniforms there are going to be groups of rich and poor children early on. while whit uniforms all the childre will united more because they simply don't know or can see the diffences when they are young. other then that. i don't see why to go through the pain of demanding this from every1.
Like I said before, uniforms cut down on teasing kids from families with lower income. It cuts down showing off, and school shootings are usually from kids who are teased. It helps cut violence a lot by having uniforms. We don't like it, but it helps the school.
school whit uniforms does not mean there is no bullying in that school. you can't stop bullying whatsoever.
school shootings are most of the time not done by kids at all. and by far not all bullyed kids are going to use violence. kids that are bullyed are usualy the shy people. and shy people do not grab a gun and start shooting.
the only violence it might stop are the bullys themself not those that are bullyed. but if they can't find anything about the clothes they sure can find something like the hair/face/way of speaking/way of behaving/ etc./etc.
I hate having to wear uniforms. They look sooo bad. I mean i don't mind school jackets and crewnecks and accessories, but the standard uniforms they make you wear sucks. Except Catholic Schoolgirl students. That's just hot.....
Go to Japan. The skirts are like waaaaay above the knee. If only they had those here -.-