I thought this would be fun. In this game you are in a bear's cave. The bear is asleep. You can do almost anything you want in the cave but you can only declare one action per post. For each action a die will be rolled to see whether you woke the bear or not. 6 = epic win, 1 = epic fail and some freak accident occurs, you wake the bear and get eaten which means you can't post until a new page. The greedier, i steal 1000000000 diamonds from the cave, or stupider, i poke the bear with a sharp stick, you get the more likely i am to skip the roll and go straight to the freak accident. There are only two rules, 1. no double posting, and 2. keep the actions around a PG-13 level so a mod doesn't shut this thread down. And the game begins...
@Darkfire45 you roll 1 The rock soars over the bear bounces off the wall and ricochets back to kill you.Even though the bear did not eat you, you still rolled a 1, got killed and have to wait for the next page before continuing.
@aWulfy you roll 1 As you walk past the bear, you step on a bone. The bear wakes up and you get eaten. i didn't do that just to be funny. i roll a real die and it just happened to land on 1 this time.
@DapwnageG you roll 5 the bear accepts your sandwiches with a grunt and goes back to sleep. You are free to explore the cave...until you wake him up again
I should probably have been clearer in the instructions so this is a warning and a revision that applies to all players. You can harass the bear but you cannot kill it or try to take control of it in any way.
@DapwnageG i really should just skip the roll for you even suggesting that the bear could die but i will let it slide this once you roll 2 the bear smells the drugs in the sandwich throws it away, and chases you out of the cave
@ichigo772 you roll 5 you take out DapwnageG why are you so set on taking out other players. this is a cave where you can do whatever you want so long as you do it silently!! also, i roll a real die. whether you get eaten or not is determined by fate
@Tehzombeh you roll 6 you pop enough popcorn to sink a ship or keep yourself well fed for at least 3 years
also, i roll a real die. whether you get eaten or not is determined by fate
i'm sorry let me revise that. unless you try to kill or take control of the bear, whether you live or die is up to fate. if you try to do either of the "forbidden actions" i will skip your roll and kill you