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Technoshard RPG

Story:At 23rd century Earth population was grown to big for this planet.So goverments formed together, and founded new organization; United Human Space Colonization Organization (UHSCO) to find and colonize new planets.
2402 UHSCO found their 134th planet, only called as number 178452.That planet was deserted and it would been left to peace if one thing wasnt founded there.Technoshard, huge skyscrapper, was only structure what had found over there.And it wasnt a human orign.What extraordinary items could that building contain!Sadly it has shield around it, and no human weapon could shot those shields down.But after months, those shield suddently disappeired, and lot of UHSCO soldiers ran inside to see what that building contaided.But as suddently were shield gone, as suddently they come back, and UHSCO soldiers get trapped inside Technoshard.

In this rpg you are one of those "lucky" ones who are stuckked inside Technoshard.Search fabulous items and weapons, fight agains threats and descover mysteries of Technoshard!

Character sheet:
Hp:10x endurance
Hp reg. endurance/2
Energy:10x intelligence
Energy reg: intelligence/2
Classick below
Weapons:select 2 by your class starting weapons, can find more in game
Melee weapon:get by your class melee weapon, can find more in game
Avabilityick below
Items:get by your class, find more in game
Allies.Find in game
Stats:Use 25 points in stats below.Remember to put your class bonuses too!(stats cant get below 0!)

Stat explanations:
Endurance:increases your max hp, and hp reg.Cant be below 1
Intelligence:Increases your max energy, energy reg and skill to use energic weapons.Energy is needed to use energy weapons and skills.
Agility:Increases your moving and reloading speed
Strenght:Increases your melee fighting skills,with your without melee weapons.Also decreases damage to you on melee fights.
Sniping:Increases your skills to use long range weapons
Gunsmith:Increases your skills to use medium and low range weapons
Explosives:Increases your skills to use heavy weapons
Seaching:increases your searching skills;you can find better weapons, ammo etc faster!
Luck:Self explanation.
I recomment to choose which kind of weapons you want to use, and focus mainly your skill points on them.You however can use any weapon which you find, but your skills on using them can be pretty low if you havent get some points on stats which increase their skills.

Marine +2 endurance,+1 strenght,+2 gunsmith,-3 sniping,-1 intelligence,-1 explosives
Basic soldiers,trained to use various weapons.
Starting weaponspick 2 if you select marine-class)
Assault rifle (30/300)
Pistol (12/120)
Smg (45/225)
Combat rifle (10/40)
Shotgun (8/80)
Auto-shotgun (10/70)
Machinegun (50/200)
Laser rifle (-2/30)
Melee weapon:knife
Items: 3 hand granedes

Sniper +5 sniping,-2 endurance,-1 agility,-2 gunsmith
Long ranged unit,best against heavy and single opponents
Starting weaponspick 2 if you select sniper-class)
Sniper rifle: (5/50)
Combat rifle (10/40)
Laser rifle (-2/30)
Bazooka (1/10)
Railgun (-5/50)
Pistol (12/120)
Melee weapon:knuckle-duster
Items:2 smoke granedes, 1 paralyzer granede

At-trooper +4 explosives +1 intelligence -3 agility -2 endurance
At-troopers carry heavies weapons,
Starting weaponspick 2 if you select at-trooper class)
Combat rifle (10/40)
Laser rifle (-2/30)
Bazooka (1/10)
Rocket launcher (2/10)
Laser rifle (-2/50)
Granede laucher (5/10)
Pistol (12/120)
Melee weapon:knuckle-duster
Items: 2 emp granedes

Brute +2 endurance +2 strenght +1 agility -3 sniping -2 intelligence
Heavy units, mostly use melee and low range weapons.
Starting weapons: (pick 2 if you select brute class)
Shotgun (8/80)
Auto-shotgun (10/70)
Pistol (12/120)
Smg (45/225)
Melee weapon:sledge hammer

Pioneer +3 intelligence,+1 agility,+1 endurance -2 explosives,-2 sniping,-1 strenght
Pioneers are intelligence soldiers, which usually use energy weapons
Starting weaponspick 2 if you select pioneer-class)
Laser rifle (-2/30)
Railgun (-5/50)
Laser pistol (-1/20)
Melee weapon:energy blade

Avabilitiesick 1 below
Cloak: become undetectible for short period of time,-7 energy,2 charge
Battle mode:Get faster, stronger, and aim better when battle mode is on -6 energy, 1 charge
Teleport:Instatly travel a location which you choose.Low range.-10 energy, 2 charge
Quick heal:heal by +10 hp -10 energy 3 charge
Emp:Fire an Electro-Magnetic pulse aroud you, stunning and/or damaging mechanic devices.-13 energy,4 charge
Shockwave:Fire a shockwave around you, pushing enemies away.-12 energy,3 charge
Shield: create a energy barricade where you want, blocking most of fire. -16 energy, 4 charge

About this RPG:
This is NOT suppose to be "realistic" rpg, you dont need to sleep or eat in here!Its all about wondering...

I cant be online every day, so you propably need to wait some time before getting replay by me...

If you have some questions, look over here before asking to me.
Can I ask questions (about this game)?
Sure!Feel free to ask questions, in here, or in my profile.I try to answer as quickly as possible!
What means (x/y) after a weapon?
It means weapon clip/max ammo.X is ammo ammount currently in clip, y is max ammo for weapon AMMOS ALREADY IN CLIP ARENT COUNTED!
Why some weapons, like laser rifle, has negative clip then?
Energetic weapons wprk different way than normal ones.-x on them means energy ammount needed to fire a shot for it.So energetic weapons dont need ammos, only energy!However, they have cooldown bar, which is at same place as normally max ammo.It also counts down, when firing, and then when it reaches 0, you cant shoot!

  • 234 Replies
142 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 75/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (30/370), Pistol (12/120)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 5 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, hallway
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Level 1
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

I sneak up to see what they're talking about.

993 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 80/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (30/370), Pistol (12/120)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 5 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral:-1 (nasty)
Level 1
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

You get -1 moral.
You sneak behind a some sort of a table.You here what soldiers talking:
Soldier 1:"The Guardians has detectived that a living being is at this level.He got here by using elevetor near by.We must to chech, if living being is here, and eliminate him."
Soldier 2:"I`ll be happy tho blast its brains up."
What to do next:
A.Step up
B.Shoot those soldiers
C.Get back to hallway

142 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 80/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (30/370), Pistol (12/120)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 5 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral:-1 (nasty)
Level 1
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

I take out my gun and shoot the soldiers in the face

993 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 85/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (0/370), Pistol (12/120)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 5 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral:-1 (nasty)
Level 1
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

You fire closest soldier to the head with assault rifle.You kill him before he is capable to do anything.Remining soldier takes cover behind a pilar.What you do?
A.Reload your weapon, and wait soldier to show up
B.Go hunt him with pistol
C.Run away

142 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 85/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (0/370), Pistol (12/120)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 5 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral:-1 (nasty)
Level 1
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

I take out my pistol and go to find him.

993 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 70/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (0/370), Pistol (0/120)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 5 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral:-1 (nasty)
Level 1
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

You equip a pistol and go to look around pilar.You see the soldier and he sees you.You start firing eachother.You fie the hole pistol clip agains soldier, but he isnt killed yet.Now your both weapons clips are empty and soldier is firing you.What you do?
A.Reload the pistol and kill soldier
B.Reload assault rifle and kill soldier
C.Go to melee fight with knife.
D.Run away and reload your weapons.

142 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 70/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (0/370), Pistol (0/120)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 5 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral:-1 (nasty)
Level 1
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

Go fight with the melee weapon.

993 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 65/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (0/370), Pistol (0/120)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 5 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral:-1 (nasty)
Level 2
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

(I forgot to add exp for killing the 1st soldier, I added +30 exp now)
You take the knife and attack agains soldier.You manage to kill him with knife (+50 exp!)
Level up!Now you can use 2 points to increase stats what you want
What to do next?
A.Reload your weapons and search items
B.Reload your weapons and go back to hallway.

142 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 65/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (0/370), Pistol (0/120)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 5 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral: 1
Level 2
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

Search for items to find helpful things.

993 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 70/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (30/450), Pistol (12/108)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 7 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral: 1
Level 2
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

You havent used your 2 statpoints!
You search items and you found 2 hand grenades,150 assault rifle ammo and Smart assault rifle (20/170).The Smart assault rifle fires minirockets, which can seek to your enemies.
What to do?
A.Swap your pistol or assault rifle for Smart assault rifle.
B.Leave that gun

142 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 70/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (30/450), Pistol (12/108)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 7 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral: 1
Level 2
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

I used the stat points on the moral.
I'll leave the gun.

993 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 75/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (30/450), Pistol (12/108)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 7 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral: 1
Level 2
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

Moral is only stat what cant be effected by statpoints You can increase/decrease it by choosing certain actions.
You leave the weapon.Then you notice a drone who is heading toward you.what you do?
A.Shoot that thing!
B.Say:WHo are you?
C.Run away

142 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 75/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (30/450), Pistol (12/108)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 7 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral: -1 (nasty)
Level 2
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

That would've been nice to know -_-
I ask "who are you?"

993 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 75/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (30/450), Pistol (12/108)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 7 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral: -1 (nasty)
Level 2
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

Actually I told it -_- :

I also add Moral-stat (also could been called as karma).Moral cant be effected by stat points, you`ll get by your actions
(look at page 19 to find orginal post.And you still havent used your 2 stat points :P

You hear unhuman sound which answers:"I am Defender drone 7435."
What to do next?
A.Ask:Well, what are Defenders then?
B.Ask:Why you dont attack agains me?
142 posts

Name: Harst
Appearance: Relatively tall(about 6ft), weak looking stature, brown hair, brown eyes
Hp: 75/90
Hp reg: 5
Energy: 20/20
Energy reg: 1
Class: Marine
Weapons: Assault Rifle (30/450), Pistol (12/108)
Ammo:60 combat rifle ammo
Melee weapon: Knife
Avability:Battle mode
Items: 7 Hand Grenades
Allies: none
Location:Technoshard 2nd level, Room
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 2
Strength: 4
Sniping: 1
Gunsmith: 3
Explosives: 1
Searching: 1
Luck: 1
Moral: -1 (nasty)
Level 2
Medals:1st blood (kill 1st enemy,+5exp)
Brute (make a melee kill, +15 exp)

I ask it why it doesn't attack me.

Showing 211-225 of 234