this is a game where people post what they think would be a funny day in the life of statement. as an example, I'll start.
day in the life of a stapler:
i sat around for 5 hours. then someone put a bunch of sharp metal objects inside my head, put a piece of paper in my mouth, and hit me in the head. i sat around for the rest of the day doing nothing.
Ahhhh its so relaxing.... hmmmm? whats this red laso- OH NO NOT THE GUN! *BOOM* phew he missed, I should run into that door because he totally cant shoot through walls! OK, I will leave him to whoever else will. Boy I still remember the procce- KFC!? KFC!? IN A BUCKET THAT WAS NEVER OPEN?!?! YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! *OM NOM NOM NOM NOM*
a day in the life of the spacebar on a keyboard ugh stop pressing me waaaaah finally hes watching youtube ugh noooooo he stoped yes its night time for his bedtime
A Day in the Life of Toilet Paper Look at me, im so happy sitting here. Im all white and shiny and new and i smell nice Wait, why are you sitting down on the white seat? hey let go of me! put me down now! no, oh no please dont put me their! no, no, noooooo! *flush*
A Day in the Life of That Gym Sock I Forgot in My Locker for a Year Kill.... me.... now
A Day in The Life of Mint Gum I feel so fresh and nice right now. Its so relaxing ahhh... Wait, hey why is this hand coming towards me. No put me down now! Now im not going in thei---- noo--- i hate y--- stop biting m--- let me finis-- *spat out* I hate my life, I hate my life.
A Day in the Life of Summer Reading
*tears* I-I-I dont know why everyone hates me. I-I really am a good book. If you just didnt have to right an essay im sure you would like me better. All I wanted was a friend
Oh it doesnt matter im like 10 I can still go onto AG and annoy everyone there! no one will care right? *gets online* OMG Y U HATE ME?! UR SUCH NOOBS FOR NOT LIKING MEH! WHY?! WHY MUST A 10 YEAR OLD BE TOURCHERED WERE HES NOT SUPOSED TO BE?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?! Oh its a day in the life thread im going to make them sound like idiots and fail horribly. *Reads message below*
To Warrior cats:
Your getting annoyed because your likely not mature enough for this sight and you spell so horribly people cant understand you. sorry it has to be this way, I gave you 3 chances, but you wasted all of them.
Through the heat of the summer, dead of the night/ Blindin' ray of bright sunlight/tell my story any way you like, another day in the life of a railroad spike.
Think I got the lyrics correct. Song is by Balsam range. Sorry, it had to be done.
Day in the life of a apple finaly out of the cupourd uhhh.. why are you putting me towerds your mouth... uh... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY BEUTFUL RED NESS ARGH finnaly its over I should thank that guy I lost a lot of weight
sorry about the spelling I'm better at math, I got into math gifted and talented not spelling gifted and talented
by the way goddand your more like the person who warriorcats123 is because you should be banned I'm ten and you're a horribal person ** ****** *******