I thought this would be fun. In this game you are in a bear's cave. The bear is asleep. You can do almost anything you want in the cave but you can only declare one action per post. For each action a die will be rolled to see whether you woke the bear or not. 6 = epic win, 1 = epic fail and some freak accident occurs, you wake the bear and get eaten which means you can't post until a new page. The greedier, i steal 1000000000 diamonds from the cave, or stupider, i poke the bear with a sharp stick, you get the more likely i am to skip the roll and go straight to the freak accident. There are only two rules, 1. no double posting, and 2. keep the actions around a PG-13 level so a mod doesn't shut this thread down. And the game begins...
Kylelolcat you roll 4 the stick only makes it to the mouth of the cave. the bear wakes up, walks to the mouth, eats it, the goes back to the middle of the cave and falls asleep.
i sneak up behind katherin and i knife her in the back of the neck and while doing so i cover her mouth so as to not make noise
Dude! That's harsh!
as you sneak up behind katherine, she happens to yawn and her fist hits you right in the nose and you have to run out of the cave because you are in pain and have to leave the cave before you scream
I only wish I could yawn that hard.
I gently comb the bear's hair, while softly singing a touching country song.