I thought this would be fun. In this game you are in a bear's cave. The bear is asleep. You can do almost anything you want in the cave but you can only declare one action per post. For each action a die will be rolled to see whether you woke the bear or not. 6 = epic win, 1 = epic fail and some freak accident occurs, you wake the bear and get eaten which means you can't post until a new page. The greedier, i steal 1000000000 diamonds from the cave, or stupider, i poke the bear with a sharp stick, you get the more likely i am to skip the roll and go straight to the freak accident. There are only two rules, 1. no double posting, and 2. keep the actions around a PG-13 level so a mod doesn't shut this thread down. And the game begins...
yeah i hate them i really don't care if their cute their annoying little turds
punt a baby at him
also what you said should be a 2
heres the chart
lets say you try to jump a fence
1- epic fail you run and trip on a rock and land on your face 2-fail you jump but hit the fence 3- partial success you jump over the fence but hit your leg on the way 4- success you jump the fence 5- epic success you jump do a back flip twice and land gracefully 6-OVER SUCCESS you not only jump the fence but the whole world and land right where you started
6 = epic win, 1 = epic fail and some freak accident occurs, you wake the bear and get eaten which means you can't post until a new page.
these are the only definitions i give for rolls. everything else is free for interpretation by ME. also, i'm rolling an actual die for this thing, not just randomly deciding whether you fail or succeed. anyway...
you roll 2 since you are trying to wake up the bear, the kid doesn't even make it a quarter of the way to the bear.
I gather my spoiled food then follow kylelolcat to the cupcake, snatch the cup cake while handing kylelolcat the rancid food and run like a ballerina (ballerinas run quietly, right?).
send in one of those noisy 4 year old who yells as the mother seemingly doesn't hear and acts like others don't but everyone else wants to STRANGLE THAT KID
I always want to strangle the mother for ignoring it.
I love kids, but satire exploiting children/old people is always humorous.
@aWulfy you roll 6 you oke the bear so hard in the nose that it leaves an imprint. amzingly the bear does not wake up
@Darkfire45 you roll 3 since i'm gonna assume you are trying to wake up the bear, the bear wakes up slightly, but doesn't notice the dummy and goes back to sleep
@xAyjAy you roll 2 you step on a very dry twig right inside the mouth of the cave and almost wake up the bear. you do not make it any further than a few feet into the cave