The Story continues where it ended, the three heroes who never met each other are still on the quest to find their own identity, to find the answer of all questions. But, a giant threat has hit the world, some unknown so-called Stone Giants terrorize the planet, it is unknown where they came from, but if they do bad things, they need to be stopped!
But wait! These three heroes will not be enough to defeat these Storm Giants! The world needs more heroes, just two more, and just two more will be enough, to save the world from the threat!
Okay people, this is it, the Sequel to Path to Legend RPG! As said, two more slots are open for players. If you don't know how to create your character, go to the first page of Path to Legend RPG thread and make one. These Avatars of the heroes are just to show-off their real face. They won't be used in the game. So, everything get ready! We are starting soon after 2 more players join! No more than 2 players, no excuses! Also, the new features will be shown when the game starts!
Name: Ulderico Age: 24 Race: Undead Class: High Wizard Level: 5 Experience: 0/5 Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect) Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy) Damage: 10 Health: 7/7 Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items) Profession: Spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy) --Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy) --Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy) --Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle) --Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy) --Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)
I look for a way to appoach him unseen, and then "silence" him, without attracting attention.
Name: Wingus Age: 24 Race: Gnome Class: Wizard Level: 3 Experience: 2/3 Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell) Weapon: Spellbook (No effect) Damage: 6 Health: 2/5 Energy: 13/13 Profession: spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy) --Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy) --Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health) --Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy) --Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)
Name: Ulderico Age: 24 Race: Undead Class: High Wizard Level: 5 Experience: 0/5 Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect) Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy) Damage: 10 Health: 7/7 Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items) Profession: Spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy) --Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy) --Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy) --Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle) --Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy) --Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)
You try to approach unseen but a crazy guy just sees you and yells at you. You failed...but it's night, and everyone goes to bed, they can't wait for the tomorrow's battles. Maybe you can do something at night.
Name: Viet Anh Age: 24 Race: Human Class: Berserker Level: 2 Experience: 1/2 Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect) Weapon: Mighty Hammer (+2 Damage, +1 Health) Damage: 9 (+2 from Items) Health: 6/6 Energy: 5/5 Profession: Fusioning Abilites: --Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy) --Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
You go left, but the stinky smell goes in your open wound and you start to suffer pain (-1 Health). However, a wofl is chasing on your back. Fight the Wolf or Continue deeper through the stinkyness, or maybe something else?
Name: Artemis Edilsmith Age: 22 Race: Human Class: Wanderer Level: 2 Experience: 0/2 Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health) Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect) Damage: 9 Health: 5/5 Energy: 6/6 Profession: Blacksmithing Abilities: --Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy) --Arc Strike (Deals damage equal to Damage/Health/Energy stats)(Costs 2 energy)
You go to your left, and it's one Goblin Thief, carrying "your" bow. You say "Hey, I found that!". Then he says "I don't see your name on it." Then you raise your fist in anger and a battle starts.
Artemis -------------------------------------------- Goblin Thief Damage 9 ------------------------------------------ Damage 2 Health 5/5 -------------------------------------- Health 39/39 Energy 6/6 -------------------------------------- Energy 0/0
Name: Wingus Age: 24 Race: Gnome Class: Wizard Level: 3 Experience: 2/3 Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell) Weapon: Spellbook (No effect) Damage: 6 Health: 2/5 Energy: 13/13 Profession: spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy) --Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy) --Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health) --Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy) --Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)
Good idea, then the water stops rising because of the ice, but you still can't get out. You can't cast frostbolts now because you will Overload yourself from casting Frostbolts so frequently...What now?
Name: Arlakion Age: 22 (changed you age because minimum is 22) Race: Human Class: Wizard Level: 1 Experience: 0/1 Armor: Blue Robe (No effect) Weapon: Heraldic Staff (+1 Energy) Damage: 7 Health: 2/2 Energy: 8 Profession: Fusioning Abilites: --Fusion Bolt (Damages enemy equal to your Health/Damage/Energy Stats)(17 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
So you wake up in a cave, You remember nothing from your past, you don't even know what are you. You forgot totally everything. The only thing you know is that you can fuse your powers to destroy your foes, and fuse even more things to help you out on your journeys. So, what do you do now?
Name: Ulderico Age: 24 Race: Undead Class: High Wizard Level: 5 Experience: 0/5 Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect) Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy) Damage: 10 Health: 7/7 Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items) Profession: Spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy) --Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy) --Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy) --Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle) --Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy) --Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)
I try to approach him once again, stealthily and even more cautiously than the first time. I'm determined to have him unable to heal in the next fight.
Name: Ulderico Age: 24 Race: Undead Class: High Wizard Level: 5 Experience: 0/5 Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect) Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy) Damage: 10 Health: 7/7 Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items) Current Objective: Night Rumble Profession: Spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy) --Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy) --Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy) --Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle) --Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy) --Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)
You wear a black hood you get from a Tailor so nobody recognizes you even if they see you. Then you go where the Shammy is sleeping, and cautiously, you erase one of his mouth wires so that he can scream and talk, but not heal. Then as you break his mouth wire, he screams, and everyone around him awakes and starts to chase you. One of the guys there quickly whispers at you: You gotta run boy...and fast! (This Objective has 3 turns (posts), if you don't complete it in 3 turns, you will fail and you may receive a penalty (-Item gone, Damaged, Injured, Unlearned spell, depending on the objective you have)
(I also added the "Current Mission" in your sheet, and I'll add it to everyone later, so it's easier for me to track you, instead of going on previous pages to see.)
Name: Ulderico Age: 24 Race: Undead Class: High Wizard Level: 5 Experience: 0/5 Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect) Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy) Damage: 10 Health: 7/7 Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items) Current Objective: Night Rumble Profession: Spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy) --Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy) --Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy) --Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle) --Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy) --Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)
I start running 1. the way I came, if I saw nobody there or 2. another way (priority: to the right is first, to where I'm facing is second and to my left is last, if any of them is available). In case I successfully run away from there and there's anything such as a river in the city, I use Waterwalk to create some distance from the ones following me.
Name: Ulderico Age: 24 Race: Undead Class: High Wizard Level: 5 Experience: 0/5 Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect) Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy) Damage: 10 Health: 7/7 Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items) Current Objective: Night Rumble Profession: Spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy) --Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy) --Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy) --Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle) --Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy) --Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)
Everybody is around you, your only priority is to come where you came from. There's a river with a bridge there. You can waterwalk but they can cross the river through the bridge, you gotta destroy that bridge...
Name: Wingus Age: 24 Race: Gnome Class: Wizard Level: 3 Experience: 2/3 Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell) Weapon: Spellbook (No effect) Damage: 6 Health: 2/5 Energy: 13/13 Profession: spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy) --Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy) --Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health) --Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy) --Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)
hmmm... i will try casting lightning bolt on places and i might make a hole which will be good enough to crawl through
Name: Ulderico Age: 24 Race: Undead Class: High Wizard Level: 5 Experience: 0/5 Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect) Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy) Damage: 10 Health: 7/7 Energy: 14/14 (+1 from Items) Current Objective: Night Rumble Profession: Spellcrafting Abilites: --Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(27 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy) --Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy) --Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy) --Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(20 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy) --Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle) --Word of Darkness (Makes your target receive 1.5x more damage, stacks up to three times!)(Costs 1 Energy) --Life Drain (Drain your target's life, doing 20 damage, and heals you for 2 Health)(Costs 3 Energy)
you gotta destroy that bridge...
A bit hard, considering I'm carrying nothing and have no spell that could help me, don't you think? Anyway... Try 1: I use Brutal Blow to destroy the bridge's 'connection' to the side I'm closest to. Try 2: If this bridge is only wood and ropes, I try to untie the ropes from either side. Try 3: I try threatening the ones following me by striking a Lightning Bolt on the ground or on a fragile object and saying "Wouldn't want to be standing there, right? Get off!" Try 4: I use Waterwalk, but don't cross the river. I just go towards the south, still walking on water. If they follow me there without first crossing the river using the bridge, I go to the side where none of them is. If they follow me after having crossed the river, I do the same, going to the side where none of them is. If they split in two groups, I keep on heading south.
I know I should only be choosing one option, but I can't! I don't know in what sort of a situation I am exactly, so please choose the one with the best result or the most effective one.