Granted but when you emerge it's just a parallel dimension of this one except that you now bare the burden of carrying boulders up and down mountains without any assistance, we don't know what you have done to deserve this.
What exactly do you mean in your corruption?? It makes perfect common sense, and not a drop of comedic sense.
Well what do you know about the Amish lifestyle @abe10? That they don't use technology and shun all forward scientific movement? Because that's not right at all, they actually use solar power all the time, and have phones (Albeit only ones around the settlement but still.). The classical image of Amish settlements is one of hardship and toil without any links to technology where that isn't entirely correct. As for the comedic sense there is some but not a lot and anyway what you find funny and what other people find funny can be very different.
Granted but people make a remake of both songs that become far more popular where it's the other way around.
I wish people would learn about other cultures more.