Granted. Deadpool kills Batman, tells the city of Gotham that Batman was Bruce Wayne, then kills himself.
I wish my posts would NEVER AGAIN kill this thread. If you look for my previous posts, you will (sadly) notice that my posts are replied to no less than one day later, a few times.
Granted. Because you have prestiged 20x on Every mmo shooter on the market, you think you would make an amazing infantryman. You smuggle your way to Afghanistan, then to Al Qaida HQ. 'Sadly', your invisibility dies at the same time you kill the current leader of Al Qaida. You Soon Die.
I wish for a device (or app) that would tell people how many planes are over head in real time.
Granted, but everyone around you dies and you get to watch people overuse the world until it's a great big ball of toxic waste, and then the sun explodes.
I wish something with a negative affect wouldn't happen.
We are sorry, but the Jinni is not available at the moment. Please leave your wish after the beep. HHHbeepHHHOOOOOONNNNNNKKKKKK. Message recorded. Have a great day.
I wish for a fish fry parade from San Francisco to Santa Fe.