ForumsForum GamesPath to Legend: The Stone Giants

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528 posts

The Story continues where it ended, the three heroes who never met each other are still on the quest to find their own identity, to find the answer of all questions. But, a giant threat has hit the world, some unknown so-called Stone Giants terrorize the planet, it is unknown where they came from, but if they do bad things, they need to be stopped!


The Three Great Hopes are:

Ulderico, the Undead Battlemage! <The Word of Darkness>
Level: 4
Experience: 3/4

- - - - - - -

Wingus, the Gnome Wizard! <The Spellcasting Maniac>
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3

- - - - - - -

Viet Ahn, the Human Berserker! <The Pulverizer Strength>
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2


But wait! These three heroes will not be enough to defeat these Storm Giants! The world needs more heroes, just two more, and just two more will be enough, to save the world from the threat!


Okay people, this is it, the Sequel to Path to Legend RPG! As said, two more slots are open for players. If you don't know how to create your character, go to the first page of Path to Legend RPG thread and make one. These Avatars of the heroes are just to show-off their real face. They won't be used in the game. So, everything get ready! We are starting soon after 2 more players join! No more than 2 players, no excuses! Also, the new features will be shown when the game starts!

  • 89 Replies
528 posts

Oh, and isn't my Energy out of 12? It would be unfair for me to just get +1 merely from an item.

Lol...12 (+1 from Items) = 13....

Changed it because it was out of balance?

I forgot XD, can't keep track of all your characters, and school stuff...but I am trying my best.


Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: Battlemage
Level: 5
Experience: 0/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 9
Health: 7/7
Energy: 12/12 (+1 from Items)
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(23 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(18 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)

Yes, fights to the Death. You can use Finger of Death, your stats will refill, but it is restricted in the Arena. If you use it, you will be thrown out of the Arena and blamed on Execution.

Ok, so you do your tactic, the Time Traveler spends time being stunned in the Arena! After those stuns and Electric Lightning Bolts, you use the Brutal Blows you learned from Ponteus (poor him). And the Time Traveler falls on the ground. You walk towards him to FINISH HIM! But just a moment before your Mace hits him, he pressess a button on his head and dissapears (he returned in his timeline to be alive) won that battle, so you refilled your stats with that Water... And you leveled up. CHOOSE TWO SPELLS (Spellcrafting)

--Word of Darkness (Makes your target recieve 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy) - If you learn this your class will become Warlock

--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy) - If you learn this your class will become Mage

--Tap of Life (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)

Then you go back into the Arena Halls and you see the Table! You see that your next fight is with the SHAMAN. You have 3 posts to prepare, or to do something to cheat. This is his Info!

Damage 2
Health 179/179
Energy 10/10
--Healing Scream (Heals the Shaman's Health for equal to his Energy x3)(Costs 1 Energy)


Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 1
Experience: 0/1
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 7
Health: 4/4
Energy: 5/6
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

Artemis ---------------------------------------------- Ogre
Damage 7(+3)(+5)------------------------------------------ Damage 1
Health 2/4 ------------------------------------------- Health 24/24
Energy 5/6 ------------------------------------------- Energy 0/0

You cast Seesight again, and now you do 15 Damage per attack! Then he attacks you for 1 damage. What do you do now?
528 posts


I forgot to add the Table Picture.

1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 1
Experience: 0/1
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 7
Health: 4/4
Energy: 5/6
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

I attack him in his weakest place.

528 posts

Ulderico, you have an Interview from some Crazy arena Fan, his questions are:

1. Who do you think you will face if you reach the final?

2. Who looks the most dangerous from your eyes?

3. Which Combatant hasn't showed his true powers yet?

4. Who is the FAIL Combatant of this year's tournament?

5. Do you think you have a SIBLING here?

528 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 0/2
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 7
Health: 4/4
Energy: 6/6
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

You attack him in the weakest place from your Seesight, then he attacks you, then you finish him off! You level up! Your stats refill! You have 3 points to put in Damage/Health/Energy and you can learn one of these two spells!

--Mighty Headbutt (Deals damage equal to your Damage(stat) x2.)(Costs 1 Energy)

--Arc Strike (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)(A bit stronger than Headbutt, but costs more energy!)

5,340 posts

Name: Wingus
Age: 24
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 5/5
Energy: 13/13
Profession: spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

"lady stay away. i will try to defeat it. stay behind the door and dont run away because you might get in trouble. this might not be the only demon here."

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Furious Axe (+1 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+1 from Items)
Health: 6/6
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Fusioning
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

I just go to look some monsters

1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 0/2
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 9
Health: 5/5
Energy: 6/6
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Arc Strike (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)

2,752 posts

Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: Battlemage
Level: 5
Experience: 0/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 9
Health: 7/7
Energy: 12/12 (+1 from Items)
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(23 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(18 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)
--Word of Darkness (Makes your target recieve 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)

Now that I chose both spells, what will I be? A warlock mage? Oh, and can't I upgrade any of my past abilities? In addition, don't I get three stat points to add?

At the same time, I explore my options of cheating... I look if there is the possibility for me to take anything "extra" with me in the arena, find a way to weaken my opponent before the battle or to strengthen myself (all those are "checking", I won't actually attempt to do any of those yet).

528 posts

Sorry for being away, I was at my grandma's and I have no internet there...


Name: Wingus
Age: 24
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 2/5
Energy: 13/13
Profession: spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

The Mutation grows, but then it just explodes right next to you, you are very injured, (Look your Health). But then the woman comes to you and her hands start to glow. What do you do? How do you react?


Name: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Furious Axe (+1 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+1 from Items)
Health: 6/6
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Fusioning
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

You go into an abandoned Gold mine to look for some Monsters, you find no monsters there, but you see a hammer, a very very powerful hammer for you....What do you do?


Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 0/2
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 9
Health: 5/5
Energy: 6/6
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Arc Strike (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)

Yeah, you leveled up successfully, then you go around the forest to search for some monster and you see a Wooden Handcrafted Bow, hanging on a branch, you can take it, but the branch is very slim, it may break when you climb on it. What do you do?


Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: High Wizard
Level: 5
Experience: 0/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 9
Health: 7/7
Energy: 12/12 (+1 from Items)
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(23 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(18 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)
--Word of Darkness (Makes your target recieve 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)

Now that I chose both spells, what will I be? A warlock mage? Oh, and can't I upgrade any of my past abilities? In addition, don't I get three stat points to add?

You are High Wizard, and you know the drill about adding 3 stat points, I thought I shouldn't inform you anymore about that. So add em.

You check to cheat on the Shaman but a crazy interviewer comes to you and asks you few questions. You can answer them, can just ignore em:

1. Who do you think you will face if you reach the final?

2. Who looks the most dangerous from your eyes?

3. Which Combatant hasn't showed his true powers yet?

4. Who is the FAIL Combatant of this year's tournament?

5. Do you think you have a SIBLING here?
2,752 posts

Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: High Wizard
Level: 5
Experience: 0/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 10
Health: 7/7
Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items)
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)
--Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)

Oh, but, on next level up, I would really like the ability to upgrade pretty much all of my spells I got from the previous part (eventually, I won't have enough energy to cast all of them PLUS new ones, I think I'll need to upgrade the ones I already have).

You check to cheat on the Shaman but a crazy interviewer comes to you and asks you few questions. You can answer them, can just ignore em:
So sorry about that one... I saw it the first time, but I forgot to add my answers:
1. I think it's too early to tell, but, were I to take a guess, I'd say the 'skeleton guy' that beat what looked like a 'medusa'.
2. To me? It's gotta be the one with the red eyes. Not the wolf in a hat, the other one, with the looks of a barbarian. Gives you the creeps.
3. I haven't wathced the other fights, how would I tell (yeah, what kind of a question was that one?)?!
4. 'FAIL' combatant? In the arena, you're either good, or you're bad. And if you value your life, you need to be the former. Looking at the table, I see no 'FAIL' combatants, just living and dead ones.
5. It would have to be the guy I guessed I would face in the finals.

My current action is the one that got interrupted by the crazy interviewer.

By the way,
Lol...12 (+1 from Items) = 13....
...but I had 12 in my "new" char sheet, and the +1 was fair 'cause I was supposed to have the weapon from the past (and not gain +1 Energy just from "switching" RPGs).
1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 0/2
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 9
Health: 5/5
Energy: 6/6
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Arc Strike (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)

Yeah, you leveled up successfully, then you go around the forest to search for some monster and you see a Wooden Handcrafted Bow, hanging on a branch, you can take it, but the branch is very slim, it may break when you climb on it. What do you do?

I throw my wooden stick at it to knock it down.

5,340 posts

Name: Wingus
Age: 24
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 2/5
Energy: 13/13
Profession: spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

i think she wants to heal me. if she was bad then she wouldnt be tied in chains.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Furious Axe (+1 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+1 from Items)
Health: 6/6
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Fusioning
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

I took it and equiped it

528 posts

Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: High Wizard
Level: 5
Experience: 0/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)

Damage: 10
Health: 7/7
Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items)
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)
--Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)

..but I had 12 in my "new" char sheet, and the +1 was fair 'cause I was supposed to have the weapon from the past (and not gain +1 Energy just from "switching" RPGs).

Eaaghhh...nevermind, deal with it


So the Interviewer asks more questions, you answer them and it starts to get annoying, and you just say "I have no time, sorry", and you go away from him. Okay, time for that fierce Shaman, you go to look at his table again and you read about his spells. He has only one spell called 'Healing scream'. Maybe if you shut his dirty mouth he won't heal himself...(You have 2 more posts before the battle starts!)


Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 0/2
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 9
Health: 5/5
Energy: 6/6
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Arc Strike (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)

You throw once at the loose branch, but your stick just bounces off, you throw again and the branch cracks, but doesn't break, you look at your pocket to take another stick but then you look at the branch and the bow is gone. Some fast guy must've taken it. What do you do?


Name: Wingus
Age: 24
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 2/5
Energy: 13/13
Profession: spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

It was all a trap, her hands glow and then you are in Blackout state. Then you wake a hole with water rising very very slowly. You can't get out just by walking or jumping or climbing. You gotta do something, because the water is raising...What do you do?


ame: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Mighty Hammer (+2 Damage, +1 Health)
Damage: 9 (+1 from Items)
Health: 6/6
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Fusioning
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

You run to pick it up, but it was all a trap. the land where the hammer was is loose and it breaks, you fell down. Your leg is hurt and you must crawl if you want to continue, or search for something to help your leg heal. So you are in some unknown cavern now, you can go only in your front, and your left. You smell something stinky to your left. But still, where do you go?
Showing 31-45 of 89