I thought this would be fun. In this game you are in a bear's cave. The bear is asleep. You can do almost anything you want in the cave but you can only declare one action per post. For each action a die will be rolled to see whether you woke the bear or not. 6 = epic win, 1 = epic fail and some freak accident occurs, you wake the bear and get eaten which means you can't post until a new page. The greedier, i steal 1000000000 diamonds from the cave, or stupider, i poke the bear with a sharp stick, you get the more likely i am to skip the roll and go straight to the freak accident. There are only two rules, 1. no double posting, and 2. keep the actions around a PG-13 level so a mod doesn't shut this thread down. And the game begins...
Darkfire45 you roll 6 you brush her coat so well it seems to shine with its own light
k4th3r1n3 you roll 6 the grandmother starts laughing and blushing
Zaork no you cannot sue a bear. they have no money and everything they own can be found commonly in nature(except the sweaters k4th3r1n3 made for them)
HahiHa you roll 4 the bears don't hate your music, but they don't exactly love it either
Kylelolcat you roll 5 you are allowed to approach the children
Darkfire45 you roll 1 unfortunately you pick the poisonous wolfsbane and the grandmother makes you eat it. you are fatally allergic to wolfsbane and die a very painful and slow death.
starcraftfan123 you roll 2 the grandmother thinks the chicken has salmonella and buries you alive
sonicheroes95 you roll 5 you manage to fish up some tuna
nevetsthereaper you roll 3 by accident you pull up a "inappropriate" site and before the cubs see it the grandmother uses your head to smash the laptop. you do not survive being used as a hammer