ForumsForum GamesPath to Legend: The Stone Giants

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The Story continues where it ended, the three heroes who never met each other are still on the quest to find their own identity, to find the answer of all questions. But, a giant threat has hit the world, some unknown so-called Stone Giants terrorize the planet, it is unknown where they came from, but if they do bad things, they need to be stopped!


The Three Great Hopes are:

Ulderico, the Undead Battlemage! <The Word of Darkness>
Level: 4
Experience: 3/4

- - - - - - -

Wingus, the Gnome Wizard! <The Spellcasting Maniac>
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3

- - - - - - -

Viet Ahn, the Human Berserker! <The Pulverizer Strength>
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2


But wait! These three heroes will not be enough to defeat these Storm Giants! The world needs more heroes, just two more, and just two more will be enough, to save the world from the threat!


Okay people, this is it, the Sequel to Path to Legend RPG! As said, two more slots are open for players. If you don't know how to create your character, go to the first page of Path to Legend RPG thread and make one. These Avatars of the heroes are just to show-off their real face. They won't be used in the game. So, everything get ready! We are starting soon after 2 more players join! No more than 2 players, no excuses! Also, the new features will be shown when the game starts!

  • 89 Replies
1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Mighty Hammer (+2 Damage, +1 Health)
Damage: 9 (+2 from Items)
Health: 6/6
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Fusioning
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

I face the wolf ( my first attack will be Death Wish)

1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Grassy Armor (no effect)
Weapon: Handcrafted Bow (+3 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+3 from Items)
Health: 4/5
Energy: 3/6
Current Objective: None
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Arc Shot (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)

I walk around for a while and try to look for it.

2,752 posts

Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: High Wizard
Level: 5
Experience: 2/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 10
Health: 7/7
Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items)
Current Objective: None
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)
--Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)

I run outside the arena from the closest exit (or the one guarded the least, if I can't go through that one). I then look behind me to see how many people are following me, while thinking about the way I go next.

528 posts

Name: Wingus
Age: 24
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 2/5
Energy: 11/13
Current Objective: None
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

You walk and walk through the desert, but it's still nothing. You are starting to get hallucinations. You cast an Explosion at the sky and just...wait? Or what do you do then?


Name: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Mighty Hammer (+2 Damage, +1 Health)
Damage: 9 (+2 from Items)
Health: 6/6 (+1 from Items)
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Fusioning
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

Viet Ahn ---------------------- White Wolf
Damage 10 --------------------- Damage 1
Health 6/7 -------------------- Health 36/58
Energy 5/5 -------------------- Energy 0/0

You attack him with Death wish, that's 22 Damage! Then the Wolf attacks you normally for 1 damage. Then what do you do?


Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Grassy Armor (no effect)
Weapon: Handcrafted Bow (+3 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+3 from Items)
Health: 4/5
Energy: 3/6
Current Objective: None
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Arc Shot (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)

You walk around and you can't find your Scout Armor, but at a glance, you see some very better armor than the armor you previously had. It's much better. But maybe it's a trap, who knows?


Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: High Wizard
Level: 5
Experience: 3/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 10
Health: 7/7
Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items)
Current Objective: None
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)
--Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)

You run to the Guards door and while running you yell at the Guards: "Spectators trying to kill me". The guards quickly kill the drunken *******s and they are sent to jail, What an easy mission (+1 Exp). Then you run to a hideout and you take off your Hood, but at the same find the Engineer dead, stabbed with his screwdriver. You don't know whether to cry (because he was a good guy) or to cheer (because you are in the Final now)...You qikcly hide the body under the hood and hide it even more in a hole. Then you sleep, it's 2 turns 'till the Final.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Mighty Hammer (+2 Damage, +1 Health)
Damage: 9 (+2 from Items)
Health: 6/6 (+1 from Items)
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Fusioning
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
I use Concussive Blow and then I used Death Wish

1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Grassy Armor (no effect)
Weapon: Handcrafted Bow (+3 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+3 from Items)
Health: 4/5
Energy: 3/6
Current Objective: None
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Arc Shot (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)

I look around for any signs of a trap.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Mighty Hammer (+2 Damage, +1 Health)
Damage: 9 (+2 from Items)
Health: 6/6 (+1 from Items)
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Fusioning
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

I use Concussive Blow and then I use Death Wish

2,752 posts

Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: High Wizard
Level: 5
Experience: 3/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 10
Health: 7/7
Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items)
Current Objective: None
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)
--Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)

I try to find the other finalist and talk to him, to learn more things about him.

5,340 posts

Name: Wingus
Age: 24
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 2/5
Energy: 11/13
Current Objective: None
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

"aww i dont like to wait. but if i will start walking my explosion would be meanengless and a waste of magic. also i will get more thirsty and lose energy so the only thing i CAN do is wait "

528 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Mighty Hammer (+2 Damage, +1 Health)
Damage: 9 (+2 from Items)
Health: 6/6 (+1 from Items)
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Fusioning
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

You do Concussive Blow (11 damage) and stun your target (for 1 turn). Then you do Deathwish (22 Damage). That's total of 33 Damage. Then the Wolf attacks you, then you attack him. You kill and you level up! Your stats also refill and you have 3 points to invest in damage/health/energy, and you can learn a spell or fuse (from profession):

---FUSE Death Wish+Concussive Blow = Apocalypse Attack (Deals damage equal to 4x your Damage stat and stuns your target for 1 turn)(Costs 2 Energy)


--Leap attack (Leaps towards your target, stunning him for 2 turns)(Costs 1 Energy)

--Thunder Clap (Claps the ground, dealing 2x of your Damage stat to all enemies (if you fight 1v2 or 1v3)).


Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Heavy Leather Armor (+1 to All Stats)
Weapon: Handcrafted Bow (+3 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+4 from Items)
Health: 4/5 (+1 from Items)
Energy: 3/6 (+1 from Items)
Current Objective: None
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Arc Shot (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)

You don't see any signs of trap. So you still carefully go to take your new Armor, and you just pick it up...and nothing happens. You then wear the armor (look sheet). Then you hear Wolf Howls to your West. Maybe if you go you will learn the Path of the Wolf and learn Druid and Shapeshifting powers. Or you can go on the Mountain to learn Path of the Mountain to learn pure strong fighting without any magic, but strong abilities. Where do you go?


Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: High Wizard
Level: 5
Experience: 3/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 10
Health: 7/7
Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items)
Current Objective: None
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)
--Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)

You find the Finalist and you talk to him. He just says: "Uldericoohooohoho, you don't know me, but I know you." You then say: "What the hell? Who are you?" He then comes to your ear and whispers this "Ulderico, don't panic, but I am your Brother, I will explain everything later, but you got to know that I won't kill you in the Arena because you are my brother, you kill me if you want, I deserve to die, but that's your choice, brother." You then see him more clearly and you remember from the past that he is your brother. This is a hard decision to make...Kill him in the Arena or Spare him? 1 turn 'till the Fight!


Name: Wingus
Age: 24
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 2/5
Energy: 11/13
Current Objective: None
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

You start to see even more hallucinations in the Desert, but then a strange hallucination shows that tells you a very important clue. It says "You gotta listen to me carefully! I am your Ancestor, I was in the same road you were and died here from thirstiness, but...I didn't had a Frostbolt spell like you, my son! It's hot here isn't it? What will the Frostbolt do in the hot then?"



2,752 posts

Name: Ulderico
Age: 24
Race: Undead
Class: High Wizard
Level: 5
Experience: 3/5
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 10
Health: 7/7
Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items)
Current Objective: None
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)
--Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)

"I will not fight you, bro. Screw the prizes! Come join me into my quest for glory and honour, in my quest to rid the world of the threat of the Stone Giants! Or at least the bad ones."

Hehe, I can totally understand... didn't I tell you it rocks (well, you had pretty much figured it out by yourself, but anyway)? Although you might find the story a bit short, I'm sure it's a game to enjoy.
5,340 posts

Name: Wingus
Age: 24
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 2/5
Energy: 11/13
Current Objective: None
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

lol feels kind of stupid "thank you so much... i guess i was too tired to think." i will cast frostbolt and let it melt into my mouth

1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Heavy Leather Armor (+1 to All Stats)
Weapon: Handcrafted Bow (+3 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+4 from Items)
Health: 4/5 (+1 from Items)
Energy: 3/6 (+1 from Items)
Current Objective: None
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Arc Shot (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)

Path of wolf.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Age: 24
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Mighty Hammer (+2 Damage, +1 Health)
Damage: 11 (+2 from Items)
Health: 6/6 (+1 from Items)
Energy: 6/6
---FUSE Death Wish+Concussive Blow = Apocalypse Attack (Deals damage equal to 4x your Damage stat and stuns your target for 1 turn)(Costs 2 Energy)

Showing 76-89 of 89