You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
Granted, but Will gets tired of you growing wings at him, so he smacks you with a Franklinator.
I wish I had a Franklinator.
Granted, but the badger is angry with you and attacks you everytime you try to use it
I wish I could run a mile in 4 min
Granted, but your body gives out and you die of exhaustion immediately afterward.
I wish Christmas didn't exist.
Granted, but then the world hates each other.
I wish that i had levitation magic that can carry any weight
Granted, but the U.N. misidentifies this special ability for North Korean spy technology, and you get sent wherever your government North Korean spies.
I wish there were 78 planets in our solar system.
Granted, but they collide so much that soon our solar system is nothing more than a huge asteroid belt.
I wish I had the final book in the series I'm reading
Granted, but you find out that the author had died leaving the final book unfinished forever.
I wish that I could create anything just by thinking about it.
Granted, nut you have a nightmare, so...
I wish that the weather was different from how it is now
Granted, but it starts hailing diamonds and raining hydrochloric acid.
I wish every holiday was on the same day.
Granted, then every holiday becomes a regular day which no one cares about.
I wish for world peace tomorrow.
Granted, but everyone gets bored and commits horrible crimes the next day.
I wish there was a parallel universe where everything was exactly the same as it is in this universe.
Granted, but they decide to take over our universe for more resources.
I wish you a Merry Christmas
Granted, but it doesn't lead to a happy new year.
I wish there was a bridge between China and Japan.
Granted, but because of the character similarities in the alphabet, there is a misunderstanding that leads to all out war
I Wish that I could win the poetry competition
Granted, but people falsely claim that you stole someone's work, so you aren't recognized as the winner.
I wish Christmas would come now.
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