Leader Name/Gender: Grish'naak/Male
Leader Age: 27 Cycles
Title: Saint of Taol
Trait: Sticks and Stones- Regardless of the situation, he will find a way to get what he wants.
Race: Behemel
Bio: A cold tactician. He often hesitates to size up the situation before acting upon it; Then acts with sheer brutality. His mindset is, 'If I can't kill it, its probaly not worth killing anyways'.
Perk: Stone Cold- Unnerves people during diplomatic conversation. Scares away animals by glaring at them.
Planet: Algum (Forest, Beheman System)
Colony Name: Taol
Cities: Arrival, Arch-Angel
Combat: Kinda Blessed Swords, WoodBow, QuartzArrow, GranSpear, GranShield, DragArmor, DCorArmor, WristBlade, Camo
Colonial: Stable-Houses
Other: None
Buildings: Landed Ship, 250 Huts, Church, StoreHouse
Arch-Angel Buildings: Base Center, Church, Barracks, StoreHouse
Vehicles: Golems(Silver)
Defenses: None
Population: 2440
Laborers: 500
Fishermen: 250
Researchers: 500
Medics: 250
Soldiers- 950
Spearmen(GranSpear/GranShield): 440
Ninjas: 50
Rangers(WoodBow/QuartzArrow/WoodCamo): 250
Reverends: 200
Soldier Types: Militia, Reverends, Rangers
Allies: Alpha(Human)
Enemies: None
Material: 2000(Granite), 2500 Iron
Secondary Material: 500 (String), 600(Vine), 500(Dragon Parts), 500(Reaver Parts)
Solid Mana: 1500(Quartz)
Projects: Hospital-2 Turns, Drills-2 Turns, Ninjas-3
You use some of the iron to add supports to the mine. This won't be of much need unless you're using high-power mining tools or mining in underwater/deep underground mines.
You train 50 Spearmen to be black-clad assassin bodyguards. Y'know, Ninjas. They are adept in all weapons and stealth.
Herald: Taol could be targeted if the other colonies fail. It would be arrogant to take your resources without repayment when the Dark Corruption sits nearby, so we shall make a fair exchange for any useful materials you can provide such as quartz and iron.
The Silverbeak Hawk seems to squirm and thrash as the DCor exoskeleton wraps around it. While it does this, the medics put the bird to sleep without harming the virus and examine it, finding that the virus infects the brain and grows DCor-processing organs. the Exoskeleton also seems to be similar to cancer cells, giving it its regenerative properties. The only part of the bird that isn't infected is the beak.
Leader Name/Gender: Talow Rosine/Male
Leader Age: 18
Trait: Chaos Control: if their would be a bad result, can use this to change it to good. only works once every 7 pages
Race: Trollix
Bio: a 5'10 Trollix who tends to keep to himself. sucks with leadership and didn't even want it, but took it up to prevent an idiot with no clue from taking it. unmatched in tatics when he understands what's going on. commonly seen wearing a red t-shirt and blue shorts.
Perk: Unlikely Hero: Gains special options during diplomatic dialouge.
Ambassador: Demyx Nove
Ambassador Perk: Weapons Technician-Weapons research takes less previous tech.
Planet: Bimoor (Memetialike, Memetia II System)
Colony Name: Ark
Combat: Shotguns(1 Shot),Rifles(Charge), Swords(Iron), Revolvers, Snipers(Shot), Claws(Iron), Gunblades, Element Cartridges, Goldworms,
Elements: Fire, Chaos
Colonial: Stable-Houses, Medics
Other: Pickaxes(Granite), Axes(Iron)
Buildings: Landed Ship, 200 Houses, 1 Storehouse, 1 Mega Farm, 2 Farms
Vehicles: Dragons, Armored Trucks
Defenses: None
Population: 2600
Laborers: 950
Farmers: 120
Feeders: 50
Researchers: 400
Medics: 100
Militia(I.Swords): 350
Riflemen(1 Shots): 45
Heavies(ShotSnipe): 50
sEEDs(Gunblades): 100
Purple Pacmin: 100
Dragonkin(Charge Rifles): 480
Soldier Types: Militia,Dragonkin,Heavies,Riflemen,sEEDs
Allies: Shaunsonville
Enemies: None
Material: 1500(Wood), 550(Granite), 425(Steel)
Secondary Material: 500(String), 250(Gold) 925(Sand)
Solid Mana: 250(Anarclay), 500(Quartz)
Projects: Radars-2 Turns, Iron Suit-1 Turns, Steel Wall Build-3 turns
You set the Laborers to gather steel at a rate of 125 a turn, and then begin making the Steel Wall.
The Medics have finished the cure and try it on the DCor Youtubians. The DCor infection recedes and they become normal Youtubian Zombies. We have a way to kill the DCor, but we still need a way to recall them from a Primal/Zombie state.